what is buried (buried)? (tuxedo)

1 Answer

Answer :

Today, there is often no funeral even for the really dead, so why have you just been declared dead. If you can't do without rituals, you will definitely figure out what to bury :)

Related questions

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Last Answer : No caskets in my family. Just an urn. Open caskets are uncomfortable for me, too. I guess I don’t get the point, since the person is dead.

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Last Answer : : A man named Marquis the Phoebe of France was resurrected after being hanged .

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Last Answer : Probably hug her. She cares too. Hurts to see it but it's true.

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Last Answer : A speech, and not a recorded message? I guess the speech would be about how there's been a mistake and I'm clearly not dead.

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Last Answer : Since probably a large majority of those deaths are the result of deliberate negligence by the former orange regime, I would absolutely say that it is just.

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Last Answer : You'll be next

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Last Answer : I guess I'd like the idea more if it were called a celebration of their life or even a farewell party rather than a live funeral. A friend was dying of Lou Gehrig's disease and there was a big party for ... but could write on a board and her humor was intact. So, I like the idea but not the term.

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Last Answer : I don’t have qualms about anyone who owns three funeral homes, I would worry more about the guy who volunteers to help with the embalming.

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Last Answer : Everyone will smile at his funeral.

Description : Do you pull over and stop when a funeral procession goes by?

Last Answer : I myself do not, our chauffeur tried it only once coz I fired him for gross impudence.

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Last Answer : I think they should considering recent developments.

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Last Answer : I would say that those extras who want to attend, please pay for their own meals. Company is always encouraged, but the restaurant is given a budget and it will be stuck to. If you weren’t specifically invited, but would like to join us, your meal will be on your own bill. Arrange accordingly.

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Last Answer : I’ve been to a few of them. I generally do not dress up at all. I just wear something black. Black t-shirt, black jeans etc.

Description : Is it appropriate for a former reservist to have a honor guard at their funeral?

Last Answer : answer:You haven't given many details to go on here. I would say that the presumption is toward the appropriateness of the honor guard unless you care to provide details that suggest that should not be so ... and as far as I know all veterans are entitled to an honor guard if the family requests it.

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Last Answer : Play with the corpses. Summon spirits. Pretend that I’m a character from one of Poe’s stories. Sleep in a coffin.

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Last Answer : Pendry Script would be nice.

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Last Answer : answer:Sounds like it is true. Bogus sign language interpreters are a problem in South Africa, because people who know a few signs try to pass themselves off as interpreters, said [Ingrid Parkin, principal of the ... cannot do the job, she said. I'm just waiting to hear how this is Obama's fault.

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Last Answer : Over the years I have been to a quite of few of both. I’ve never seen anyone smoosh cake into the face of the guest of honor at a funeral. Could that be why they last?

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Last Answer : Well, the bathroom goldfish incident comes to mind… Why do we flush fish instead of burying them? Anyway, that’s all I got.

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Last Answer : answer:I would neither contribute to a fund (though my answer might be different if my budget were healthier), nor attend the funeral. I would express my sympathy in person (which is important), and leave it at ... . I would go if I were absolutely sure it was appropriate. If I wasn't sure, then no.

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Last Answer : answer:Processional ‘By the Rising of the Moon’ At the service He is Risen Abide With Me At the burial I would want ‘Ghosts of Culloden’ on the bagpipes. Can’t remember the 5th.

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Last Answer : A few thou if you want to keep it cheap. Cremation is about $1000 give or take. Fancy caskets are a waste of money, IMHO, as they just go in the ground or get burned up.

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Last Answer : This will probably be televised in your community if it’s such a large crowd won’t it? I would send a very heartfelt letter and watch it on TV at home or listen on the radio.

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Last Answer : I don’t pull over and stop, but I am careful not to break the line, and to give them the right of way.

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Last Answer : answer:I take another point of view. I don't want a funeral at all. The best thing that could happen when I die is that a bunch of people to to a forest (I really like trees and forests), and ... be it from me to force my rules on them after I am dead. Traditional funerals are so, well, morbid.

Description : I attended my first Catholic funeral today and I was wondering what the different parts of the service convey?

Last Answer : answer:Here’s a description of a Catholic funeral mass. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Catholic_funeral

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Last Answer : You should know that they changed the response to The Lord be with you to And with your spirit . So you'll probably hear that a lot. You'll also hear other people use the old And also with you ... You won't be expected to participate, but it'll be pretty obvious what's going on if you choose to.

