Where can I find a local military school for teens?

1 Answer

Answer :

There are military schools in all fifty states and Puerto Rico. One website to help you find options in your area is http://www.militaryschooloptions.com. When looking for and applying to a school, be sure to be clear about whether you are looking for a school for a troubled teen who needs behavior modification help, or for a teen with strong leadership abilities and a desire to become a cadet. This site offers a directory of military schools for boys or girls: http://www.military-school.org/ The site lets you link to specific schools for details.

Related questions

Description : What is the best military school for teens in the US?

Last Answer : If you are interested in joining the Army, West Point Academy is considered to be an excellent choice. It is a prestigious school and many graduates go on to become officers.

Description : how do i support local efforts to help teens?

Last Answer : You can become a sponsor of local teen activities and donate your time to local projects. Check with your town center or ask a local school if they need help with any projects. You could also look for ... "big sister" which ask you to act like a sibling of teens to help them with social activities

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Last Answer : We expect a lot of teens, and a messed up sleep schedule is the national default setting. Messing with they way they cope isn’t helpful.

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Last Answer : Most public schools have support systems for students with learning disabilities. The first step would be to ask what their procedure is for diagnosing a disability. If a disability is found, ... mainstream setting (providing assistants, for example, or allowing additional time for tests, etc.).

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Last Answer : I didn't realize until I was out of HS that I didn't have to be bound to the label that had been placed on me by the HS crowd. I'm sure that many HS students feel the same way ... people get stuck with I can imagine it would feel pretty hopeless, especially if it's coupled with mental illness.

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Last Answer : Less than 5% of US teens attend boarding schools for high school

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Last Answer : For a guide and listing of schools you can visit www.troubledteensguide.com. You can also check out Wisconsin.schooltree.org.

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Last Answer : There are various camps all around the country. They are tailored to the different interests your teens may have. A good site to look is: http://www.teensummercamps.com/

Description : If the claim, that fast food jobs are just for teens to gain "job experience", should they not be open only from late afternoon to early evening?

Last Answer : I don’t understand the question. How would it benefit anyone to have them closed at random times?

Description : Would a person forget how to speak their native language if they hadn't spoken it since their early teens?

Last Answer : My bet is that language acquired in childhood would be difficult to erase, particularly if everyday fluency were extended into the teen years.

Description : Does it make sense to say teens who do the following are more mature? (similar sounding Q to another one)

Last Answer : These were the details to your other question. (linked here) Do they still apply to this question? -try to own a car as soon as possible, (I don't mean that's a risky thing) -try ... things (fill in the blank) including the activity that could involve the term _swiping . (one direction or another)

Description : Does it make sense to say teens who don't do the following are more mature?

Last Answer : By the way, inspite of the “Does it make sense… part of my OP, it doesn’t mean I think it doesn’t make sense.

Description : In what ways would schools/parents have to change in order to produce fewer angry teens?

Last Answer : Schools and universities should focus on education and not grades. Admission average should be 50% in university. We should be placing less stress not more stress on students to succeed.

Description : Why does our system of numbers include 11, 12 and all the teens?

Last Answer : OR why, at least is 11 and 12 not called “Eleventeen” and “Twelveteen”. and if you did that, why is it “Ten” and not “Teen” in the first place. What is wrong with this world!

Description : Are there any online resources for teens dealing with depression?

Last Answer : Yes, but you will have make sure they accept your health insurance and a credit card. Google ”+on-line psychiatrists” there are several.

Description : Do you think teens who are overscheduled enjoy being overscheduled?

Last Answer : Why not just ask “Tina”? That’s the only way to know, aside from massively obvious signs of stress.

Description : Do you know of any books that critique texting, instant messaging, or casual speech/writing among teens and young adults througout history?

Last Answer : answer:Try something like this: link The general area for that type of material appears to be (LC Classification: LC149) http://primo02v1 ... =false&query=isbn%2Cexact%2C0415687152&scp.scps=&dstmp=1413557781921&dym=true&bulkSize=30&vl(freeText0)=0415687152&group=GUEST&vid=discovere&institution=EMORY

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Last Answer : Know any card games, like Pitch or Gut?

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Last Answer : They can do a 30 minute dive in the shark and ray tank at the Aquarium. Seriously, my son did it an d loved it.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, there can be long term impact from such abuse. And, the possibility of Post Traumatic Stress can manifest itself in many different ways. It can also affect your long term physical health. So what ... a women's shelter, and ask for a referral. They'll help you find someone you can afford.

Description : What happens to teens with extreme, untreated, ignored stress?

Last Answer : These situations scream help and it's very unfortunate that the parent in this situation refuses assistance, the aftermath of these cases do not end well so here is an proactive approach, he needs talk to ... that he deals with this emotions as he is at the age where it is most difficult ...

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Last Answer : If a product is trademarked you need a license to sell it.

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Last Answer : answer:I can’t say “mostly” anything, because there are good homes and bad homes. And what might be a good home for some is an awful home for others, and vice versa. All in all, a teenager like that is in much better shape than a lot of others in the system.

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Last Answer : Therapy asap!!! Suicide in teens is all too common, and if he’s being bullied, it’s not cool or funny.

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Last Answer : I’m not too sure, but by the sounds of this, I don’t think so

Description : Do you let your teens or young adult children smoke or do illegal drugs in your home?

Last Answer : Good god no. I’m the house that all the my son’s friends come to as well. We often have 6 or 7 teenage boys in our basement. They don’t seem to mind my rules. Actually, those are their rules. They all made a pact to not smoke, do drugs or drink and, so far, they’ve all stuck to it.

Description : Do you know, or know of, any teens who do not participate in online social networking?

