While I may be an incomprehensible one, I'm not sure what an 11-year-old boy really understands what he's doing.

1 Answer

Answer :

I didn't know ... :)

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Last Answer : ph should be 6.0-7.5,,,,,,,,,,,,,did you fertilize..................we had a frost in May 2 times............and very low temps could have effective it.............if you did not fertilize in spring before it rains the next time sprinkle a little dried horse manure around it and a spinkle of lime.

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Last Answer : answer:Welcome to ask-public. To answer the last question that you asked, I'd suggest buying yourself a razor. You can use disposables, or a permanent handle with disposable blades, as you prefer. You can ... years now, and that kind of trim in the shower takes less than a minute every week or so.

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Last Answer : A video game? A book of the sort the boy likes to read? A trip in a hot air balloon?

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Last Answer : How about Forest Ranger, Smokey the Bear, or some other tree hugger idea. Yeah, that’s me.

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Last Answer : have a 17 year old girl that likes King of the Hill

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Last Answer : Nine year olds are old enough to comprehend pretty serious stuff. He wants to run away because he's afraid and unsure of how to cope with such a scary situation, but pacifying him is not the way ... his parents' decision, which may be the outcome he is hoping for, and acting out of desperation.

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Last Answer : answer:You can improvise. Jump rope. Get a chinning bar that you can attach to a door frame. Fill empty ½ gallon jugs with sand or soil or gravel. Bench press your dog, cat or younger ... requires serious digging and lifting. Clean the garage. Sprint around the block 25 times. Use your ingenuity.

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Last Answer : Do what you want to do

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Last Answer : answer:If I were to send my old host brother something for Christmas, it would probably something sentimental. Something that he would like, but maybe that he couldn't get in Germany. Send him something from ... (I guess this applies if you mean host brother' in that you were an exchange student.)

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Last Answer : Perhaps not normal, but normal is overrated! What do you particularily like it for? It’s not a bad thing to like more serious channels. I personally can’t watch the blithering nonsense on most channels. unless there are owls.