How many cups of vegetables do you eat in a day?

1 Answer

Answer :

Probably 2 in one week lol.

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Description : Are all vegetables' sprouts safe to eat or is/are there exception/s?

Last Answer : answer:Not that I’m aware of unless sprouted in a toxic environment. You could always google each seed you want to sprout individually if you were concerned but seeing as all the sprouts we eat we also eat either in plant form and/or in seed form I would be very surprised.

Description : If I eat above the recommended amount of fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, grains, and protein everyday, is it still worth taking a multi-vitamin?

Last Answer : It is pointless I believe. The only thing is to get your vitamin D either from the sun (20/dayI think) or vitamin D suppliments.

Description : Can it be unhealthy to eat too many vegetables or fruit?

Last Answer : answer:Use common sense and eat a balance of complex carbs., beans and lentils, vegetables without limit and some fruit (which has sugar) I can’t imagine overdosing on brown rice and brocolli, but what do I know?

Description : How much land and work do you think it would take to grow your own food, if you only eat fruit and vegetables?

Last Answer : I’ve read than half a hectare (around 1.25 acres) is enough for self-sufficiency, though it obviously depends on where that land is and what sort of soil and aspect you have. Without mechanical equipment, it’s likely to be a time consuming job.

Description : What are your favorite ways to eat RAW fruits and vegetables?

Last Answer : Fresh. Fruits raw, vegetables generally steamed, but sometimes raw.

Description : Another amazing reason to eat more green vegetables

Last Answer : Find out how chlorophyll can benefit your health Chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants and algae their green color, is the latest superfood to add color to a juice bar . It is ... feed the good bacteria in our digestive system of many vitamins , minerals and other phytochemicals  . "

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Last Answer : We put together multilayer wedding cakes, by using dowel rods in the cake to support the weight, and each layer on its own cardboard separator.

Description : How many cups of tea does 1 oz loose leaves make?

Last Answer : answer:I brew tea each day and use about 1½ teaspoons for a 12 oz. mug. That makes a strong brew. I could use either less tea or more water for a paler brew. I cannot translate an oz. into a ... back to the store easily. That will insure that the tea itself doesn't go stale. But it's conjecture.

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Last Answer : What do you mean? How many can you survive? How many are unhealthy? How many keep you awake?

Description : If I drink at least eight cups of water every day and drink nothing else, what benefits would it have and would it help my acne?

Last Answer : answer:The only thing that helped my son was going on prescription strength cream and antibiotics for a couple of months. He had bad acne and the combination of those two things cleared it up. Acne is caused by bacteria. Water, although a healthy drink choice, won’t do much for your acne.

Description : Is it bad to drink about 3 cups of coffee a day ?

Last Answer : I work a 12 hour midnight shift from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. and I drink about 4 cups of coffee during that time on each of my shifts throughout each work cycle. I've never had any problems ... and I've never heard of any detrimental health issues that would or could occur from drinking a lot of coffee.

Description : If I drink 3-4 cups of tea or coffee every day, will there be any problem ?

Last Answer : It is not right to drink 3-4 cups of tea or coffee. Drinking 2 cups is enough. Do not drink milk tea in tea , if possible eat green

Description : How many cups of water do humans require per day? a. 1 to 3 c. 5 to 9 b. 10 to 12 d. 7 to 11

Last Answer : d. 7 to 11

Description : Will I get sick if I eat vegetables that use a particular fertilizing method?

Last Answer : No, you will not become ill. I, myself, use many of Jerry Baker’s methods for my veg garden. These are natural methods to help you avoid harsh chemicals.

Description : Some conventional farmers won't eat their own meat or vegetables. What do you think about this?

Last Answer : answer:I understand that. I doubt owners of McDonalds and other such franchises wish to eat in their establishments. I am friends with a pilot who never flies internationally with his own company and me ... , and it is indeed permitted here to just get to the point without beating around the bush.

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Last Answer : Here is the airplane and here is the hangar doesn’t work?

Description : What fruits and vegetables do you eat skin and all?

