Are elgin baylors daughters still living?

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Description : Are elgin baylors children living?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : In what year was Lord Elgin born ?

Last Answer : Born in 18

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Last Answer : : Angel tablet titanium methylsulphate is an antispasmodic drug. Angel tablets relax the muscles of the digestive system , biliary system , uterus and bladder. It is indicated for ... biliary colic , enterocolitis, cholecystitis, colonopathy , cystitis and spasmodic dysmenorrhea . Thank you!

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Last Answer : I'm not 100% sure if it comes with an authenticity but I know it does come with a warranty so maybe those are tied in together.

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Last Answer : You can set the alarm volume on a sliding scale of one to ten for the Elgin Travel Alarm Clock.

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Last Answer : I found this page with a similar question. Seems One Note may be the issue or the keyboard is set to french.

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Last Answer : answer:Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be ... performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

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Last Answer : I can understand your discomfort. I guess it depends on how this parent’s generation were raised, it was a different time back then. It can also be a factor of the daughter’s own behavior and personality, some girls are tomboys so they require a more normal treatment.

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Last Answer : answer:My sister's son tried to join the Navy a few years ago. I was supportive of the idea. I was pretty sure we would have different president at the time. Now I am very glad he ... needs to accelerate their nuclear program (just stay hush about it) to prevent aggression from the United States.

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Last Answer : answer:I would call and ask. It depends on the state. Here I had to have a PIN from my previous registration. In Michigan I just went to the web site and ordered tags for my mom.

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Last Answer : I’ve been trying out linux distros and I currently like Elementary OS the best.

Description : Why are moms naming their daughters "boys names" now?

Last Answer : answer:I've never really seen the name Jordan as specifically male. I've always seen it as a unisex name. I completely disagree that it creates problems. I think it inspires more gender equality to be ... . Who is to really say what constitutes a boys name or a girls name? They are just names.

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Last Answer : answer:@keobooks: The other mother said You can do something about it. You're the parent! Meaning that she wanted me to force my daughter to share the scooter. I was embarrassed when ... a tantrum likely has developmental disabilities, so I would also keep a close eye on their interactions.

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Last Answer : I did (many times) and it really helped form my boys’ interest in science and engineering. They were able to see and play with all kinds of test equipment, engines, environmental test chambers, wind tunnel, etc. They got a much better understanding of the engineering world. The lessons stuck.

Description : What kind of beer should I brew for my daughter's Bat Mitzvah?

Last Answer : answer:Considering that you are doing the decorations with a non-Christmas, but still winter theme, maybe your beers could have a Winter Theme too. I don’t know anything about beer brewing, but that article and recipes sounded pretty tempting.

Description : This father's way of combating his daughter’s apparel choices he deems inappropriate; effective, silly, good, your thoughts details inside?

Last Answer : Sure, @Hypocrisy_Central. This is a fashion question.

Description : What feminist writing should I introduce my daughters to?

Last Answer : answer:Novels. Try The Awakening by Kate Chopin. Little Women can be discussed in some ways as a feminist novel. Wide Sargossa Sea by Jean Rhys - particularly if they've read Jane Eyre. A ... try exploring and talking about the lives of women in the past and present before reading anything didactic.

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Last Answer : Something connected to her fave sport or hobby? Any interests that could help create a name?

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Last Answer : 3 HOURS? That seems like a very short time to send someone home after that type of surgery. Call the hospital and talk to the doctor on duty and explain how your daughter is feeling and see what they ... on the type of surgery as to how long the person stays and tells you what to expect after.

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Last Answer : Police will deal with it!

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Last Answer : My daughter used to come home with things, like toys, jewelry, books. I really thought and to this day she will swear that I believed she was selling drugs or bullying the other children into giving her ... She has great friends who still give her stuff and I've learned I was just a paranoid mother.

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Last Answer : Most parents must know that there is a strong likelihood of candy, either at the actual party or in the goody bags. I wouldn’t worry about it. Put them in if you want to. :)

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Last Answer : How about a traditional German folk song:

Description : What do I do, if anything, to help out a family friend who is in denial about her daughter's disease?

Last Answer : answer:I think you should offer to speak to the daughter. Ask the mom in a non-accusatory way, such as I've been through that, how about I meet your daughter to let her know what to expect and how I ... he once told me he felt so lonely then because there was no one his age to talk to. Good luck!

Description : How good are your sons/daughters at at reading? What is their lexile score, if you know?

Last Answer : answer:My 3 year old knows his alphabet and their individual sounds (no compounds yet, like “ph” or “gr”) and can sight-read certain words like “stop” “go” “cat” “dog” “Mama” “Daddy” and “Ian” My Lexile scores came back “post college” from about seventh grade on.

Description : Why are fathers, as opposed to mothers, generally more protective of their daughters?

Last Answer : Yours is a generalization that I would say is not borne out by my experience. I’ve met mothers who are absolutely fierce about protecting their children, of whatever gender, and some men who could not care less.

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Last Answer : Again with the Casey Anthony fake stories? Why continue to give her the notoriety? Why not ignore her and pray that she eventually gets what’s coming to her?

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Last Answer : I think you might be interested in this Q. Not the same question as yours, but related. I just asked it a few days ago. When I saw your question, I thought you were linking mine at first, but then I realized it is an article you read onine.

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Last Answer : Try writing your own. That way, it can be exactly what you want.

