Where can I find military flag etiquette?

1 Answer

Answer :

I am pretty sure that there are websites that will give you tons of information on military flag etiquette. I think there may even be a few books about how to display military flags.

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Last Answer : Consider that this is your safety at risk.

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Last Answer : I’ve bought many items on eBay but only rarely added a personalized note to the vendor. I don’t believe it’s necessary. A simple “thank you” should suffice.

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Last Answer : Never, never, never (unless it is a child who is 9 years old or younger.)

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Last Answer : I gave you a GQ because I want you to come back and explain this question to me. I have a pretty simple mind~.

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Last Answer : You could casually mention your shower in an email with a note saying, “I know it is really far, but if you could make it, we would love to invite you.”

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Last Answer : answer:Even if he isn't paid per unit time (some cabs do charge this way!), the two minutes you're in the pharmacy is way less time than it would take him to find another fare. It's worth his while to ... s ok with the operator when you book the cab. I'm sure you'll be fine. Just leave a good tip.

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Last Answer : answer:Your family has up to one year to purchase gifts for you. It would be impolite to ask again or even to remind them where you're registered. If your family doesn't pull through by ... as simple as a family cookout to celebrate your nuptials might produce the results you were hoping for.

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Last Answer : answer:I think that in such a situation, a coin-toss would be appropriate, Now, i there were more people on one side of the quiet vs TV debate then I would go with majority rules. However, I would have ... there is A/C. I also have a smartphone, so I can watch stuff even when I am not inside ;)

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Last Answer : I don’t think anyone expects exclusivity before the first date. You’re in the clear. If you feel weird about it, bring it up on date 1 or 2, and say you’re dating other people and you’re wondering what your date’s expectations are.

Description : Parking ticket etiquette?

Last Answer : answer:I would probably call my friend and just casually say, Hey, did you know you got a parking ticket when you were using my car? , and take my cues from how the conversation goes from there. Most likely, they' ... then I'd just pay it myself. If it wasn't a good friend, I'd ask them to pay it.

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Last Answer : Unless you are going to spread them in the lobby….just go for a walk along the beach at sunrise or sunset….say a few words and let their spirit go free.

Description : Line etiquette and saving places, where do you stand? tee hee.

Last Answer : Someone using the bathroom, whatever. But saving spots for 12 people that are meeting you there and aren’t even in the park or something? Not cool.

Description : Sleeping passenger etiquette, what do you do with them?

Last Answer : If someone falls asleep and their head drifts to my shoulder, I may shuffle a little bit, but after that I’ll probably leave them be unless it impedes my own situation. But if your head drifts anywhere other than my shoulder, you’re getting a polite but firm shove back to your own seat.

Description : What's the tipping etiquette here?

Last Answer : It really depends on if you’re splitting the check evenly, or divvying it up based on who ate what. If you’re only paying for what you ate, then you don’t need to tip as much. But if you’re all paying equally, then you need to tip equally.

Description : Interview "Thank You" etiquette (see details)

Last Answer : answer:Thank you is always appropriate. I’ve made sure at some interviews to get each person’s business with e-mail address. “Break a leg”