danger zone for high blood pressure?

1 Answer

Answer :

This morning my blood pressure is 189/112. Am I to expect to stroke out at any minute? It is consistantly high and I have constant ringing in my ears and weakness and dizziness. I am unemployed and uninsured. What to do?

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Last Answer : answer:No way I would get in the car and let my SO drive after what just happened. Do you believe he reported the incident to his doctor and if he really did, do you think he reported it as you ... of this in order not to scare your son but it comes down to not being safe and not being fair.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm pretty sure that's an urban myth. I used to sleep walk, and have known many others who do the same. No one's ever come to harm that I know of. (The stories always ... who heard about someone ) Mostly it would be like anyone being woken suddenly - disoriented and confused. More info

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Last Answer : I’ve read it can lower sperm count because of the added heat to the area…. past that I dunno.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, my wife had our first when she was 37 and our second when she was 40. Both are quite healthy and happy. Yes, there is a slight increase in the risk of problems when the mother is ... of water fall from the sky? If you are in generally good health the increase in risk is pretty small.

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Last Answer : answer:I think that many office jobs (especially managerial) are overpaid whereas many manufacturing jobs are a bit underpaid. I know for a fact that I am earning less than half of what the average person in ... at my level of experience/skill earns, but times are tough and I need what I can get.

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Last Answer : No there shouldn’t be.

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Last Answer : Deleted by me.

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Last Answer : answer:You are not damaging it. In fact, you wouldn’t find it hard to find products (stands) that would help you do this, such as http://www.twelvesouth.com/ In fact, the first time I did it I probably helped my MacBook b/c all this black crap came out of the bottom. It was dust from the fans.

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Last Answer : Isn’t that stuff public record?

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Last Answer : I share your fear. I have long felt that the shape of a spider is archetypal to me. I would know it anywhere. As to your general question, no a fear does not have to be linked with a learned experience or with anything concrete.

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Last Answer : My mother-in-law started her conversion 12 years ago.

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Last Answer : People are overusing computerized everything. Plain old good sense and common sense aren’t high tech enough to trust?

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Last Answer : Did your friends see you when you were showing schizophrenic behavior? If they were able to tolerate that then I would think they would be relieved to know that you have been given a diagnosis ... mental illness. It is time they realize that mental illness is not so different from other illnesses.

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Last Answer : I point out the imperfections of others.

Description : What is the danger in posting pictures online?

Last Answer : People may see them – people who you would rather not see them. They may then use those pictures (of your likeness) in ways you can’t imagine and may not approve of.

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Last Answer : I go into mild shock whenever I give blood samples even though I tell myself it's ridiculous (it doesn't even hurt) but the shock still happens. My mother goes into shock when she see bees near her ... out, get up and limp away as a memory reaction to his puppyhood when one of his feet got broken.

Description : What’s a very real danger that people tend to overlook?

Last Answer : Not sleeping enough

Description : If it is not raining is there the danger of lightning?

Last Answer : Yes. Lightning can strike up to 10 miles away from a storm. NOAA has some intersting facts on lightning here

Description : spearmint - insects - danger if i use the leaves in drinking water or salads ?

Last Answer : after the sun has almost gone down use 2 tablespoons dawn in 1 qt water and spray on & under leaves, again if it rains or you see them. then when you need leaves cut them off and rinse in water with 1 teasp white vinegar..................

Description : can I cook plum seeds with the pulp and strain them out to make jam with no danger from cyanide

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : I found a sunflower plant covered with Clover Stem Borer eggs (and the adult)...what is their danger to my garden?

Last Answer : they might try and take over your garden, I would wait until the sun goes down and have ready a mix of 1 teasp liquid hand soap and 1 qt water to send them off....won't kill them but they won't eat your plants.