What vegetables do Jews eat?

1 Answer

Answer :

There are no restrictions in the laws of kashrut (kosher eating) on vegetables.  So, Jews generally find ways to eat whatever vegetables that are locally available.  There are some vegetables with special connections to certain Jewish holidays.  Potato pancakes are popular on Hanukkah and horseradish has a special place at many Passover Seders.

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Last Answer : yes

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Description : Can Jews eat calamari?

Last Answer : No. Calamari is squid. The Bible says, in Leviticus 11:9-12 and Deuteronomy 14:9-10, that the only permitted seafood are fish that have both fins and scales. That rules out all shellfish and crustacians. So. no to squid and no to lobster.

Description : Can Jews eat calamari?

Last Answer : No. Calamari is squid. The Bible says, in Leviticus 11:9-12 and Deuteronomy 14:9-10, that the only permitted seafood are fish that have both fins and scales. That rules out all shellfish and crustacians. So. no to squid and no to lobster.

Description : How many cups of vegetables do you eat in a day?

Last Answer : Probably 2 in one week lol.

Description : Are all vegetables' sprouts safe to eat or is/are there exception/s?

Last Answer : answer:Not that I’m aware of unless sprouted in a toxic environment. You could always google each seed you want to sprout individually if you were concerned but seeing as all the sprouts we eat we also eat either in plant form and/or in seed form I would be very surprised.

Description : If I eat above the recommended amount of fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, grains, and protein everyday, is it still worth taking a multi-vitamin?

Last Answer : It is pointless I believe. The only thing is to get your vitamin D either from the sun (20/dayI think) or vitamin D suppliments.

Description : Will I get sick if I eat vegetables that use a particular fertilizing method?

Last Answer : No, you will not become ill. I, myself, use many of Jerry Baker’s methods for my veg garden. These are natural methods to help you avoid harsh chemicals.

Description : Can it be unhealthy to eat too many vegetables or fruit?

Last Answer : answer:Use common sense and eat a balance of complex carbs., beans and lentils, vegetables without limit and some fruit (which has sugar) I can’t imagine overdosing on brown rice and brocolli, but what do I know?

Description : Some conventional farmers won't eat their own meat or vegetables. What do you think about this?

Last Answer : answer:I understand that. I doubt owners of McDonalds and other such franchises wish to eat in their establishments. I am friends with a pilot who never flies internationally with his own company and me ... , and it is indeed permitted here to just get to the point without beating around the bush.

Description : How much land and work do you think it would take to grow your own food, if you only eat fruit and vegetables?

Last Answer : I’ve read than half a hectare (around 1.25 acres) is enough for self-sufficiency, though it obviously depends on where that land is and what sort of soil and aspect you have. Without mechanical equipment, it’s likely to be a time consuming job.

Description : What are your favorite ways to eat RAW fruits and vegetables?

Last Answer : Fresh. Fruits raw, vegetables generally steamed, but sometimes raw.

Description : Creative Ideas for getting my toddler to eat vegetables?

Last Answer : Here is the airplane and here is the hangar doesn’t work?

Description : What fruits and vegetables do you eat skin and all?

Last Answer : I can’t think of any veggies I peel. Oh, avacados. Fruits? I don’t eat banana skins or orange rinds.

Description : How many grams of vegetables should we eat daily ?

Last Answer : 220 grams of vegetables should be eaten daily.

Description : Will eating more rice with vegetables increase fat ? What happens when you eat rice ?

Last Answer : Vegetables are low in kilocalories. Eating rice with vegetables will not increase fat. Eating more rice with vegetables also reduces the risk of health problems. Those few calories are lost due to hard work.

Description : What is the way to lose weight ? I run 30 to 40 minutes every morning after morning prayers. Then at 9 o'clock in the morning I eat 8 loaves of bread with vegetables. Again at 9 o'clock at night he ... he is not losing weight and fat. Is there any problem in food ? Or what to do to lose weight ?

Last Answer : : I train a few people in a gym myself and I have been advising on these things for the last 3 years. But if you don't take it seriously, I can't help it. So now I say eat as much ... increase the distance slowly. He will have to change his training next month and then I will tell you what to do.

Description : I do not have a toilet , the toilet does not pressure. I did endoscopy but no disease was detected ? The doctor says to eat bran vegetables. After eating these regularly, it doesn't work. Lots of bowel ... I want to suspect that there is a problem in the small tube in the stomach. Brother helps me.

Last Answer : It may be due to your constipation which may be due to gastric , indigestion , first try a syrup to see if it works. Take 4 tablespoons of magmill 200ml syrup in the morning and at night and mix it ... find a solution. And you can take the advice of a liver specialist about the test you want to do.

