How to Find High Fiber Food to Avoid Constipation?

1 Answer

Answer :

Irregularity is not simply an inconvenience. It can quicklybecome a medical emergency. It can also turn into a chroniccondition, resulting in damage to internal organs, toxicity, oreven death, in some cases.Most bouts of recurring irregularity respond very well to eatinga diet which is rich in high fiber food. It is no surprise that ourlifestyle and food choices are often depleted of high fiber foods,and nutrients, as well. Even with all the literature recommendingeating healthier, many of us resort to old habits, grabbing what isconvenient, or tastes good.How do we adopt a high fiber food diet? The answer is easy. Eatmore unprocessed food. To identify unprocessed food, there is arule of thumb you can use. If it is in it’s natural state, such asan apple would be, it is unprocessed. If it i

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Description : Is high fiber cereal good to eat with constipation?

Last Answer : The average person needs 10 and 25 grams of fiber in their daily food. Cellulose is the most common source. Foods such as beans, cereals and berries are good examples of high fiber foods. You should be careful of foods that are touted as high grain but contain a large amount of sugar.

Description : What are some high fiber foods I could eat to help me with my constipation?

Last Answer : Corn, White Beans, Black Beans, Kidney Beans, Garbanzo Beans, Avocado, Whole-Wheat Pasta and a few more are some high fiber foods which can help with the Constipation problem.

Description : How to Avoid Constipation ?

Last Answer : How to Avoid Constipation Constipation is a very uncomfortable condition that easily be prevented. This is a condition where you have less than 3 bowel movements in a week. You may also ... that are beneficial to your body. Yogurt has lactus bacilli that help improve your digestive functions.

Description : Could you inform me about food for constipation?

Last Answer : Here are some food that will cause constipation: the western diets consisting of high fatty foods, fast foods, sodas, caffeine products also banana will make you constipated. So do not a lot of those foods.

Description : Constipation and bloating after anorexia?

Last Answer : Try a teaspoon of baking soda in water. I had that problem after a colonoscopy. My doctor recommended it to me to help get the pH of my gut back in order. He said to do it no more than once a week because it depletes B-vitamins. You might also want to take the B’s just to make sure you’re not low.

Description : How can I unclog myself? (yes, constipation)

Last Answer : Prune juice.

Description : Vacation constipation; why does it happen?

Last Answer : I think it’s the major change in routine and the fact that you eat different foods that you’re used to while you’re on the road.

Description : Can constipation slow down one's metabolism?

Last Answer : It’s usually the other way around. If you have a slow metabolism for some reason, you can suffer from constipation. Constipation is a symptom of a slow metabolism. Any other symptoms?

Description : Horrible Constipation!! Please help!

Last Answer : Did you try an enema? Also if you eat, eat some raisins or prunes. Also, drink some caffeine.

Description : How to beat constipation without the use of medicine?

Last Answer : Water, mineral oil, Epsom salts.

Description : How bad can constipation get? After taking something like stool softner will it work immediately?

Last Answer : Firstly, I am so sorry, constipation is the worst! Secondly, I have always made sure to drink plenty of water and eaten food high in fibre when in this predicament (Bran cereal, prunes etc). If ... error here, apologies). Finally, good luck with that. I know that you will find relief eventually :P

Description : Ever have constipation so bad that it hurt to move?

Last Answer : might I add that it feels like I swallowed thumb tacks. Awesome!!!! Please tell me that you have experianced this. I never have. I need to relate on this one. I’m a little worried.

Description : What is your best constipation remedy and/or routine to prevent?

Last Answer : Metamucil. Stool bulk softener

Description : What foods cause constipation ?

Last Answer : 1) Bread Bread contains fructane which stays in the stomach for a long time , is not easily digested. In this way the bacteria ferment fructans and form gases. This gas causes problems like ... causes digestive problems. However, in this case, hot milk helps to reduce the problem of constipation.

Description : What is the solution to the problem of constipation ?

