1 Answer

Answer :

Bangladesh A few English Magazine Name: 1. The Daily Star 2. The Financial Express 3. Daily Sun. 4. The Asian Edge 5. The Daily Observer . Dhaka The Tribune . The New Nation.

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : It sounds like it could be Lillian Beckwith?

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Last Answer : Birth to death?

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Last Answer : answer:Not where I live. Not that this surprises me. We seem to pay more for books, CDs etc. and why not magazines. I saw something on the news the other day about Australian retailers ... to stop us buying online. I hope the low subscriptions happen here though. I like flicking through magazines.

Description : Does anyone here have access to the October 1993 issue of Esquire magazine?

Last Answer : No but have you tried to contact the publisher? Or how about your local library? Local city library?

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Last Answer : answer:eBay can quickly get you an idea of the market and also a venue to sell if you choose to. Quick search for Omni Magazine If you log in, you can also see completed auctions to see what issues are actually selling for.

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Last Answer : I've seen it (even bought an issue, a while back) and it's definitely called Blogger . Of course this makes it impossible to find in a google search and I can't remember the name of the publisher. It ... their blog. I wasn't aware it was still running - last time I saw it was about 2 years ago.

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Last Answer : Seventeen. Oh to be seventeen again! Ha. Not really. I would hate to relive those days. This is a good question, let me think on it and get back to you.

Description : New York Magazine or New York magazine?

Last Answer : The magazine writes it as New York Magazine. Skip the italics; the caps. take care of everything.

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Last Answer : I don’t have a savvy answer, but my unsavvy answer is my wondering out loud if that’s the issue’s cover date. I notice that they have a cover date of the 18th of each month—18.11 is November 18. Just a guess—but you certainly picqued my curiosity with this.

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : If I got you a subscription to a magazine as a gift which one would you like?

Last Answer : Oh, I know nothing of magazines. I’d have to go with um.. is playgirl a magazine? ;)

Description : Is it weird if you save a lot of money on a magazine subscription?

Last Answer : Magazine subscriptions are typically very inexpensive. Do you mean it was cheap for a subscription, or cheap compared to the newstand price? Magazines sell their advertising space based on how many people ... X number of subscribers they make a lot of revenue on the sale of the advertising space.