What diet plan should an obese person try to lose weight?

1 Answer

Answer :

Weight Watchers is a good diet plan that helps you learn how to eat while eating regular food. You base how much food you eat by points. Men get more points than woman and nursing woman get more points than woman not nursing/pregnant.

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Description : What are some ways to help someone who is obese lose weight?

Last Answer : Losing weight is easy if you follow two rules: Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, and watch what you eat! If you follow these two rules, you will see changes in your weight.

Description : What is considered obese and how do I lose weight after becoming obese?

Last Answer : When one's body fat becomes 20 percent higher than normal they are considered obese. If one's body mass index is over 30 they are considered obese. Sometimes diet and exercise works but after those avenues have been explored with no avail, bariatric surgery can become an option.

Description : What good diet foods should I try to eat to lose weight?

Last Answer : The best diet foods you should be eating while trying to lose weight are; oatmeal, almonds, peanut butter, and live oil. Remember however that its not always what you eat but the amounts of it that you eat. Try to avoid processed foods and especially fast food.

Description : What is best diet plan to lose weight quickly?

Last Answer : You can try Weightwatchers, Jenny Craig, 24HourFitness, or Curves. I can't guarantee that it's the quickest way to lose weight but they help and guide you to the proper way to lose the weight and keep them off. They also help with planning your diet, the exercise routine, and your diet meals.

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Last Answer : There is a difference between losing weight fast and then safely losing weight and keeping off. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to minimize fried foods and maximize fresh fruits and vegetables. This is not a branded diet, but recommended by WebMD.

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Last Answer : Yes there is a diabetic plan to help you lose weight. A great website to find more information and specific meal plans is http://www.naturaldiabetics.com/diabetic-cooking/

Description : Lose Weight with the Lemon Water Diet Plan?

Last Answer : Losing weight can be tough if you have an unhealthy diet, because it is really hard to break a habit like that. Starting your weight loss goals off with a cleansing fast can be a great way to ... it easier to drink the water, and the water keeps you full while helping you drop some excess weight.

Description : In your opinion, is putting obese kids into foster care a wise plan?

Last Answer : No, putting any kids into foster care (the kind that exists in NYC, anyhow) isn’t a wise plan. Besides, I don’t see why the solution can’t be provision of same intervention for the entire family. Do you know how I’d cope with being forced away from my family? By eating. NOT ideal.

Description : Do you think insurance companies would ever get to the point where obese people are required to have weight loss surgery or be dropped from their health insurance policies?

Last Answer : No, I don't think surgery will be required. I predict the rates obese people pay for insurance will be significantly higher first. I can foresee a time when a notice will be give that at your ... BMI must either be below a certain number, or you must show an x% reduction since the previous year.

Description : What is the weight you have to be to be obese?

Last Answer : Its not a matter of weight when looking at this issue but instead a matter of body fat percentage. You have to calculate your body fat percentage using height and weight to get a true answer. On ... obese. You can get the results at this site. http://www.bmi-calculator.net/body-fat-calculator/

Description : At what weight are you considered obese?

Last Answer : There are many resources available to find out about obesity and rates. One of the best is www.webmd.com.

Description : What is the weight where you can be considered obese?

Last Answer : What do you mean, this question makes no sense. if you mean how many pounds overweight qualifies you as being obese, the ansswer is thirty pounds to fifty pounds; above 50 you are morbidly obese.

Description : Weight Loss Surgery Is For The Morbidly Obese Only.?

Last Answer : In recent years, we've seen a dramatic upsurge in surgical weight loss procedures. While we are certainly in favor of weight loss surgery for the morbidly obese, it just doesn't seem right that ... can't address that. If you're considering surgery, be sure to address your behavioral problems first.

Description : How Do You Know If Your at an Obese Weight?

Last Answer : Most people can tell if they are overweight by even a few pounds. However, many people would be shocked to find out they are at an obese weight. They consider obese people as 300 ... risks that increase with obesity, including Diabetes, hypertension, Heart disease and even some types of cancers.