Last Answer : I can’t think of any veggies I peel. Oh, avacados. Fruits? I don’t eat banana skins or orange rinds.

Description : How many grams of vegetables should we eat daily ?

Last Answer : 220 grams of vegetables should be eaten daily.

Description : Will eating more rice with vegetables increase fat ? What happens when you eat rice ?

Last Answer : Vegetables are low in kilocalories. Eating rice with vegetables will not increase fat. Eating more rice with vegetables also reduces the risk of health problems. Those few calories are lost due to hard work.

Description : What is the way to lose weight ? I run 30 to 40 minutes every morning after morning prayers. Then at 9 o'clock in the morning I eat 8 loaves of bread with vegetables. Again at 9 o'clock at night he ... he is not losing weight and fat. Is there any problem in food ? Or what to do to lose weight ?

Last Answer : : I train a few people in a gym myself and I have been advising on these things for the last 3 years. But if you don't take it seriously, I can't help it. So now I say eat as much ... increase the distance slowly. He will have to change his training next month and then I will tell you what to do.

Description : I do not have a toilet , the toilet does not pressure. I did endoscopy but no disease was detected ? The doctor says to eat bran vegetables. After eating these regularly, it doesn't work. Lots of bowel ... I want to suspect that there is a problem in the small tube in the stomach. Brother helps me.

Last Answer : It may be due to your constipation which may be due to gastric , indigestion , first try a syrup to see if it works. Take 4 tablespoons of magmill 200ml syrup in the morning and at night and mix it ... find a solution. And you can take the advice of a liver specialist about the test you want to do.

Description : What vegetables did the Tudors eat?

Last Answer : hello

Description : Why is a person suffering from constipation advised to eat fruit and vegetables?

Last Answer : Fruits and vegetables contain fiber which is essential for yourdigestive health. It cures constipation and makes your colonhealthier.

Description : What vegetables do Jews eat?

Last Answer : There are no restrictions in the laws of kashrut (kosher eating) on vegetables. So, Jews generally find ways to eat whatever vegetables that are locally available. There are some vegetables ... Potato pancakes are popular on Hanukkah and horseradish has a special place at many Passover Seders.

Description : Why do we have to eat vegetables?

Last Answer : For the vitamins, minerals and fibre that meat alone cannot giveyou.

Description : What's the best multivitamin to buy for someone who smokes cigarettes and doesn't eat a lot of fruits or vegetables?

Last Answer : There is a really good product called Voots. They are chewable fruits and vegetables in a tablet. My kids and I love them. They taste great also.

Description : Which vegetables I can eat on the keto diet?

Last Answer : Currently i have started keto diet and I want to know which vegetables are suitable for keto diet.

Description : Is it safe to eat vegetables or fruit from the garden after a mosquito control application?

Last Answer : Fruits and vegetables exposed to malathion at mosquito control rates can be safely eaten after washing the food to cleanse it of germs and microorganisms. In fact, malathion is registered by the EPA for the control of many insect pests on a wide variety of fruit and vegetable crops.

Description : Have you ever known a kid who is crazy about vegetables (or not,) and do you have any funny stories to tell about them?

Last Answer : I was always amused by my step children. My wife would make a big pot of soup. One of the kids would eat the soup as it was, one would eat only the broth and noodles, and the other would strain out all the veggies. It equaled out in the long run, I guess.

Description : What is the down side of roasting, baking or cooking vegetables whole?

Last Answer : Healthwise, not a problem. Depending on the water content of the vegetable, it could explode.

Description : Why does the media show that men sometimes appear to prefer steak over vegetables when in contrast to women ?

Last Answer : Like diamond wedding rings, I would chalk this one up to advertising. When I was a kid there were ads like.. Protein makes men manly.. Eat a steak and get big and strong. Paid for by the beef lobby. I barely eat any meat. But I have watched my sister devour a bucket from KFC and it is sickening.

Description : How do you sneak more vegetables into your diet?

Last Answer : I used to put diced zucchini In my pasta sauce. I don’t know why I stopped doing it.