Last Answer : Constipation is a serious and uncomfortable physical problem which , due to lack of proper treatment, can lead to serious diseases like piles and colon cancer. Unhealthy and unhealthy eating habits , unhealthy ... at night , eat in the morning. 6. Diseases that cause constipation should be treated.

Description : Is it better to eat isubagul bran at night or in the morning for constipation ?

Last Answer : Get up in the morning and eat after soaking at night .

Description : What to do to get rid of constipation? Is there any medicine ?

Last Answer : You should not eat fatty foods. Drink more water and eat more vegetables. Don't eat market flute food and televaja and fried food. With the advice of the doctor, take 4 tablespoons of milk of magonesia ... a day, after meals, mix it with 1 glass of warm milk or lukewarm water and drink it.

Description : What is the English language for constipation ?

Last Answer : English Constipation of Constipation .

Description : Ways to get rid of constipation and medicine .. ?

Last Answer : Many people use stool softeners such as laxatives to relieve constipation. There is also an analgesic. Prolonged use of these drugs can lead to normal bowel movements. Therefore, the main cause of constipation is ... water or milk while sleeping at night. If you feel bad, you have to eat yoghurt.

Description : Can avalanche syrup be taken for constipation ?

Last Answer : Yes, it can be eaten. But it would be better if you can drink Milk Of Magnesia Syrup. It is better than Avolac. However, why not eat one of these two, you will eat with the advice of a ... matter which of these two syrups you eat, its side effects may be bloating for a few days and flatulence.

Description : What is constipation ?

Last Answer : Constipation is an abnormal physical condition when a person is not able to defecate easily. Generally, one or two consecutive days of rapid bowel movements and dry and hard bowel movements are known ... does not cause constipation instead of curing it. Actilac is one of the most popular laxatives .

Last Answer : Constipation is a very well known problem and it affects people of all ages. Constipation causes a variety of problems in the body such as acidity , loss of appetite , bad breath , headaches , depression , ... with half of water and eat it twice a day as a rule. Your problem will be solved quickly.

Last Answer : During pregnancy Most The woman Constipation Suffer. A. Time Lots Water Drink To do Is. Fresh Fruit Such as - banana , guava , mango , papaya Etc. Fruit To eat Should. Fresh Vegetables A. ... Collinsonia - 30 " Regular Plays Relax Found Will go If necessary Wise Physician Advice To take Will be

Description : Who struggled with the discomfort caused by constipation during pregnancy? Why does this happen so many times?

Last Answer : Constipation is a very common complaint during pregnancy. I think this is also related to hormones. I am 14 weeks pregnant and have been struggling with this since the first few weeks. My advice would be ... similar situation to me to try to eat plenty of fibrous food. Apples are one of the best.

Description : Will something natural help?

Last Answer : On a hungry stomach, 3 handfuls of sauerkraut and three gulps of cabbage. But if you have a "lazy" large intestine, not just occasional constipation, learn to eat yogurt with oatmeal. When you improve ... nuts and grains, you make minds, it will be ideal for the natural function of the intestines.

Description : Do guavas cause constipation?

Last Answer : At times yes guavas can run tricks on your digestion if you take too many of them. If you are a love guavas I would suggest you take more of guava juice instead of eating guavas raw for an easier digestion.

Description : How to cure chronic constipation permanently?

Last Answer : You need to make sure you have a healthy diet with plenty of fibre. Lots of fruit and vegetables will stimulate a lazy bowel and drink plenty of fluids. Some breakfast cereals containing bran can also help. Try to ... to find out if he can help as it is not good for toxins to build up in the body.

Description : What is the best remedy for constipation? Will it be harmful?

Last Answer : Constipation is obviously not good for you and I have suffered from it in the past. It makes you feel tired and sluggish as you are carrying around too much waste which will affect your physical well being. ... most cases it can be dealt with quite easily at home and doesn't come to this. Good luck.

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Last Answer : Assertion: In acute constipation, purgative containing magnesium salts are generally used. Reason: The osmotic ... `Mg^(2+)` is absorbed very slowly

Description : Why is a person suffering from constipation advised to eat fruit and vegetables?