Description : Weight Loss Surgery for Morbidly Obese Patients ?

Last Answer : In the United States alone, obesity is a huge problem. People are are morbidly obese are at a higher risk for a number of different diseases and medical conditions. Morbid obesity surgery ... weight loss process. After the surgery, the individual will begin eating differently and much healthier.

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Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

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Last Answer : Laziness or lack of mobility,pain etc.. That said, it’s our diet and infrastructure layout. Change that and we’ll start to trend thin and healthy.

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Last Answer : Answer : C

Description : What is the best diet plan to go on in order to lose 10 lbs.?

Last Answer : The best diet for losing just 10lbs would be counting calories. This way you can monitor what you eat and easily lose the extra weight. Fasting may provide quicker results.

Description : What is the best diet plan to lose 45 pounds?

Last Answer : I have heard about a lot of different diet and exercise plans to lose weight, but most people say the best one is the Atkins diet. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atkins_diet

Description : What is an efficient diet plan to lose body fat?

Last Answer : Well, there are different diets that you can use to lose body fat. But I highly recommend you to rely more on fat protein efficient diet. Along with that keep doing exercises and sooner you will start seeing the changes.

Description : Who can safely try a liquid diet for weight loss?

Last Answer : Liquid diets can work, like any diet that gives you fewer calories than you use. These diets can help by taking the guesswork out of portion control. They're also beneficial if you have trouble chewing food.

Description : How fast are you supposed to lose weight on a weightloss plan?

Last Answer : In the beginning of weight loss that is possible due to losing water weight. Has he discussed this program with his doctor? If not, he should so that his doctor is aware of what he is doing and so that his doctor can monitor his overall nutrition while he’s doing it.

Description : Where can i find a weight loss plan to lose weight quickly?

Last Answer : To lose weight quickly you could try a weight loss pill. However, weight loss pills are not good because they put a lot of chemicals to make those pills. The chemicals will react with your body in a bad way.

Description : What is a diet that a person who loves food should try I?

Last Answer : A great diet for a person who just loves food is the low carb diet, if you are a person who loves foods like meats, eggs, and yummy cheese then this diet would definitely be great for you. The low carb ... diets the low carb diet is not a boring diet and just might be right for you if you love food.

Description : If you want to lose weight, what diet would you recommend?

Last Answer : I would eat what I normally eat - a good mix of different foods, except I'd eat less of it. I would not do any fad diet, e.g. the green diet or the blue diet or the meat only or no meat. I'd ... , drink water, and get a little ore exercise. Don't try to lose it all in one shot. Go slow and steady.

Description : Can I lose weight from diet alone ? Can I lose weight from cutting calories but not exercising ?

Last Answer : I don’t know if you can guarantee a set weight loss – so much depends on metabolism – but yes, you can lose weight by cutting calories alone. Maybe try to build some extra physical activity into your day by taking stairs, parking further away in parking lots, etc.

Description : Do diet pills really help you lose weight ?

Last Answer : Do it naturally. Please. Drink water, jog, eat vegetables and fruit.

Description : Diet pills or healthy eating habits to lose weight?

Last Answer : Now really, what do you think?

Description : Give a daily diet chart for weight loss. ? I weigh 73 kg and height 5 feet 2 inches , now I want a daily diet chart to lose weight

Last Answer : Morning: Tea or coffee without milk , two loaves of bread , one bowl of cooked vegetables , one bowl of raw cucumber. Cucumber works like magic to lose weight. Midday: The white part of an egg ... good health. Instead, keep in mind that it is the cause of various diseases and be health conscious.

Description : Can you lose weight with pH Miracle diet?

Last Answer : I have never tried this method before. It is a balanced diet method so definitely you will reduce your weight in a healthy way.

Description : Has anyone heard of a liquid diet to lose weight fast?

