Do you sleep with your phone on the bed?

1 Answer

Answer :

Am hearing this for the first time but am pretty sure it depends on which position you sleep with when having your phone. Have been sleeping with for phone for quite some years now. But then, I somehow second you in this. This is because, most of the times especially when am at home, I usually put my phone under the pillow so there there's no direct contact with my body and the phone. But lately, since school and the theft rate is pretty high, I prefer sleeping with my phone  besides me.  And there's this day, I work up and found it very hot but I assumed maybe its because of my body warmth. At least now I know the effects of sleeping with a phone. If I must sleep with it then it should be under the pillow as I used to do before so that my body isn't attached to the phone.

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Last Answer : Going on your phone or any other gadget before bedtime can affect your sleep. Apart from the fact that you put extra strain on your eyes viewing the screen at night, these screens emit blue ... from falling asleep as you would naturally. It also suppress the secretion of sleep hormone-melatonin.

Description : How many pillows do you have on your bed while you sleep?

Last Answer : 2. I don’t understand the need for more than that, personally. My head only rests on one, but the two differ in firmness and sometimes I want one over the other. I also use the two to sit against when I’m watching TV in bed.

Description : How much extra sleep do you get or staying in bed awake do you do before you feel bad about it?

Last Answer : I’m retired and don’t sleep well. I often wake around 6:30 or 7 but generally stay in bed til around 8 or so. I will sometimes stay in bed until 9ish but if it’s much later than that, I feel like I am being unproductive.

Description : Have you ever had a good night's sleep on a sofa bed?

Last Answer : Some are better than others and it depends of course on the thickness of the mattress and how much metal is exposed on the sides. But no folding sofa beds are THAT good. A daybed or regular sofa is just as good an option in my opinion

Description : Do you or anyone you know personally own a Sleep Number bed?

Last Answer : Me! Me! I have one! I've had mine for over ten years and I really like it. I went for the cheap one and put it on a platform from Ikea. I like that I can adjust the firmness ... on my arthritic joints). But really, the adjustable firmness and the never-sag aspect are what still appeal to me.

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Last Answer : There are people who put cars in their garages?

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Last Answer : Mostly, I need my space, mostly.

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Last Answer : Order out and drink coke with an A&W Teen burger, while Fluthering, and answering questions.

Description : Will it ever be safe to sleep in my bed again?

Last Answer : answer:Kill the bastard and all his kinfolk as soon as you can. I think most folks on this site are against killing bugs but I'm not. I am not bug friendly and will do anything to keep them ... a spray bottle and spray the corners and crevices in your home. Keeps mice and roaches away. Good Luck!

Description : Do you let your pets sleep in your bed?

Last Answer : answer:Dawww, my beloved cat used to sleep on my pillow every night :’-( We had a whole routine and she’d start off hanging out on the foot of my bed in the evening, gradually creep up the bed, and by the morning she’d have taken over the whole damn pillow, haha.

Description : What do you typically wear to bed (to sleep)?

Last Answer : Football jersey type shirt. Current one says “Love Tiger”. I know… corny.

Description : People who are currently or have lived alone: How often do you sleep on your bed vs. the sofa?

Last Answer : answer:I’m single and live alone. I sleep in my bed 100% of the time. I find it very difficult to fall asleep on sofas, planes, trains, buses, etc.

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Last Answer : I am the worlds biggest tosser and turner. I must be a pain in the ass to sleep with.

Description : What is the last thing you do, before going to bed/sleep?

Last Answer : I contemplate the vastness of interstellar space, then it’s off to bed for me!

Description : How can I train my dog to not sleep up against me in bed after I've fallen asleep?

Last Answer : answer:I sleep on the couch where there’s no room for invasive snuggling. How about leaving the TV on when you fall asleep or rubbing some meat on your hubby?

Description : Ladies... when you sleep with a man, is there a particular side of the bed that you absolutely insist upon taking?

Last Answer : No, I have to be near the door. I have no explanation for this, just the need to be near it.

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Last Answer : Cats sleep where and when they want to. There is not any way, barring building a cage to make them sleep anywhere they don’t want to sleep.

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Last Answer : If you are heavy most likely sleeping on the floor is uncomfortable and bad for you spine. It you are thin no problem you can probably sleep anywhere barring any specific injuries you might have.

Description : Are your pets allowed to sleep on your bed, walk on your table or kitchen counters?

Last Answer : No, No, and No. I don't have pets and when I did they were not allowed to do any of those things. My last dog would not even come into the kitchen, he would stop at the kitchen door and just look in. ... the same rag. Eeewww!. As far as sleeping in the bed, I only know a lot of people that allow it.

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Last Answer : answer: Following a nightly bedtime ritual. A regular bedtime routine will help your child wind down at the end of the day and get ready for sleep. If he needs to work off some excess energy, ... Perhaps you could put some form of insulation on the ceiling to baffle the noise of your infant crying.

