In what season are washington grapes picked?

1 Answer

Answer :

The grape harvest in Washington State usually takes place between the middle of September and the middle of October.  Dates vary with the various grape varieties and also with temperature and moisture conditions for the particular year.

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Last Answer : answer:Ripening When you bring unripened pears home, store them in a bowl at room temperature. They should ripen within a week. Placing them in a paper bag can speed up the process. You can ... not stop the process entirely; they will only be good in the refrigerator for another few days. Source

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Last Answer : Well, on the Locke part, it could have roots in ancient politics. In the book, Ender’s Game, Locke is a pivotal character, and if memory serves me correctly, it’s derived from something from history. I don’t watch lost at all, so I have no idea as to the relevance.

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Last Answer : yeah, probably a guitar, or i’d custom build a small EEEPC with solar panels on it, im sure asus would sponsor me, just wonder if i could get it done before time

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Last Answer : answer:Basically, they are hand harvested before they are ripe. Here is information on when they pick, followed by some on how they pick. From University of Minnesota Extension: The generally accepted ... , the pickers need sacks hanging from their necks to hold the apples as they are gathered.

Description : Will squash continue to ripen if picked too soon

Last Answer : This is the 3rd week of sept.........they might be small & ripe........for the deer you need a 6 ft fence....or mix up 1 qt water & 2 tablespoons danw & 20 drops of hot sauce and spray after the sun passes over & the crops are cooled off..spray again after a rain.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : when should quince be picked

Last Answer : Need Answer