Do you like to bake?

1 Answer

Answer :

Honestly, baking is something that I wish that I can learn as soon as I can. I have been living a life that doesn't give me the opportunity to learn a skill or another and this is something that is pretty poor of my attitude. I always tell my mom back then when we were kids that I look forward to the time when I can be able to bake cakes for her so that when she is hungry, she can take it. This is a situation that we always laugh over as the excitement of baking always make me feel great and super. However, it is pretty sad that I am not going to make this goal to come to pass since I became an adult which is sad for me. I always want to make money as a baker and I believe that they earlier that I should start looking at making this kind of dreams to be possible, the better that it is going to help me.

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Description : Do you have a favorite no bake dessert recipe you would like to share?

Last Answer : Chocolate oatmeal cookies 2 Cups sugar Pinch salt ½ cup milk 1 stick butter 4 tbs. cocoa Bring to a boil and boil 2 minutes Then add: 2 tsp. vanilla ½ cup pnut butter 2½ cups oats (the kind that cooks in 1 min) spoon out on aluminum foil in littl round cookie shapes, let cool Makes about 2 dozen

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Last Answer : I prefer to use coconut fat.

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Last Answer : It’s called “scoring” and it controls where the bread splits. I use a razor blade.

Description : I don’t want to bake bread for my employer.

Last Answer : Why not work a deal to get a commission on the sales? Or, ask for a pay raise.

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Last Answer : Buy the brownies and bring some wine. And have some fun. And feel better, Little Penguin!

Description : Can I mix the ingredients for corn casserole and keep it in the refrigerator over night before I bake it?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t hesitate.

Description : Can you tell me the best way to bake stuffing?

Last Answer : I did that one year, and to simulate the turkey flavor I roasted a chicken with the same herbs and spices, and veg in the pan (onions and mushrooms in my case) I would have used on the turkey and ... it outside the bird. It was a pretty close match. The chicken was used for a bunch of other stuff.

Description : Can you bake on a regular dinner plate?

Last Answer : Most plates will say on the packaging whether or not they may be used for baking. Your logic makes sense; however, my mind is telling me that it's a no-no. Ceramic baking pans are much thicker ... the glaze. This article tells you how to test your plate for the safety factor For more read here

Description : Do you ever bake, or make food, for friends and neighbors?

Last Answer : Not regularly, but I do it sometimes. Sometimes it's a thank you gift, so that would be some sort of dessert. My bundt pound cake or biscotti are good ones. Sometimes it's to help someone going ... to be really good about her diet. Most foods I would bring to a friend aren't really very healthy.

Description : Do you have experience with silicone bake/cookware?

Last Answer : I have used a few things, such as silicon egg frying/pancake forms and muffin pans. Not had any complaints.

Description : Can you help me come up with a Halloween themed baked good that I can make for a bake sale?

Last Answer : What 12–13 yr old would not go nuts for a Dirt Cupcake

Description : "If a student can't be forced to recite the Pledge against his own conscience, a baker can't be forced to bake a cake." What's your opinion on this statement?

Last Answer : answer:Students don’t get to choose about going to school. Bakers don’t have to be in a public accommodating business if they don’t want to. And they don’t need to question customers before deciding to do business with them.

Description : When it said ”We baked you a cake!” under your ask-public moniker, what sort of cake did they bake for you?

Last Answer : Dis one:

Description : Can I bake avocado/guacamole into a taco-style "lasagna"?

Last Answer : answer:It might be worth an experiment, but part of the goodness of avocado to me is its cool creaminess. You'd certainly lose that. It's an experiment that I would see no point in making. I've heard from at least ... rice, so I don't see the need, but that's worth a try, too if you can't eat rice.

Description : Channeling your inner Martha Stewart: Did you ever make (bake) crackers from scratch?

Last Answer : answer:Oddly enough, I went looking for a recipe for crackers the other day. It is, so far, the only thing I've looked for in The Joy of Cooking with no joy. It does, to be honest, sound like ... pleasant results than opening a box, but I'd still like to be able to do it. Zombie apocalypse and all.

Description : Bake this recipe or fry it ?

Last Answer : I would bake it or make shish-kabobs and broil the veggies either in the oven or better yet on the grill. Then serve over your Quinoa. Now I am hungry! :))

Description : How would I bake a lasagna in a half pint mason jar?

Last Answer : answer:First, take off the top of the jar - you definitely don't want it will explode (or the jar will) when it heats up. Mason jars are pretty thick, so I don't think they ... Pyrix or other flat glassware with more open surface area would have been preferable. You should be OK with this.

Description : Favorite bake sale recipes?

Last Answer : These Butterscotch Brownies are super easy, and very good.

Description : Personal best no-bake, chocolate peanut butter oatmeal cookie recipe?

Last Answer : Chocolate Oatmeal No Bake Cookies ½ C Butter 2 C Sugar ½ C Milk 4 Tbsp Cocoa ½ C Peanut Butter 3- 3½ C Quick cooking Oats 2 tsp. Vanilla Add the first 4 ingredients in a saucepan. Bring to a ... boil for 1 minute. Stir in the next 3 ingredients and drop onto wax/foil paper. Let cool until set.

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Last Answer : I use it for baking but always use the “convection convert” to reduce the temperature. Don’t use it much though, others will probably have much better answers.

Description : Do you ever use margarine instead of butter when you bake and if so, what is your opinion of the results?

Last Answer : Check the ingredients of the margarine. Compare with the butter. I never use margarine because ironically I think it is much worse for you than butter is—and the taste of butter is yummy. The taste of margarine will get into the baked food, and it won’t taste as delicious as things made with butter.

Description : Is removal of the "eyes" on a potato necessary before you bake them?

