What experiences have you had in dealing with difficult customers?

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Sub: Free Retail interview questions and answers

Interview questions: What experiences have you had in dealing with difficult customers?

Answer tips/answer samples:

Difficult customers can become much more problematic. As the company’s margin shall depend much on its reputation, if one cannot handle properly the issue with a difficult customer, it may damage the image of the company and affect on the profit afterward. A difficult customer may try to argue with the salesman about the product, price or insist on returning the product without reasonable cause, and so on. As a salesman, it is crucial that he/she must remain calm and treat the customer on mutual respect. Then consult to the manager for opinion. Anyway, being professional under any situation.

Related questions

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Last Answer : This question is designed to see how you handle conflict and to see whether you can move beyond it. Also, be sure that the reason for your person not liking you isn't something that will look bad the interviewer.

Description : What is your typical way of dealing with conflict? Give me an example.

Last Answer : First, find out what the root of the problem is. Second, determine the best steps to remediation with the best possible outcome. Third, take action to put remediation plans in place.

Description : Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult person. How did you handle the situation?

Last Answer : This question is designed to see how you handle conflict and to see whether you can move beyond it. Explain what you do in such a situation and how you stayed level-headed.

Description : Give an example of when you had to work with someone who was difficult to get along with. Why was this person difficult ? How did you handle that person?

Last Answer : This question is designed to see how you handle difficult people, and what you have successfully done to work with them. Explain how you do not let difficult people get your attitude down.

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Last Answer : This question is designed to see how you handle conflict and to see whether you can move beyond it. Explain what you do in such a situation and how you stayed level-headed.

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Last Answer : Once again, the employer is more interested in the tools you use to effectively communicate a complex idea, rather than the idea itself. Points to bear in mind when explaining your ... encourage questions and if somebody is having difficulty understanding, you are quick to adapt your style.

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Last Answer : This isn't a time to talk about attending frat parties, but rather a time to speak about how you volunteered with the Red Cross chapter at your school, or how you often attended the theatre productions. Speak to your academic experience as well, but don't only focus on that.

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Last Answer : This question is designed to see what you enjoy and don't enjoy. If you really enjoyed a particular course or a particular organization you were involved in, be certain to highlight it.

Description : How will you make customers feel welcome in our store?

Last Answer : Sub: Free Retail interview questions and answers Interview questions: How will you make customers feel welcome in our store? Answer tips/answer samples: In a retail store, there are many customers in ... attitude is the key to make the customers feel warm and welcomed when coming to your store.

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Last Answer : Sub: Free Retail interview questions and answers Interview questions: The credit card machine is broken. What do you say to the customers? Answer tips/answer samples: Credit card machine is a ... while keeping the goods; in addition, I will say sorry to the customers for the inconvenience.

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Last Answer : Sub: Free Retail interview questions and answers Interview questions: Why do customers shop at this store? Answer tips/answer samples: The common question you may encounter if you are applying ... a quality product at a reasonable margin with the dynamic and passionate help of the salesman.

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Last Answer : This is similar to the last question except that it focuses on you instead of others. The company wants to know that you can keep a positive attitude even when times are dicult. Give an example and explain what you do to keep your spirits up.

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Last Answer : Managing different personalities and keeping them focused on the goal at hand.

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Last Answer : Here you should be ready with your real life story. The question looks for information on two fronts: How do you define difficulty and how did you handle the situation? You should be able to ... members and other peers. It is advisable to close by highlighting the lesson learnt out of the incident.

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Last Answer : This is one of the most typical behavioral questions in an interview. With this question, the interviewer is planning to examine your behaviors under a problem and how you handle it. You may answer as ... . But eventually, don't forget to tell the interviewer what you have learn from all of those

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Last Answer : When asking this question, an employer isn't interested who you find it difficult to work with. They want to know what you do to ensure an effective working relationship with such individuals  communication ... is to getting the job done, and appealing to their better nature things get done.

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Last Answer : TRAPS: Unless you phrase your answer properly, your interviewer may conclude that whatever you identify as difficult is where you are weak. BEST ANSWER: First, redefine difficult to be ... of each step in the process and most importantly, the exceptional results you've achieved.).  

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Last Answer : Interview questions: Tell me about an assignment that was too difficult for you. How did you resolve the issue? Answer tips/answer samples: There are many objectives behind this question. For example, ... your experience is a much more beneficial way than saying that I can handle any problem .

Description : What are the most difficult decisions to make?

Last Answer : Interview questions: Answer tips/answer samples: This is one of the most typical behavioral questions in an interview. With this question, the interviewer is planning to examine your behaviors under a ... eventually, don't forget to tell the interviewer what you have learn from all of those.

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Last Answer : I think that in the beginning you still feel shocked, you make up in your mind that they're just not there, not dead, just elsewhere ( I did that when my brother passed away) but as more ... more pronounced you miss them more because now you know they'll never experience all that you have and will

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Last Answer : Anything you don't really need, you don't and if it is costing you money suck it up and save a few dimes. Poverty is hard to define, I see some people who just make horrible decisions with there ... how it goes, but I find it really unfortunate the little guy gets screwed it seems like in the end.