Last Answer : Fruits and vegetables contain fiber which is essential for yourdigestive health. It cures constipation and makes your colonhealthier.

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Constipation?

Last Answer : DefinitionConstipation refers to infrequent or hard stools, or difficulty passing stools. Constipation may involve pain during the passage of a bowel movement, inability to pass a bowel movement after ... When the stool is hard, infrequent, and requires significant effort to pass, you have

Description : constipation all the time blood in my underwear?

Last Answer : constipation all the time blood in my underwear”

Description : do you have bloating and constipation?

Last Answer : do you have constipation and blating

Description : Constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, abdomiom pain. What do you think of these symptoms ?

Last Answer : Constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, abdomiom pain. What do you think of these symptoms ?”

Description : What are the best home remedies for constipation?

Last Answer : The best remedies for constibation include hot tea and cold milk alternating every 30 minutes. This can help to clean up your constipation.

Description : What are some of the best remedies for constipation?

Last Answer : Common remedies for constipation include laxatives and enemas. Safer alternatives are Prune Juice, fruits, massage, and exercise; chronic problems should be referred to a person's doctor.

Description : new born baby is constipation what can i do?

Last Answer : If your newborn is constipated it may be from not eating enough. Make sure that the baby is getting an adequate amount of breastmilk or formula. Giving the baby a bath and massaging his or her ... your to baby. Do not give your child laxatives of any kind without first consulting a pediatrition.

Description : Can you get cold sweats from dehydration and constipation?

Last Answer : it's also common with menopause to have night sweats and issues like that....I hope she is going to the doctor to get treatment....

Description : How can I treat constipation by changing my diet?

Last Answer : To treat constipation by diet, the best way is to add more fiber in your diet to help bulk up the stool. Fiber can come from fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Description : What ways can you treat constipation without medication?

Last Answer : Most common way is to increase fluid and fibre in your diet. Also, drinking apple juice and Prune Juice can help with constipation, if you are not diabetic.

Description : What is best to take to prevent constipation?

Last Answer : Maintaining a healthy diet is key to preventing constipation. Introducing foods high in fiber, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, and drinking plenty of water are some things you can do to prevent constipation.

Description : What are some good foods to eat for constipation?

Last Answer : Foods that are high in fiber, like bran, berries, dried fruits, beans, and whole-grain bread can help to relieve constipation. Also make sure to drink plenty of water.

Description : Which foods help to relieve constipation?

Last Answer : Any foods that are high in fiber help to relieve constipation. This is because your body cannot process plant fiber, so it effectively goes through your digestive system and cleans house.

Description : What medications treat constipation?

Last Answer : Mylanta is used for heartburn not constipation. It is important to consume fiber to relieve constipation. There are OTC fiber or you can find fiber the natural way in fruits and vegetables and grains.

Description : What is constipation and what causes it?

Last Answer : Constipation is defined as having a bowel movement fewer than three times a week. Constipation is typically caused by a poor diet such as; not enough fiber, lack of physical activity, medications, milk, etc.

Description : What would be a cure for constipation?

Last Answer : Constipation is defined as a condition where bowel movements are not regular or when the bowels are not completely emptied through regular waste elimination. Constipation is one of the most common gastro intestinal problems suffered by both adults and kids in America and the world over.

Description : What are some treatments for constipation at home?

Last Answer : For the short term, laxatives can be used to relieve symptoms immediately. For the long term, consider what factors in your diet could be causing constipation and change accordingly. Consider increasing the amount of dietary fiber you consume.

Description : Is prune juice a good and effective treatment to constipation?

Last Answer : According to colon-cleanse-constipation dot com, Prune Juice is an extremely inexpensive laxative. The website claims that prune juice helps aid constipation.

Description : Treating Constipation Naturally?

Last Answer : This year, over 2.5 million Americans will seek medical help for constipation. While TV commercials may make light of the condition, the truth is that those who suffer from chronic constipation experience ... An extra boost can be had by simply adding psyllium fiber to a daily glass of juice.