Last Answer : My nephew is 14 and doesn’t use social networking sites. He is well rounded with lots of friends. Plays basketball, swim team, and football. He does play video games but mostly sports games.

Description : Holiday gifts for 14-17 year old teens?

Last Answer : It depends on your budget. If you are trying to stay in the $30 and under price, iTunes gift cards, or check out stupid.com for the guys. It she is a girly girl, Sephora puts their gift ... getting them all remote control cars that they can play with on Christmas day. The mini ones are fun.

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Last Answer : answer:There's nothing to be done here. I mean okay sometimes you can't avoid them but do you have to listen or read to what they say/do? Cyberbullying can be avoided rather easy. ... to them are really REALLY weak persons. One shouldn't resort to violence or self violence because it happened.

Description : In the area you live in, how old are teens when the majority have (or seem to have) their own cell phones?

Last Answer : answer:Back in California I live in a lower to middle class suburban city in the east bay area. Most kids in high school, and some kids in middle school tend to have cell phones, but ... political agenda, but they're the people I usually come upon in rural Illinois rather than suburban California.

Description : Parents of tweens and young teens: What's your strategy for managing your child's cell phone usage?

Last Answer : My kids are a bit younger than your daughter, but they have a phone for emergencies. They are only allowed to make and receive calls to and from immediate family members, no texting or calling just for the ... the rules. At the same time, they feel uber-cool that they get to have a phone at all.

Description : When you remember the summers of your childhood or early teens, were you bored or did you have a great time?

Last Answer : We were kicked out of the house when my mom left for work, rain or shine. If we stayed in, we did chores. My mom was a SAHM my early childhood, and when she worked, the household was kept to the same ... I wanted to read, I would have to take the book and climb a tree, where she couldn't get me.

Description : Do hospitals still have Candy Striper programs for teens?

Last Answer : The short answer is yes. It depends upon the hospital and the programs they offer; however, they are not usually called candy stripers anymore. They can be junior volunteer programs or just volunteer programs. The Red Cross also has junior volunteer programs in some areas.

Description : Do any parents of teens here have experience with Ritalin and the like?

Last Answer : My nephew seemed to always be doing 3 things at once. You try to stop the damage he is doing here, and he is already damaging something in another room. The doctors told her Ritalin would fix this, but ... they could good-parent the problem away. I assure them they cannot. I am a big believer in it.

Description : Is renting a limo for Prom night indulging our teens too much?

Last Answer : I understand getting them a limo. But a stripper pole?! Im my opinion I think that is too much. I would tell her no pole or no limo!

Description : What should we do with bullied GLBT teens?

Last Answer : I don't think we need queer schools just so that queer kids can be safe though schools like the Hetrick-Martin Institute have been incredible for teens that can't be in normal' ... weeks ago, some administrators and teachers and staff are worse than students in their homophobia and transphobia.

Description : Parents: did you let your teens have complete access to their money or were you a gatekeeper?

Last Answer : My parents let me figure it out myself. I don’t think that was the best way because I never got the saving habit until much later.

Description : What should we do with bullied GLBT teens?

Last Answer : I don't think we need queer schools just so that queer kids can be safe though schools like the Hetrick-Martin Institute have been incredible for teens that can't be in normal' ... weeks ago, some administrators and teachers and staff are worse than students in their homophobia and transphobia.

Description : What happened, why did teens go from a boxing match to a gun battle?

Last Answer : answer:Wish i knew the answer @Hypocrisy_Central ! I'm with you as we always settled things after school hours. When I was growing up, we watched Roy Rogers, Cisco Kid, etc. but, today kids, see much worse ... day also, but we just endured. Just don't have a good answer my friend. Sure wish I did.

Description : Do you think teens these days are extremely different then from how they were in the past?

Last Answer : Yep. The word “morality” is not being taught to them. Also teens today lack manners and civility. Not all of them, but most do.

Description : What do teens want?

Last Answer : Paintball.

Description : Is it abnormal to find teens liking the same gender at the ages between 13-16?

Last Answer : I honestly went through a phase like that. I was teased about not having a boyfriend at that age and I really did question if I was gay or not. I finally figured out that I like boys. It’s a very normal thing to go through. I never mentioned it to anyone because I was embarrassed. :/

Description : Do you think for young men there is a contradiction in telling teens to give up their baby for adoption and walking away from their children?

Last Answer : The child is THE most important person here. I’m not entirely sure that I understand the question, Could you explain further?

Description : Who in say your early teens, made your heart go boom titty boom titty boom?

Last Answer : Early teens?? Boy; that goes WAY back !! Elvis. Saw him live on Ed Sullivan and fell in love right then. I went upstairs and got my WHITE LEATHER jewelry box and wrote, “I love Elvis” on it in BLUE ink and of course it never came off.

Description : Quality time with your teens. Describe yours.

Last Answer : Me and my mom always talk about anything. She is my best-best-best-best friend!!!! I love her very much:):):):):):):):)

Description : When you fluther folks were teens, did you guys often fall in love?

Last Answer : You need to distinguish between infatuation and love. I have had a thousand infatuations, 5 or 6 serious relationships, two marriages, and have been in love once.

Description : I come into contact with young adults and teens on line and they take things Very literally, is it just my impression?

Last Answer : I’m curious to hear an example of this. I’m a young adult (18) and I’ve been on Q&A sites since I was 14 and I have been accused of taking things “too literally” before. But I can’t seem to come up with an example. :) What’s an example that you’ve seen of this?

Description : Do you think its better for teens to get the whole truth, or should they be protected?

Last Answer : Why have you made the assumption that what you heard from the ex serviceman was the truth?