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Last Answer : answer:i hate it when i order fast food like its printed on the drive-up menu and i still get a certain question from the service person that has nothing to do with what i just ordered in detail that ... this complete your order? uh, i think it was complete when i ordered it in the first place.

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Last Answer : compatibility

Description : Tendency to which experiences of potential customers fits with innovation is called A. relative advantage B. divisibility C. communicability D. compatibility

Last Answer : compatibility

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Last Answer : b. memorable memorable

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Last Answer : Some kids’ attitude! Nothing can prepare you for that!

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Last Answer : Yes, I did. My family couldn't afford to pay for college. I applied for as much financial aid as possible, but I still had to work to pay for whatever that didn't cover. I ... this candidate hired. She needs to demonstrate perseverance and therefore should try to find some obstacle to speak about.

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Last Answer : I've had to do that more than once - actually several times. The most recent time was when a colleague was scheduled to attend a meeting out of town and came down with the flu two days before he ... in order to make a successful presentation. Never Say: Yes, it has happened. Give an example.

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Last Answer : Find out what the best solution is that will protect your customers. Immediately find out who the 50,000 customers were. From there, issue a notice detailing what happened and explain ... the solution (which should be implemented immediately). Oer free credit protection services to the customers.

Description : Give me an example of a technical problem you had to solve. How did you implement the solution?

Last Answer : First identify the problem, discuss it in detail, and then discuss your technical solution.

Description : If you had enough money to retire right now, would you?

Last Answer : Answering this question with a simple yes will come across as though you are only working for money. If you would retire, what would you do with your time? Travel, volunteer? If you wouldn't retire, explain why.

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Last Answer : This question is designed to see whether you're willing to go the extra mile for the company. Give an example that shows your dedication, without giving too many details about your family life. Also, you don't want to come across as though you hate your family either.

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Last Answer : This question is designed to see how you handle conflict and to see whether you can move beyond it. Explain how you were able to work with the dicult individual, and were able to mediate the situation.

Description : Describe a situation where you felt you had not communicated well. How did you correct the situation?

Last Answer : Communication is important, so focus on what you learned from the situation and how you no longer make the same mistake.

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Last Answer : This question is designed to see what your research methods are. Explain how you organize your research and what types of materials you use.

Description : Tell me about a time when you had to make a decision, but didn't have all the information you needed.

Last Answer : This question is designed to see whether you know how to ask the right questions to get the information you need. The company doesn't want someone who makes a decision without all of the information.

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Last Answer : This question is designed to see if you have the ability to multitask. Give an example of how you organized your work.

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Last Answer : Talk about a time when you've persuaded others to do something that was for the good of a project or the company. What did you do to persuade, and how receptive

Description : Give me an example of a time you had to make an important decision. How did you make the decision? How does it affect you today?

Last Answer : Describing your decision-making process is more important than the decision itself. How do you decide on a solution?

Description : Tell of some situations in which you have had to adjust quickly to changes over which you had no control. What was the impact of the change on you?

Last Answer : This question is designed to see how you handle change and whether you can adapt to changing situations. Give an example of where you handled change well and explain what you did.

Description : What was the most complex assignment you have had? What was your role?

Last Answer : In this example, you want to give an example where you were either the leader or the facilitator (project manager).

Description : In a supervisory or group leader role, have you ever had to discipline or counsel an employee or group member? What was the nature of the discipline? What steps did you take? How did that make you feel? How did you prepare yourself?

Last Answer : If you haven't been a supervisor, think of a situation in which you were a group leader for a school project. Don't give names.

Description : Describe a situation in which you had to arrive at a compromise or guide others to a compromise.

Last Answer : This question is designed to see how well you can mediate a situation and handle conflict. You want to come across as someone who can compromise when necessary.

Description : Sometimes it's easy to get in "over your head." Describe a situation where you had to request help or assistance on a project or assignment.

Last Answer : Requesting help isn't a bad thing, it shows that you put the company first instead of yourself. Give an example of a time when so many projects landed on your plate and you had to ask for help, who you asked, and how you decided what you would do and what the other person would do.

Description : Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done.

Last Answer : Explain the situation, and what you did to go above and beyond? How did others react?

Description : Describe the most significant or creative presentation that you have had to complete.

Last Answer : What was the presentation about, how did you prepare, who did you give the presentation to, and how do you believe the presentation went?

Description : Give me an example of an important goal which you had set in the past and tell me about your success in reaching it.

Last Answer : Many people want to mention their college education as the goal, but unless you achieved it through a dierent path than most people you should try to come up with a dierent example.

Description : Describe a time when you had to use your written communication skills to get an important point across.

Last Answer : This is a good time to explain how well you use email, or how you create charts or diagrams. If you've ever created a training manual or procedures manual, talk about that. The interviewer wants to know that you are a good writer.

Description : Give an example of a time in which you had to be relatively quick in coming to a decision.

Last Answer : This question is designed to see how you act under pressure. Give an example of a time when you had only a short time to come to a decision, what happened, what did you do, and what was the result?

Description : Describe an instance when you had to think on your feet to extricate yourself from a dicult situation.

Last Answer : Only give examples of where the end result was good, not an example of where it didn't work out or you had to lie yourself out of situation. This question will see how you act under pressure. Paint yourself in a good light when it comes to handling pressure.