Are Americans viewed as selfish by the rest of the world?

1 Answer

Answer :

I think we have lost a lot of shine as a people thanks to eight years of George Bush. As to the capitalist joke, no, I don’t think that’s the problem. If it were, so many people would not want to come here.

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Last Answer : answer:Your body, your life, your choice. Don’t worry and care too much about other people’s opinion. If you go around, you will likely find a lot of other people that wouldn’t call it selfish. In the end… Your body, your life, your choice.

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Last Answer : answer:Nope and nice work. Remember, you’re past the hard part. It’s all in your head now. Good luck! needy ass mother fuc . . .

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Last Answer : answer:I am sorry that your sister won’t let you try her phone, but you cannot extrapolate from her behavior to “people.” Did you say that you were drooling? How odd.

Description : Ayn Rand: Can someone explain this concept without sounding selfish?

Last Answer : answer:It is selfishness. She even says so. There’s a piece called “The Virtue of Selfishness”. Her writing is awful and tedious. Don’t waste your time. Or if you feel you absolutely must understand this “libertarian” nonsense, read Robert Nozick or Friedrich Hayek instead.

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Last Answer : answer:1. Thoughtless rather than thoughtful. If there is some intent behind this then, it is perhaps a selfish one. 2. ? If poor ethics are involved, it's whatever is the cause of lack seats ... in this. Unless you're asking us to do your homework @weeveeship that would be unethical and selfish.

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Last Answer : answer:Nobody else in our home is allowed to breathe but me. It’s really freed up the oxygen in the home so I really don’t give two fucks what anyone else thinks.

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Last Answer : There’s nothing wrong with enjoying what you have.

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Last Answer : Have you considered therapy? I know that will sound like a prat answer. For me personally, I suffered an abusive childhood where I became so accustomed to insanity that my warning alarms no longer go off. I ... To be blunt they do it because you let them, while other people tell them to go to hades.

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Last Answer : i dont think that it is selfish because you are not recieving an ACTUAL reciprocation of what you are giving. If you help an old lady carry groceries and she pays you its not just a good deed, but ... a good deed. feeling good isnt realyl something that THEY give you, its just a nice side-effect :)

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Last Answer : answer:hmmm. does he have more than friendship on his mind? I’m sure he is hurt, but you need to look ahead to your future as well. see if there is a compromise. You know any roommates for him?

Description : How do you deal with selfish people?

Last Answer : It helps to think that most people are not so bad ;)

Description : Have you ever heard of anyone being called selfish for NOT wanting to have children?

Last Answer : hormones can make people absurdly irrational.

Description : Am I being selfish?

Last Answer : Let them make a copy. It is the last picture of someone they also love.

Description : If not for compassion or punishment, why not be a selfish bastard?

Last Answer : Selfrespect. When you have it, all else elavates you. When you don’t, one is mearly content with justifications and imaginings. as in “I have no problem with that…”

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Last Answer : Yes it is.

Description : Ideas for White Elephant / Yankee Swap / Barona Gift Exchange / Thieving Secret Santa / Selfish Santa / Nasty Christmas / Dirty Santa / Scrooge's Christmas / Rob Your Neighbor / Thieving Elves / Chinese Gift Exchange?

Last Answer : A blanket, A calendar, lottery ticket (sucks when someone wins and doesn’t share though – LOL!) puzzle, DVD and popcorn, candle, gift card to Starbucks or Dunkin’s. I love Yankee Swaps! They are a lot of fun and I got a really nice blanket last year, fleece with color snowflakes on it. Have fun.

Description : Would you say that more selfish and careless people are getting the better end of life as the years go?

Last Answer : It does seem that way sometimes, doesn't it? People who are loudly demanding often seem to get what they want. But are they satisfied then? Or are they the ones who always seem to be angry and still ... go by, those who understand this are the folks who are going to feel better and enjoy life more.

Description : What is the best thing you have said to someone who is selfish?

Last Answer : Go fk urselfish