Last Answer : No, but many eyes on a potato are both unsightly and hard to bite into.

Description : If you were going to freeze meatloaf, would you bake it first?

Last Answer : When we made large batches of meatloaf, we would bake them all at once and then divide them up and freeze them. This way, the oven was being used at once for the longer and higher temperatures and we only had to reheat the meatloaf when we were ready to use it.

Description : When you cook or bake for others, what precautions do you take to ensure that your hair won't get in the food?

Last Answer : I have to do this at my baking job. We’re supposed to wear hats, but the hats are hot, unvented and too big. So, I pull my hair back into a ponytail and then put a bandana over it. Like this except that I’m not quite so cute! So far, it seems to work.

Description : What's the best way to bake corn bread?

Last Answer : answer:I'm from a family of cornbread makers and eaters. In a bowl mix 1 cup self-rising corn meal, .5 cup self-rising flour, one egg, .25 cup canola oil, 2 tablespoons sugar, ¼ teaspoon salt, ... most anything, but we love it with veggies, soups, chili, and by itself. Serve it hot and buttered!

Description : Can I use less sugar in Chocolate Peanut-Butter No Bake Cookies?

Last Answer : No, that wouldn’t work with this recipe. The sugar is essential to the physical structure of the cookies.

Description : For those of you who bake a lot for the holidays: when do you start?

Last Answer : I like to make shortbread. It usually start a couple of weeks before Christmas.

Description : Can I bake chicken in a pyrex without tinfoil?

Last Answer : I’m not sure why you’d need foil in the first place, I never use it for that. Is it lining the pan, or covering it? If the former, just use butter or oil or non-stick spray to keep it from sticking. If the latter, well, I don’t know. How are you planning to prepare it?

Description : Recipe page - The Fluther definitive easy to make/bake cook book?

Last Answer : Family fave: Hot spaghetts. Slice pepperoni and boil in water with a little dried onion. When the water boils throw in one cup elbow macaroni. Or more depending on how many your serving. Chop up some ... mix it with one can condensed tomato soup and bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes. Serves 4.

Description : Is it possible to use the microwave to bake things when your oven is broken?

Last Answer : search 5 minute cupcake on there are a few

Description : For how long and at what temp do I bake chicken breasts?

Last Answer : Wrap in foil, 400 degrees for 30 mins.

Description : Why bake with butter?

Last Answer : Because butter rules and is so very delightfully buttery?

Description : How can I bake some brownies without an oven?

Last Answer : answer:Here if you are determined. Or here Or here This is a single serving…sounds OK.

Description : Do you actually bake your baked potatoes, or do you just nuke 'em in the microwave?

Last Answer : Rub ‘em in salt and stick them in the microwave. Takes too long for them in the oven.

Description : Convection bake or convection roast?

Last Answer : We have a convection oven in the new house, and they are fabulous. If you have one, use it! Go with the bake at the start, and finish with a roast for the last 20 minutes.

Description : Convection bake or convection roast?

Last Answer : We have a convection oven in the new house, and they are fabulous. If you have one, use it! Go with the bake at the start, and finish with a roast for the last 20 minutes.

Description : Can you bake or broil a frozen salmon fillet?

Last Answer : I think you might want to thaw it first, otherwise it might become chewy. But maybe that’s only for poultry.

Description : A quest to bake bread: what do I need to get started?

Last Answer : answer:Most important is an accurate thermometer. All the liquids you’re working with have to be a certain temperature range (I believe it’s between 85 and 105 Fahrenheit, but don’t quote me on that). Too cold and the yeast go dormant. Too hot and you’ll kill them.

Description : Can you please privide me with a recipe for "french toast bake?"?

Last Answer : The Joy of Cooking has a pretty good recipe for overnight baked French toast, but I don’t have it handy.

Description : How do you bake chicken?

Last Answer : in the oven at 350 degrees F until all the pink is gone from the bone… usualy a few hours…

Description : If I bake bbq chicken and veggie lasagna at the same time, will I ruin either one?

Last Answer : I don’t think you will have any crossover smells. You are baking the lasagna covered, are you not?

Description : What should I bake to win a baking contest?

Last Answer : Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte

Description : How long do you bake amazing BBQ CHICKEN?

Last Answer : You don’t bake amazing BBQ chicken, you BBQ it.

Description : I made cookie dough five days ago, and it's been in the refrigerator covered since then, unbaked (so far). do you think the dough is ok to bake and eat?

Last Answer : I bet it is. I love cookie dough and have eaten it baked and unbaked way over 5 days old. Give it a try. Too much work for you to just toss it.

Description : How can I bake my dogs vitamins into his treats?

Last Answer : vitamins are destroyed by heat (as well as light and exposure to air, but that takes longer). this is not going to work.

Description : Does the self tanner brand "Fake Bake" work well? Has anyone tried it before?

Last Answer : I should offer full disclosure - fake tans and how they look is a huge pet peeve for me. That being said, there was a girl at work who used to use Fake Bake brand and it made her look really ... , go with a basic makeup bronzer. It looks way more natural and gives you a healthy and realistic glow.

Description : Can I use pastry flour instead of cake flour to bake a white cake?

Last Answer : It'll taste just fine, but the texture will be off (but probably not by much). Basically: cake flour = very low gluten; pastry flour = low gluten, AP = normal gluten, Bread flour = high ... mixing can develop the gluten into long strands, making it tougher (this is part of what kneading does).

Description : Can you let dough rise in the morning and then bake with it in the evening?

Last Answer : answer:Generally letting bread rise longer improves flavor, although I'm not sure on the texture. You might want to find a slower rising dough to use, or let it rise in the evening the night ... sour, I actually prefer it not sour-- the sourdough method just refers to that style of breadmaking.