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Last Answer : answer:Your first responsibility is to protect your child. It is more important than her feelings. Whatever decisions you have to make to do that are justifiable. However, if you have a custody agreement, ... her for holding things together on her own. You can get through this. It will get easier.

Description : I want to look modest and decent on my daughter’s wedding ceremony. So, what style of dress is best for me?

Last Answer : You haven’t described yourself in any real detail,so I would go to a dress shop and have the people there assist you.They can look at your build and coloring and show you dresses or dressy suits to try. Good luck! Have fun at the wedding! :)

Description : I just introduced my daughters to real butter croissant from a new patisserie in town, and they raved about them. Which of life's pleasures have you introduced to someone recently?

Last Answer : Pho Ga… which I am eating right now on a dreary day after working outside all morning. yum.

Description : What questions should I ask our doctor concerning our daughter's repeated illnesses?

Last Answer : answer:Looking for a new doctor sounds like an excellent starting point. I wish I knew the questions you should ask. A high fever every month is definitely something that should be investigated. I wish you all the best of luck in getting to the bottom of this mystery.

Description : What are some holiday gift suggestions for my daughter's pre-school teachers?

Last Answer : For all my kids' teachers I go with a gift card, usually to a coffee place or Target. I always figure that it doesn't have to be too much money - especially a coffee place, five bucks will let ... at the time always influences the amount I spend more than the number of days my child is in school.

Description : If you alone could decide what penalty to give the two guys that raped and murdered the Petit mom and 2 daughters, what would it be?

Last Answer : I don’t believe in the death penalty. Life in prison. I don’t see this case as being so unlike hundreds of others.

Description : What do you think of parents,usually single mothers who have no idea what their daughters are actually doing on the internet?

Last Answer : I would confiscate her webcam and give her a lecture.

Description : Parents, do you often feel anxiety over your children (especially daughters) growing up so quickly?

Last Answer : answer:I am not a mom but I can relate to raising a child. I have helped raise my sister since she was age 10 after I graduated from college. It's really awkward to have to explain ... taboo to talk about. I would appreciate your daughter's maturity and effort to try and communicate with you.

Description : Fathers, did/do you ever take your young daughters into public bathrooms with you?

Last Answer : I have 2 boys that have seen the inside of many woman’s rest rooms but is has been a while. And I don’t envy the dads who have to schlep their daughters through men’s rooms as I have yet to see one I am comfortable using myself let alone plopping a daughter down on those toilet. Unfun!

Description : My daughter's school offers yoga for kids, is it a good idea? She is slightly less than 5. Thanks.

Last Answer : Does she WANT to do this?

Description : Teen plastic surgery wanted by mom to further daughter's career, good, bad, or who cares?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t want my daughter thrown to the wolves like that in the first place. Not a healthy environment. To answer the question, I think that 15 is a bit young for elective plastic surgery.

Description : do I get through my 12 year old daughters teenage years.

Last Answer : I’m watching this with interest as my almost 14 year old is coming to live with me…..yipes

Description : Why is my kitten peeing on my daughters bed?

Last Answer : Not a fan of your daughter? Cats do sometimes pee in places to “get even.” I had a cat once that would pee in my shoes when I left town.

Description : How do I make my daughter's wedding at the courthouse special?

Last Answer : Tell them they are about to embark on the greatest journey of their lives. You could also take a lot of pictures and make them a book of the photos that's ready when they return from honeymooning. Or, how about ... 're totally in looove though!' and he/she will be like, O Rly? OK then.' eh? :)

Description : Why do my sister and daughters have "magnetic personalities?" See details.

Last Answer : I don't know, but I have the opposite situation. As long as I wear a watch daily, that watch battery will last and last. For years. The minute I stop wearing the watch, it dies within ... trouble with automatic faucets, hand dryers, and the like. They don't sense me! It's extremely frustrating.

Description : What do you think of mothers piercing their infant daughter's ears?

Last Answer : I’d wait for my daughter to reach an age when she could decide for herself.

Description : I'm having trouble deciding where to do my daughter's birthday party, do you have any good suggestions?

Last Answer : Hooters.

Description : How can I send a song to my daughters cell phone?

Last Answer : You can send a song to a cell phone using MMS (Multi Media Text Messaging) but that’s only if you have the song already on your cell phone and if both phone’s are capable.

Description : Who did Adam's (the progenitor) sons and daughters marry?

Last Answer : answer:Dire needs call for dire measures. For “Creation” to have happened there would have had to been a lot of inbreeding. Not a lot of differentiation within the species. Nice Tags


Last Answer : Have her get the place where she wants it planted ready.............cover it with a big board and dig them up when the leaves drop off and replant them. They like well drained soil in sunny or lightly shaded area. ... fertilizer.............lime to raise ph sulfur to lower ph..................

Description : Thirteen women are kneeling around a circle. A whistle blows, and suddenly all thirteen women began shouting out the names of their sons and daughters, while frantically waving their arms. At last, a ... and one of the women is awarded a trophy. What kind of insanity is happening here? -Riddles

Last Answer : The thirteen women, along with their thirteen sons and daughters (all babies of a crawling age), are competing in a 'Fastest Crawling Baby Contest.' Initially, all of the babies were placed in ... to their mother outside of the circle was the winner, and the trophy was subsequently awarded to her.