Bad sites of teenagers relationship?

1 Answer

Answer :

Sorry your question is not clear. What do you mean by the word 'bad sites' here. Bad to surf on or a site with bad content? Or are you asking about a dating site? I think you are asking about good dating sites for making bad relationships? actually dating sites are for people suing it's service. Anybody join on such a website may be seeking such relationships there. Of course there are bad contents and profiles on these sites and many of the profiles may not be an actual person or dealt by the website itself. It's better to search on google,yahoo or bing for dating sites to get results on the 'bad sites' you are asking for.

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Last Answer : it was merged with fluther. just PM gailcalled for the service (or misuse an apostrophe).

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Last Answer : Doubtful because they'd just go through more measures to hide texting while driving and that would probably cause more accidents. I used to change my pants on my way to work while I drove (in ... reason for accidents is food, and in particular chocolate not sure if that's true anymore or not.

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Last Answer : No. Requiring teenagers to get parental consent for birth control information and contraceptives will not stop the spread of teen pregnancy and STD infection. More likely, it will increase it.

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Last Answer : Oh, yeah. Certain wide-lane boulevards in Brooklyn and Queens are notorious for it.

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Last Answer : You make the expectations and the consequences for not meeting them crystal clear. And then you follow through, fairly and consistently. If they don’t care about low grades, and their parents don’t care about low grades, there is very little you can do.

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Last Answer : That’s the best thing that I could find, and it’s for all ages. Hope it helps.

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Last Answer : answer:I think it’s number 11, but I wonder what the collective comes up with. SRM

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Last Answer : Im a parent, but my kid is only 2 so I can’t say from experience….... but I was a teen a few years ago and I think that the biggest issue with me, was drug use and doing stupid things that could have killed me.

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