Description : What vegetables did the Tudors eat?

Last Answer : hello

Description : Why is a person suffering from constipation advised to eat fruit and vegetables?

Last Answer : Fruits and vegetables contain fiber which is essential for yourdigestive health. It cures constipation and makes your colonhealthier.

Description : Why do we have to eat vegetables?

Last Answer : For the vitamins, minerals and fibre that meat alone cannot giveyou.

Description : What's the best multivitamin to buy for someone who smokes cigarettes and doesn't eat a lot of fruits or vegetables?

Last Answer : There is a really good product called Voots. They are chewable fruits and vegetables in a tablet. My kids and I love them. They taste great also.

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Last Answer : Fruits and vegetables exposed to malathion at mosquito control rates can be safely eaten after washing the food to cleanse it of germs and microorganisms. In fact, malathion is registered by the EPA for the control of many insect pests on a wide variety of fruit and vegetable crops.

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Last Answer : Find out how chlorophyll can benefit your health Chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants and algae their green color, is the latest superfood to add color to a juice bar . It is ... feed the good bacteria in our digestive system of many vitamins , minerals and other phytochemicals  . "

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Last Answer : The word “Falasha” is considered a derogatory term.

Description : Does how you feel about the Israeli Palestinian conflict have anything to do with how you feel about Jews, Israelis, Palestinians or Muslims in your country?

Last Answer : If you're asking if the Israeli/Palestinian issue influences my views on Jewish or Palestinian residents of the United States, the answer is: Yes. Of course I make assumptions, the ... Palestinians pro Palestine. Interacting with Jews or Palestinians here, the topic rarely comes up. Interesting

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Last Answer : answer:Thomas Edward Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) was quite antisemitic; however, he was one of a group of Brits who were to decide on a National home for Jewish people. In 1917 Great Britain ... day, many Arabs try to migrate into Israel with various deceptions to become a citizen of Israel.

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Last Answer : answer:Pure speculation on my part: A traveling Israeli would avoid stopping in an Arab country that didn't allow Israelis. And, if they did, they would only be transiting at the airport, not passing ... message on Israeli stamps: some say it is grounds for denial, others say it does not matter.

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Last Answer : Not at all. I’ve known smart Jews and ignorant Jews both, but I tend to determine intelligence based on how well I know the individual, not assumptions and generalizations based on religious affilation.

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Last Answer : Nothing that I know of.

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Last Answer : I’m not a Star Wars nerd, so I’ll skip this question…

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Last Answer : Jews have bigger problems than one worthless bigot lol.

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Last Answer : answer:Just celebrating them reinforces the traditions. Things are changing a little in America, not sure about other countries, but still for the most part Jewish holidays are celebrated without a lot of decoration ... t want that to happen. They feel the way to get back is to live, to continue.

Description : How is it that so many Jews ended up in the forests of central Europe?

Last Answer : answer:I am not sure how the Jews wound up in Europe, I think probably we travelled to where the work was or where we were not being killed or enslaved, but that is a guess, my history ... 1900's, Many considered themselves Zionists. I don't find your question antisemitic or offensive by the way.

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Last Answer : answer:Anti-Israeli govt. =/= Antisemetism (i.e. Anti-Jew ) All the Jews/Israelis I've ever met disagreed with a lot of the internationally contentious behaviours of the Israeli Govt. And, ... says, he's a natural power-monger. Sounds like he's buddies with the expansionist Israeli politicians.

Description : Why the animosity toward Jews?

Last Answer : answer:I have never understood this. My best guess would be that in medieval times Jews often worked in trades like money-lending and banking that were off-limits to ‘proper’ Christians. Great question by the way, I look forward to reading the responses of those more learned than myself.

Description : Jews: Whatcha doin for Pesach? Non-Jews: Want to learn about Passover?

Last Answer : This year I may throw caution to the winds, and hide the Apfikomen.

Description : Why were the Jews given Palestine?

Last Answer : For the record, the British Mandate and subsequent UN partition did not give Palestine to the Jews. It was split into two states initially, that were subsequently unified during the war of 1948 (when ... Kingdom (it could easily have been incorporated as part of the plan back then, but wasn't).

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Last Answer : Messianic Jew is an oxymoron.

Description : Why some Jews are for West Bank & Gaza (Settlements) and others are not?

Last Answer : Why are some people for any issue and some not. There are differences of opinions. I don’t know of any population of humans that thinks in lock step on any issue. We are not a hive mind, after all.

Description : What Persian queen preserved the Jews? -Riddles

Last Answer : Hadaosoh—Esther viii. 7.