Etiquette-related question about online purchasing: Do you just leave sellers hanging?

1 Answer

Answer :

Unless I forget, yes.

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Last Answer : Welcome to Fluther. Yeah. Sounds like your friend was either confused about the evening, or confused about what it means to buy shots for someone. I'd pay them. But be wary of this in the future. ... floating the bill. And. As you said, a kind conversation with the person may clear up future issues

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Last Answer : answer:YOLO. Go all in without asking her to split. If she offers to split instead as a birthday gift, yay. If not, you still have your luxurious birthday evening. Yay big birthdays! I still haven’t figured out what I’m doing for mine this year.

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Last Answer : answer:Even if he isn't paid per unit time (some cabs do charge this way!), the two minutes you're in the pharmacy is way less time than it would take him to find another fare. It's worth his while to ... s ok with the operator when you book the cab. I'm sure you'll be fine. Just leave a good tip.

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Last Answer : Thank them profusely and explain that you don’t need the money and won’t be depositing the check. You really appreciate their concern for your and your family’s well-being and you were amazed by their generosity. Suggest a charity instead, and send a thank-you note.

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Last Answer :  Exchange rate

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Last Answer : Hmmm. Could this be a homework question? If so, your instructor should have given you the knowledge to find the answers to your questions. Otherwise I don’t think there’s a way to find out, unless the individuals marketing these products actually reveal the information.

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Last Answer : I have never ever shipped stuff without tracking it's not that much more. You send them the tracking number afrer you've mailed the item. I've never had any problems. Oh and make sure you work ... , make overseas buyers ask you for a quote. People don't like nasty surprises with the shipping cost.

Description : which is an online platform operated by a third party and is open to buyers or sellers in a particular industry. *  vertical and horizontal e-marketplace.  supplier-oriented marketplace.  buyer-oriented marketplace.  B2B independent e-marketplace

Last Answer :  B2B independent e-marketplace

Description : . A portal which is an online platform operated by a third party and is open to buyers or sellers in a particular industry is a: *  vertical and horizontal e-marketplace.  supplier-oriented marketplace.  buyer-oriented marketplace.  B2B independent e-marketplace

Last Answer :  B2B independent e-marketplace

Description : A portal which is an online platform operated by a third party and is open to buyers or sellers in a particular industry is a: A. vertical and horizontal e-marketplace. B. supplier-oriented marketplace ... -oriented marketplace. D. B2B independent e-marketplace. E. None of the above. Ans: D

Last Answer : D. B2B independent e-marketplace

Description : which is an online platform operated by a third party and is open to buyers or sellers in a particular industry. A.vertical and horizontal e-marketplace. B.supplier-oriented marketplace. C.buyer-oriented marketplace. D.B2B independent e-marketplace. Answer: D

Last Answer : D.B2B independent e-marketplace.

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Last Answer : I guess if doing that is keeping you “out” of bars, that’s some benefit in itself.

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Last Answer : answer:I think you are so right. People charge you $75 to pet their dogs???? ruff

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Last Answer : a resounding YES!! I literally have nothing else to add. lol

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Last Answer : Earrings.

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Last Answer : It’s not just rude online etiquette…it’s just plain rude. This girl obviously has an axe to grind with you or your family. Unfortunately, I don’t have the slightest idea on how you might get her to stop. Perhaps you might consult with an attorney.

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Last Answer : Ugh! I’m a chicken, I’d just say I’m going on a round the world trip with a millionaire I just met, so wont be around my computer for at least four years.

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Last Answer : I don’t think anyone expects exclusivity before the first date. You’re in the clear. If you feel weird about it, bring it up on date 1 or 2, and say you’re dating other people and you’re wondering what your date’s expectations are.

Description : I'm looking for a black and white photo (online) for a wall hanging project. Care to help?

Last Answer : answer:Morrissey Here are some good ones if you can find a high res, high dpi file somewhere http://2.bp ... /morrissey2.jpg

Description : MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY. I just thought it would be nice to have one thread where we could all leave our best wishes to each other. And I really can’t figure a out a graceful way to end this in question format, OK?

Last Answer : answer:Twas the night before Xmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a goose. The pussy cats were draped across the big bed while visions of gophers danced in their heads. And ... away, my electric blanket is heating. ;-D Merry Christmas all, and to all a good night !

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Last Answer : answer:Maybe they want to get you pissed off, so someone else can knock him off, and you’ll feel all better, like there’s love and justice and truth in the world again. Sorry, but this falls in the “get a life” category.

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Last Answer : answer:Laser hair removal. It was very expensive, it didn't work well, I did not have good customer service experiences, and I ended up getting an extremely itchy skin rash just after going ... anything that might possibly have been a cause in order to keep from experiencing that torment again.

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Last Answer : I was just going to say books, but smelly soaps are always a plus, too! Can never have too many…

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Last Answer : You can do that but results will not be as goos as an external mic.

Description : Are gold coin sellers on television trying to trick us to buying ?

Last Answer : Anyone who tells you with certainty what the price of a commodity will be in the future is either a delusional fool, a con artist, or a liar. The future is inherently uncertain. Some investments have ... to sell it. You're paying a huge additional premium for the artistic value of the coin.

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Last Answer : answer:Once, about 10 years ago. I sent him back his money and decided to never deal with him again. It wasn’t worth the aggravation. In my experience, MOST (even almost all) Ebay buyers are good and honest and the transaction is smooth. But every now and then you gt a doozy.

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Last Answer : No but it’s usually paid through PayPal.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't know anything about Limoges china, but I do believe an ebay seller can have the item on offer elsewhere. Check the listing to see if it mentions being able to withdraw the item from sale ... . It does seem odd if they look identical. It would seem to suggest they are the same piece.

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Last Answer : This happened to me with a book. It was not like new at all. It smelled of cigarette smoke and had been thumbed to about the halfway point, where I found a boarding pass with a name on it. ... and ask him to cover your postage in his refund check. If you don't get satisfaction, complain to Amazon.