Last Answer : There are a number of liquid diets, some of which are administered by a hospital plan in order to monitor the clients closely. A liquid diet results in quick weight loss, which serves to bolster the ... here what Dr. Oz has to say about liquid diets: http://www.oprah.com/community/thread/85694

Description : What diet will help me lose the most weight fast?

Last Answer : I don't think any such diet exists. Losing weight is not based on a diet but your will power and determination on how well you can follow directions and can stick with it. Besides you should not be ... water which will come back in several day. Try for losing is sensibly which can last a lifetime.,

Description : Is a all liquid diet the fastest ways to lose weight ?

Last Answer : All liquid diets can help you lose weight fast at first, but they are not sustainable over the long term. The weight will come back on once you eat solid food again. The best way to lose weight is to eat less than you burn, eat sensibly, and follow a vigorous exercise program.

Description : What is the safest diet for a teen to lose weight on?

Last Answer : The South Beach Diet or Weight Watchers provide healthy, flexible, and sustainable diets that even younger people can follow.

Description : Is Gary Null Ultimate Lifetime Diet shake safe for a nursing mother trying to lose pregnancy weight?

Last Answer : No no not at all. During pregnancy every mother Should consult to doctor before taking this diet.Again keep in mind it can be taken as food supplementation but not for reducing weight

Description : Lose Weight With Diet Foods?

Last Answer : Porphyra laver is rich in vitamins A, B1 and B2, and can also help drain waste and accumulated water from the body. Bananas have high calories, but low fat, rich in potassium, full belly, and low ... day and check your weight loss effect, so that you can be more motivated to continue to lose weight.

Description : Lose Weight With a Fiber Diet?

Last Answer : If you are looking to lose weight fast, try a fiber diet. Fiber is great for weight loss and weight maintenance. Fiber helps you stay full, which prevents you from overeating and gaining unwanted ... . In addition to eating foods with fiber, you can increase your weight loss with rigorous exercise.

Description : Is the 2000 calorie diet a good way to lose weight?

Last Answer : Usually to lose weight women stick to a 1500 to 1700 calorie plan. Guys can do a 2000 calorie plan ok. however anything that is a reduction of your normal total calorie intake is a good diet.

Description : What are some diet solutions that will help me lose weight quickly?

Last Answer : The Diet Solution claims that 10-15lbs can be lost in 6 weeks on its weight loss program, but requires willpower. The Cabbage Soup Diet, on the other hand, claims to help you lose 10lbs in one week.

Description : Can you lose weight with no diet?

Last Answer : Little changes can help with your weight lose. For example cutting down on sodas if you drink a lot. Adding exercise will help especially if you don't want to diet.

Description : Where can I find information on fast diet to lose weight?

Last Answer : Here of course because I have all the answers to your questions. If you lose weight, fast Diet You can start eating more vegetables and lower portion sizes buy a little and check your weight after each meal and hope for the best.

Description : Is a carb free diet a healthy way to lose weight?

Last Answer : Cutting out carbohydrates is neither a safe or healthy way to lose weight since those pounds lost can easily be regained. It is best to take a safe, slow, and steady approach.

Description : Lose Weight On A Vegetarian Diet?

Last Answer : A vegan diet can help you lose weight while still being healthy. The goal is to focus on nutrient-dense foods rather than empty calories, like with any diet. Fresh fruits and veggies would be examples of ... . You can visit their website to read more... bit. ly/3GYBM1X (REMOVE SPACES IN THE LINK)

Description : Do free diet plans really help you lose weight and keep the weight off?

Last Answer : Free diet plans do help you lose weight and keep the weight off, they work just like "pay" diet plan. The key to these diet is you have to follow the instruction and keep doing it till you reach your weight goal.

Description : What is a good weight lose diet?

Last Answer : welcome I want to suggest something that helped me personally with the problem of obesity and unwanted excess weight. This guide does not require you to spend money.. But just follow the ... in 11 days It's really cool. Just read the articles on the link many.link/loseweightresolutions2021