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Last Answer : answer:Good question! I think even when we are asleep, we have some subconscious sense of spatial awareness that allows us to stay on our beds! Probably the same reason why if you fall asleep ... to accommodate movement while sleeping. Try sleeping on, say, a piano bench and report your findings!

Description : How can I make my bed more comfortable to sleep on?

Last Answer : You could try a nice fluffy mattress pad.

Description : Which side of the bed do you sleep on?

Last Answer : According to your directions I am on the right.

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Last Answer : You can clean it yourself but since it is not your bed you might consider paying to have it professionally cleaned. If it is damaged in some way and you own it that is one thing but if it is ... wanted a Sleep Number bed? You might consider buying them a new one and taking theirs as an alternative.

Description : Does your dog sleep in your bed?

Last Answer : If I had a dog, I would likely let the bro snooze on mah bed. I have cats instead and I won’t let them get an inch inside my room.

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Last Answer : I used to wake up several times at night. Since I started using my cell phone alarm clock, and unplugged the other clock, I've been sleeping better. However, I snore like a man. I can fall asleep any time, ... in a car with someone else driving I can only sleep when I'm driving. I need to see a Dr

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Last Answer : Keep it across the room on the charger. That way the alarm still works but you do not have access. Ultimately you need to show self- restraint.

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Last Answer : Watch some Tivoed shows (usually Daily Show or How it's Made), have a cigarette, drink a glass of water, take out my contacts, fumble around blindly for my facewash and my glasses, brush my teeth. ... about that?) and he turns on the white noise machine and goes and does whatever he does at night.

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Last Answer : torture? maybe you should get a larger bed. i hate sleeping alone now, it is great to have someone next to you.

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Last Answer : straight up tell him you don’t like the dog in the bed. Don’t beat around the bush.

Description : What should I do, go to bed and try to get some sleep or just hang out on Fluther until it's time to go?

Last Answer : Uhh…Whatever tickles your pickle my man.

Description : Do you allow your dog to sleep in bed with you?

Last Answer : Not a dog owner at this time (and probably never again) but my answer would be absolutely not. However, not a dog lover either.

Description : What should I do when I go to bed and I can't sleep?

Last Answer : answer:Do what I do..Ask-public! I keep a pad of paper next to the bed. if thoguths keep running through my head, i jot them down. It seems to help put them to rest. Another thing I do is ... can't help but close them. Soon after, I fall asleep. if all else fails, warm milk really does work.

Description : I always run, I never walk;I have a mouth, I never talk;I have a bed, I never sleep;I can be shallow,I can be deep.What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A River.

Description : What has a mouth but doesn't eat, a bank with no money, a bed but doesn't sleep, and waves but has no hands? -Riddles

Last Answer : A river

Description : A man moved into a new house and decided he was tired after the journey and turned of all the lights and went to bed. The next morning he had killed 365 people how could this be? he does not sleep walk he slept like a baby -Riddles

Last Answer : he lived in a light house

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Last Answer : Two hours. Wind-up clocks can't be set more than 12 hours in advance.

Description : How do you go to bed which bed profile do you sleep in?

Last Answer : The luxurious hybrid mattress that combines the best in latex, memory foam, tufting and coil technology to provide the best sleep money can buy. ht tps: // / deals / dream cloud sleep / leandro 524DreamCloud coupons and offers for January 2021Remove the space

Description : In 1963 if you went to bed at 8 o'clock at night and set the alarm to get up at 9 o'clock the next morning how many hours of sleep would this permit you to have?

Last Answer : Most alarm clocks of 1963 were 12 hour alarm clocks - they didnot know the difference between am & pm, so you would have atmost 1 hour sleep.There may have been some electronic alarm clocks of 1963 whichdid know about am & pm, in which case they would permit at most13 hours of sleep.

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Last Answer : A web marketing expert will help focusing your page. Learning how to get your page to the top of the charts and using keywords to target your page is what a web marketing expert will use to help your page succeed.

Description : I always run but never walk, often murmur but never talk, have a bed but never sleep, has a mouth but never eat. What am I?

Last Answer : River

Description : I went to bed at eight 8 'clock in the evening and wound up my clock and set the alarm to sound at nine 9 'clock in the morning. How many hours sleep would I get before being awoken by the alarm?

Last Answer : 1 hour. It is a wind up alarm clock which cannot discriminate between a.m. and p.m.

Description : I want to sleep grounded. What is the difference between a bed pad, a half-sheet, and a fitted sheet? Is one more effective than the other?

Last Answer : In the Earthing book, we used the generic term bed pad to ed pad to describe a variety of Earthing sleep describe a variety of Earthing sleep systems developed by Clint Ober over the years. There are currently ... 3) the universal mat which can also be used on the floor or in floor or in the bed.

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Last Answer : In a dream, a person spends an average of 15 to 30 years of his life (up to 30% of the total time). During these periods, the body's resources are restored. The way a ... composition, manufacturers manage to reduce the cost, but these additives significantly worsen the hygienic quality of products.