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Last Answer : answer:My dad was cremated. I waited until I was ready. We had the memorial 6 weeks later, and had a party instead of a funeral. We had an open mic, and everyone reminisced and told funny stories ... I rented a hall because I didn't want to deal with the death-like atmosphere of a funeral home.

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Last Answer : answer:She might be hiding something from you if she doesn't want you to meet her family or other friends and boyfriends. Or, she might just prefer one-on-one time with friends, or not want her ... like right now is the time to try to hash out your potential friendship problems. She is in mourning.

Description : What is NOT OK to wear to a funeral and why?

Last Answer : I always wore a jacket at the least. A guy showed up at my uncle’s funeral in coveralls.

Description : What are funeral visitations like where you live?

Last Answer : Everyone was invited to see the casket drop and put flowers on top at ours. We had a baptist preacher hold ceremony.

Description : What would happen if you stabbed your children to death, pleaded "not guilty", and tried not to pay for their funeral costs?

Last Answer : Redacted by me.

Description : My ex-husband's father died. Should I go to the funeral?

Last Answer : answer:Any acknowledgement will be appreciated. If you have the time to attend the funeral, then do so. Our ex-SIL attended our sister's memorial service, despite the divorce from our brother being ugly ... was when she was our sister'. Her gesture helped heal a long festering wound on all sides.

Description : Is there a song that you have directed to be played at your funeral/memorial?

Last Answer : Yes Is there any other song and turn it up to 11!!

Description : Funeral attire: Does it have to be just black?

Last Answer : I’ve seen everything except for real flashy clothes at funerals these days. Just wear something fairly conservative in dark clothes and you’ll be fine. No need to go shopping.

Description : What are your thoughts on this post-funeral dinner experience?

Last Answer : Why would just ordering a bowl of soup be respectful to his grandfather? I don’t understand.

Description : Should funeral homes be allowed to have sirens on their vehicles?

Last Answer : Forgive me, I’m tempted to say a loud siren in a funeral procession might wake the dead. But what I will say is that this law seems horribly misguided to me. Driving to a grave site is emotionally stressful enough—but my God, having to listen to a siren, too… awful.

Description : Would you prefer to have a funeral/visitation or no?

Last Answer : Neither, please. My family already knows that I prefer not to have anything. My grandparents opted out of any type of service, and I found that it was far easier for the family to cope – not having to worry about arrangements and socializing.

Description : Which version of Death At A Funeral is better?

Last Answer : I saw both; thought the British was better but not great and the Chris Rock pretty lousy.

Description : What color tie is appropriate for a funeral?

Last Answer : black is fine. Or anything pretty much dark—like the blue one. I suppose stripes could be ok if they are suitably somber, but I’d stay away from them in general.

Description : When are you expected to attend a funeral?

Last Answer : I can't fathom why you would be expected to go to that. I tried really hard to come up with something, but it's not happening. Are you close to the boyfriend? If you are, the idea could ... him. Depending on how you think your family member would take it, I would probably try to graciously bow out.

Description : If you died today, what would people say about you at the funeral or in the obit?

Last Answer : They would be so heartbroken, not being able to say anything. Everyone, on the floor crying like babies. Eventually having to block me out of their memories in order to go on and function in their day to day lives.

Description : I never know what to say to someone when a loved one has died. What should I say at the funeral tomorrow?

Last Answer : I would stick with the tried and true things like “you have my deepest sympathies”, “I’m sorry for your loss”, or “Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.”

Description : How do you grieve from a great distance when you can't go to the funeral?

Last Answer : Write it down. Look at the pictures, reminisce of times spent together & write it down in a sort of short story or collection of short stories. It helps to express what you are feeling into a ... & a little less sadness. My condolences to you & hope you find your way through this difficult time.

Description : What would you say about going to a funeral for the food?

Last Answer : You really should tell the truth that you didn’t really know the person particularly well. The food is irrelevant. This is a funeral, not an invitation to a party.

Description : Should I accompany my spouse to the funeral of someone I've never met?

Last Answer : I’d go – because why not – if you don’t there might be problems so just go.

Description : How do you feel about, a federal court of appeals recently threw out a jury verdict in favor of a father, Albert Snyder, who had sued protesters at his son Matthew's funeral for intentional infliction of emotional distress?

Last Answer : I think it’s terrible. Those people should’ve been kept away from that funeral