Description : I hate vegetables. Any tips for sneaking them into my diet?

Last Answer : - What about butter? Drowned in butter and salt was the only way I would eat most vegetables when I was a kid. Then, gradually, you reduce the butter and salt. - Do you grill? Try grilling up ... of cooked? Besides the grilling thing, I know some people can't eat cooked carrots but love them raw.

Description : Ramps, rapes and raddichio. What odd sounding or unusual vegetables have you cooked or eaten?

Last Answer : Star fruit. lychee nuts. Sugar cane.

Description : Dish with shrimp and vegetables: anyone know what this is?

Last Answer : I don’t think this is what you want, but I sometimes make egg foo yung with diced shrimp, oriental vegetables, fresh chinese noodles and beaten egg.

Description : What do you do with the leftover vegetables in your fridge ?

Last Answer : Now there’s an activity for a rainy afternoon with kids who are going stir crazy!

Description : Does anyone like when your grocery store rains on your fruits and vegetables?

Last Answer : It’s pretty common here in the mid Atlantic, and I think it’s supposed to keep the produce fresh longer (but I could be wrong). I’m not a fan of having to pick up wet anything at the grocery store. I wish my stores had paper towels right there to dry them off before putting them in the plastic bag.

Description : Do you know any great recipes centered around vegetables?

Last Answer : Are you feeling exotic? Or typical vegetable? I’ve got an exotic one for you… Filipino Cuisine

Description : How do I make vegetables more palatable?

Last Answer : Since you like bacon you can cook up a couple slices, and use the rendered fat for stir frying veggies, mushrooms done right can take on the umami of the bacon. Chop that bacon up, throw into the ... very important, don't just iceberg or romaine it. Use a spicy arugula, or a bold baby spinach!

Description : Fruits vs Vegetables?

Last Answer : answer:The word fruit is scientific/technical. The word vegetable is not. There are multiple ways of defining a vegetable . One way of defining it is any edible part of a plant that is ... -sweet fruits like tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, etc. and even things like mushrooms, which are not plants.

Description : When you go to McDonald's and wants to order a hamburger but dry, meaning no sauces, no vegetables and no other extras. What's the exact phrase for that in English?

Last Answer : Naked.

Description : Is it safe to water vegetables with water that has a dead animal in it?

Last Answer : Why not be safe and just use it on the ornamentals? (And some screening material should take care of that problem for the future.)

Description : How do I keep my vegetables fresh?

Last Answer : answer:Vegetables are still emitting gases (as they do when they are living), once they are harvested. So for max freshness, keep them breathable. Like in a perforated box or something. B/C keeping them in bags ... want your fruit to ripen faster, you keep them in a bag!) So the key is air flow.

Description : Is it possible for tomatoes (or fruits/vegetables in general) to get cancer?

Last Answer : Did it look like this? It’s just the growth of another smaller fruit inside the original. It’s very common in bell peppers, although I don’t think I’ve seen it in anything else.

Description : Are potato chips vegetables?

Last Answer : They’re not.

Description : Do you know the secrets of any vegetables?

Last Answer : I didn’t think this was a secret until I read some other answers here. The secret is that you can eat or cook tomatoes without peeling or removing the seeds.

Description : Why is it bad to defrost meat/vegetables at room temperature?

Last Answer : It’s a breeding ground for bad bacteria. If you thaw in the fridge, it stays cold enough to keep the bacteria away while it thaws. If you thaw in the microwave, it warms too quick for bacteria to take hold.

Description : Can eating more meat/not eating enough fruits and vegetables cause these problems?

Last Answer : Well yeah :P Just from personal experience, an out-of-whack diet can cause lots of issues. Especially in the bathroom.

Description : Vegetarians: Did you struggle with the change in diet? Going from meat to all vegetables.

Last Answer : Not in the least. No difference at all. I just posed the same question to a bunch of my vegetarian friends a couple of weeks ago, and they all had the same response. I should add that I’m not vegan, so it’s not really a matter of “just vegetables”, as you say. I eat eggs and dairy products as well.