What is a term used to describe the use of legitimate force?

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Last Answer : link for more information: https://shop.lunaprise.com/pages/about-us-galactic-legacy-labs

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Last Answer : How about checking with a local senior residence center? It would probably be a donation in that case.

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Last Answer : I just looked it over. I can’t say if it is safe or not, but I will tell you I did some searches for different authors and most came up not there. Even some big names like Dean Kootz came back with no results.

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Last Answer : I have no idea, inadequate hair covering? I don’t know anything about wresting either, but it seems ridiculous. And honestly, if there’s past racist behavior, he should never be allowed to work with children period, let alone a school system.

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Last Answer : Go to “gofundme.com” and read up on it. They have all the info you need to know. But be sure to post a legitimate need as they will bust you if it isn’t.

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Last Answer : To a degree. The girl, in facing the bull, changes the aspect of the bull. But turn the girl around, having her face the other direction, and she (and the bull) stand alone.

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Last Answer : answer:Wherever you go, there you are. Get a life. What [sports team A] needs to do now is score some points, and prevent [opposing team] from scoring points. Some people say… A new study suggests that more/less of X may reduce the risk of Z.

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Last Answer : Yes, they appear to be legitimate. Charity Navigator gives Kiva a high rating.

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Last Answer : Yes. Why would it not be?

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Last Answer : I missed that….it was funny!

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Last Answer : I try to pay with cash whenever possible. I take cash out of the ATM around two hundred dollars at a time. I try to avoid using credit cards for gasoline, in stores, in restaurants, all when possible, ... . I feel like the less I use cards for, the less chances there are for fraud and ID theft.

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Last Answer : Well that “soaring the sky of excellence” thing is surely a dead giveaway to anyone paying attention.

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Last Answer : answer:I can not begin to understand even having that conversation. I would have said mail me something and hung up. To answer your question, probably not.

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Last Answer : answer:Ask him the names of the modeling agencies. Check out the agencies.(Call the Better Business Bureau in the city).Call the agencies to see what they say about the photographer. These days you can also often get huge amounts of information by googling.

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Last Answer : answer:To call it a disease is probably stretching it. It’s recognized as a disorder, in that it is a behavior/trait that negatively impacts the life of the person who hoards. I guess it could rise to the level of mental illness (e.g., cat hoarders), but I don’t see why it necessarily has to.

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Last Answer : answer:At least you know how to sell yourself ~ Yes, there are ways to work at home, but they are usually independent contractor deals. You are your own boss, and you are responsible for drumming up ... be a call center agent for the Home Shopping Network, if they have the right kind of home office.

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Last Answer : answer:In my personal experience with bipolar disorder, I can't readily tell the difference until afterwards. That's the problem. I can't recognize the unreasonable, delusional fears from the legitimate ones. ( ... and one mood stabilizer. It all works to keep me on an even keel, more or less.

Description : Does this look like a legitimate shopping website to you?

Last Answer : answer:Tough call. On one hand, they have registered their domain anonymously so that you can't find out the name of the owner. This is suspect to me. On the other hand, they have been around for 7 ... However I don't rule out that it is a scam being run from a hotel room in China or something.

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Last Answer : If you get to know someone, then you have a falling out of some sort and they start to make hurtful comments to get a rise out of you. They may whisper these comments and not use your name, but you know ... . I would put it on the mild side of cyber bullying, but it is what it is. It's bullying.

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Last Answer : My husband and I discussed this and we can’t see any reason, and we love guns, hunting, etc… I’m interested to see if anyone has a legitimate reason because when I’ve asked I’ve gotten no reply.

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Last Answer : answer:I think I know what that one is, and if I am right, no, it isn’t. My question is what app installed that bit of nastiness. I know I got rid of a few apps that used “push” ads like that.

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Last Answer : Well, the customers might object to being filmed in the altogether.

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Last Answer : Hotcoupons used to work, but it turned into Money Mailer. It may still work. I used HotCoupons before but even with coupons, I am too cheap to go out for dinner. They best deals in the world though are ... with my EB held high so all the other guys know I paid have as much for dinner as they did.

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Last Answer : You could always borrow the money.

Description : How can we know if a charity is legitimate so we won't be throwing our money away?

