What are some good ways to cool off when you are angry?

1 Answer

Answer :

I hate to be cliche, but… A good record usually does it for me Also meditating works.

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Last Answer : Firstly, pick your battles. If it is something worth fighting for, speak up. That doesn't mean get into arguments. Before you speak, have your thoughts in order. State your position when you know how you ... off to the airport. It takes some practice at first, but it gets easier after a few tries.

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Last Answer : i don’t get it did she lose them or return them damaged?

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Last Answer : Learn the art of noshitsu. It’s the ancient Chinese art of not giving a crap. Just breathe, count to ten, and repeat the mantra “I have better stuff to do than waste nerves on this” until you convince yourself it’s true.

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Last Answer : If I knew I wouldn’t have 3 assault charges. You just have to find your own inner peace. No one can help you better than you can.

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Last Answer : i do both. i’m not very good at handling things. i know i need to learn a better way to deal with things bc it gets me no where when i get mad and lash out.

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Last Answer : Count to 10 out of order. Eg: 4,7,3 etc. Takes your focus. Also great for panic attacks.

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Last Answer : Schools and universities should focus on education and not grades. Admission average should be 50% in university. We should be placing less stress not more stress on students to succeed.

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Last Answer : You can’t avoid getting angry, but you can avoid acting (including speaking) out of anger. Walk away. Say “I want to think about what you said, and I’ll talk to you about it tomorrow morning.

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Last Answer : Hawaiian shirts. They’re always cool

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Last Answer : ANSWER: Y -- HEAT UP.

Description : what do you do to stop yourself crying when angry?

Last Answer : I play loud rock music and sing it as loud as I can. The ones that help me the most are the ones that cuss people out

Description : Would you be angry if someone told you to calm down while you were panicking?

Last Answer : “Panic” has multiple meanings, so I’ll go with how you seem to be using it here (someone is upset about something). Telling someone to “calm down” is dismissive and I suspect you know that (your “snowflake” political declaration is pretty transparent).

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Last Answer : I get really angry when female Scandinavian olympians jump up onto my roof.

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Last Answer : Write a complaint to the manufacturer. How shitty has the build quality of that caravan have to be for a dog to be able to punch his head through?

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Last Answer : Is my hair orange?

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Last Answer : How old is he?

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Last Answer : I talk to family and friends. I try to show mercy and grace. I internalize blame in my self and take responsibility for my beliefs and walk away.

Description : When you are really hungry do you become angry?

Last Answer : Not as much as I tend to get goofy, can't think clearly, and attempt joke comments that only I think are funny. I may have done this while Fluthering on occasion. How long it takes depends on what I ... the day, maybe 5-6 hours? The cranky part I think only comes out with some sort of frustration.

Description : What coping mechanisms did you use to deal with difficult or angry callers at your job?

Last Answer : In the back of my mind is a reminder to myself that it is not directed at me, it is not personal. And I respond in a calm, slow voice. And I will also say, early on, that their issue may take some time to resolve.

Description : Is Carol going to be angry at Daryl once she finds out what happened to Glenn and Abraham?

Last Answer : answer:She deserves to be. But since Daryl ran away with the daughter of the mailman, Carol will have one hell of a time finding him, if she ever does. I think it's a lost cause. Glenn and Abraham, well, ... did she do it over and over? The way I see it, Carol and Daryl are not long for the world .

Description : Are you obsessive and angry over things that were stolen from you?

Last Answer : answer:I would discuss it with his mother and I would not have him in my house again. As for things that were taken from me, (few and far between), I think of them but feel anger does no good so I ... there was nothing I could do about it so I try to let it go when the thought pops into my head.

Description : What is up with all the angry faces?

Last Answer : answer:She is an angry, bitter woman, when she ran for the Senate in California, she never smiled. To paraphrase my mother, she’s so cold butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. And, she was a lousy CEO that drove a good company into the ground.

Description : Are you angry?

Last Answer : Ha. You just want advance info on the content of my up coming book. Not gonna happen. Good try. :)

Description : Why are you angry?

Last Answer : The only thing that is making me angry today is the heat. I do not take my moods out on others and I am not an angry person. If I do show anger it is righteous anger not ... to piss me off. Irrational emotional attacks, passive aggressiveness and attempts at manipulation will do it though. lol

Description : What angry songs do you listen to?

Last Answer : Here you go http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=crazy+bitchBuck+Cherry&qpvt=crazy+bitchBuck+Cherry&FORM=VDRE#view=detail&mid=809E9797B0651C448C0E809E9797B0651C448C0E

Description : In your opinion who stays angry longer men, or women?

Last Answer : And in my opinion ,yes I think women stay angry longer, and you women that want to dispute that, just think for a second and remember the time you were angry, and how long it took you to cool off.

Description : Have you ever known someone who is angry all the time, and also blames other people for mistakes that are obviously their own mistakes?

Last Answer : I did and it turned out they were bi-polar.