After removing a prince albert piercing will it cause and side effects to my penis?

1 Answer

Answer :

You probably will not notice any side effects after removing your piercings but it will close up rather quickly just because of the type of skin that is there.

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Last Answer : I don’t have a penis, but I think I know the feeling you’re talking about. It’s almost like a ’zing’ right down the line.

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Last Answer : Freckles. I promise. (You can see a dermatologist if you’re still scared, but believe me, it’s freckles.)

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Last Answer : Youve been watching BME havent you?

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Last Answer : it’s not terrible. TV purports everyone has a 12” dick, which isn’t the case. especially if you’re just 16 – don’t sweat it.

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Last Answer : Size doesn’t matter as long as you know what to do with it. If you’re on an extreme (ie incredibly small or extremely large), it can have an effect, but most women won’t dock you for being average if you use it well.

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Last Answer : Urban Dictionary says…..

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Last Answer : See a urologist immediately, and do exactly what s/he advises.

Description : I am 30 years old Married life 6 years ago I got high blood pressure 5 years ago and since then I have not had time for sex and the size of my penis is too small .

Last Answer : Check the regular pressure . Drink plenty of water. Insperm (2 + 0 + 2) Hamdard Aliz Halua (1 + 0 + 1) Green Pharma Regularly consume milk , ghee , honey , dates , kaljira . ... or medicine accordingly. Consult a regular local doctor. Take medicine on their advice. Stay with Ans Bangla. Thanks!

Description : My name is Reza. I am 13 years old, now my penis is 5.9 ". What will be bigger ? How much will it be ?

Last Answer : It is a matter of heredity, if you look a little you will see that the penis of Africans or Nigerians is much bigger In our country, on the other hand, the penis of a man is a little smaller , ... you are more likely to grow up. The body grows by 20-21 years so the penis will also get bigger.

Description : I have a sore throat , should I use nebanal powder ? My penis was sore ,,,, then I started using nebanal powder there ,,, !! Cos used to come out from the first wound, then it stopped because of ... it possible for me to get better ? Or should I change ? And what are the symptoms of wound healing ?

Last Answer : Yes, you can apply this powder on a regular basis. I hope you will find a solution. And do not water or soak the wound. Keep the wound dry and clean. If necessary, clean it with lukewarm ... day and give this nebanal powder. And take antibiotics as soon as possible with the advice of a doctor.

Description : I have a wound on my penis. Can I put water there ?

Last Answer : No. Do not pour water there. Keep the wound dry. However, you clean it with lukewarm water. There you clean it with cotton and apply nebanal powder. And do not get wet, take antibiotics on the advice of the doctor.

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Last Answer : Yes, use it.

Description : Does anyone have an ugly penis?

Last Answer : Yes! But there are those who like it. Everyone has a match!

Description : Are you hanging out in the toilet or on the seat?

Last Answer : I'm hanging out. I have to, because I also pee while doing big things and so it’s comfortable.

Description : What is a good thickness?

Last Answer : 4-5 cm or thicker is normal and good thickness!