Last Answer : answer:Clark Howard (a financial/consumer wiz I like) has some good basic recommendations Personally, I prefer to look into the charity and find out: -The percentage of donation that actually gets used (not for admin ... . That way I can see my dollars at work and can see what needs I can help with.

Description : Are there any legitimate work at home jobs?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome to fluther, @mag777. There is certainly paying work you can do at home. The legitimate kinds that I know of involve using a saleable skill you already have: a hairdresser who opens a shop in her ... work are you qualified to do? Then ask if there is a way to do it from your home.

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Last Answer : For enough money, Charlie has a case.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think it makes a difference whether they are authentic or not. You must judge for yourself whether they are valuable to you, or not. To say that some idea comes from some authority no one ... them. If they do speak to you, then keep on reading. That is the only legitimacy you need.

Description : Are there any legitimate sites that stream live TV?

Last Answer : answer:Live TV? No, because the networks have shot down, through litigation, anyone who has attempted this. I understand and empathize with your pain, though. I never watch television. I used to ... subtitles, lol! Just a suggestion. You might find someone streaming their TV on justin.tv. hint

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Last Answer : It never really occurred to me that a debunking site might be… debunked. I just assume they research as they say they do and are pretty reliable.

Description : Where would it be cheapest to buy legitimate expensive watches?

Last Answer : a pawnshop. or ebay. I have a rolex and my husband has a few really expensive luxury brand watches, they were all bought in this way. those are the only reliable ways, unless you are really good at spotting replicas. Is it a replica your’e after?

Description : Are there any legitimate benefits to learning Latin?

Last Answer : Yes, your understanding of French, Spanish, and Italian will go up dramatically- not to mention English!

Description : Legitimate and consistent way to make about $500/mo working remotely?

Last Answer : answer:Try mturk.com I’m not sure if $500 is likely, but I think it’s possible if you really dedicate yourself.

Description : Where can I go to find a legitimate performance chip for my truck?

Last Answer : answer:This is my third attempt at doing this. I know nothing about Glasspack exhaust systems, but I do know about High Performance Exhaust Systems if that's what you are wanting. I'd go with this http:/ ... too tired to look and correct. Alright, it's waaay past my bedtime. Good luck and have fun!

Description : Do you have any legitimate arguments against the existence of female on male rape?

Last Answer : Rape is done without consent.A man doesn't have to have an erection to be raped. In criminal law, rape is an assault by a person involving sexual intercourse with another person ... technically distinct) form of assault typically including rape and other forms of non-consensual sexual activity.

Description : Is there a legitimate reason to buy an expensive electric toothbrush?

Last Answer : answer:We just bought the $80 Oral B package from Costco (which comes with two brushes). I used it for the first time last night and the difference (that slick feeling) in cleaning fairly well ... two year warranty. Here's the model I got and there are more unscientfic reviews on the site.

Description : Could "liquid mountaineering" become a legitimate sport?

Last Answer : Yeah, no. I’m not convinced that this is real, and niether does Gawker . This wouldn’t be the first time a company has used viral marketing to advertise. From the camera quality to the licensed music, this would be pretty hard and expensive to do unless you had a company’s backing.

Description : Would this be a legitimate way to copy music?

Last Answer : You can still record it from the radio as far as I know. Can’t you?

Description : Does anyone know if legalbuds.com is legitimate and is it secure to buy from?

Last Answer : Doubt it.

Description : Is there any legitimate technical reason that some web sites forbid special characters in passwords?

Last Answer : Yes, in many programming languages, certain special characters have a meaning within the program. They trigger some action, which is not what you want from a password string. If you are dealing with such ... cause trouble, but it's easier and more efficient on the server side to just ban them.

Description : Are there any legitimate ways to increase breast size?

Last Answer : How old are you?

Description : What colleges/universities have excellent, legitimate Web Design programs?

Last Answer : Georgia Tech would be the best one I can think of, I know people that have taken it there and they now have their own sites and are making money doing what they love. It all depends on where ... I'm sure that there are many great colleges all around the world that have a great web design class.

Description : Is there a legitimate website that sells this True Blood poster?

Last Answer : Why don’t you just take that img file to a printing shop and have it printed for yourself? Probably costs about the same as finding, shipping, and waiting to receive one from someone else. Is this copyright infringement if it is for personal use?