Hello. I did business about twenty years ago. Do I still have to hide documents? Invoices and such? Or can I burn them now? So that sometimes the tax office doesn't want it or something.

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Last Answer : Traditionally, girls aren’t supposed to show their feelings for a guy, for fear of appearing “too easy”. But that’s changing nowadays.

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Last Answer : Have you tried editing their photo? I know you can assign your own photo to each contact, but I think there's also an option to delete the photo altogether. The downside to this is you have to do it for ... of a person as their image. Anyway, hope this helps, if not, well, it was worth a shot.

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Last Answer : Fight to the end,dear. :)

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Last Answer : No, I like learning from mistakes. If I’ve made one, I’ll try to find someone to let me know how I can rectify it and not make it in the future!

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Last Answer : ;)

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Last Answer : It will show originally, but if you go to your page (not the feed) and click the little “x” next to the posting it will give you the option to hide all like activity. After that it will not show.

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Last Answer : answer:It depends what you are trying to hide. It could be spam or a Facebook virus you have accidentally clicked on - these will constantly repost themselves, no matter how many times you hide ... have actually been deleted to everyone else's view, but could still show on your personal account.

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Last Answer : I suspect that the legislators think they are doing their duty by avoiding the vote. And it's the vote they are avoiding, not the debate. The debate is ongoing, as are the protests. I fail to ... get their way-which members of the other major party call courage whenever they're the ones doing it.

Description : Do you hide your emotions?

Last Answer : It depends on who I’m with. I hide my feelings from my ex, but I’m very open with my friends.