Which of the following is the most productive ecosystem?

1 Answer

Answer :

Which of the following is the most productive ecosystem? A. Estuary B. Open sea C. Desert D. Mountain

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Description : The most productive ecosystem in the biosphere is – (1) Desert (2) Open Ocean (3) Estuary (4) Tundra

Last Answer : (3) Estuary Explanation: Ecotone regions (transitional zones) like mangroves, wetlands, estuaries, grasslands etc. have far greater productivity compared to natural ecosystems like forest ecosystem, ocean ... world, with about 60% of the world's population living along estuaries and the coast.

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Last Answer : (d) Tropical rain forest

Description : The most productive ecosystem in the biosphere is (1) Desert (2) Open Ocean (3) Estuary (4) Tundra

Last Answer : Estuary

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Last Answer : answer:I'd advise them to identify the key, achievable goals they want to achieve during the year, and to actively sit down and plan how they can achieve them. So if they want to be healthier ... life, set some meaningful targets and then plan small steps that will allow them to reach their target.

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Last Answer : My garden has been growing! Like crazy!

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Last Answer : Yes; And I usually blame it on this damn computer.

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Last Answer : answer:I do my best work (that requires thinking) in the morning. I have a brown-out from 4:00 to 6:00 PM I have a second creative time in the evening.

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Last Answer : answer:Naturally, I'm going to go with Fluther. Positive uses: Getting an answer to a time-sensitive question. Learning new things. Helping others in several ways. Spreading knowledge. Negative uses: ... yourself for a job well done by spending some more time fluthering. Lather, rinse, repeat.

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Last Answer : answer:Walk away from whatever you’re doing. Trying to force it will make it worse. Go for a walk/run outside. Have some tea. Read a book, watch some TV, take your mind off of things. Recharge yourself with a shower/bath or nap. Listen to relaxing music. Do some sketching/doodling. Cook something!

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Last Answer : Squats with a weight bar. Total Legs, glutes and abs. Lunges with Dumbells. Legs, abs, glutes and posture. Any exercises that concentrate on your back. Back and Obliques. Incline leg raises. Lower and mid abs.

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Last Answer : I doubt it. You can ask them what projects they worked on before, and how they planned the projects and whether the deliverables came in on time, and if not, why not, and what they did about ... interested in, the better the information you get will be. Work is real. Interviews should be, too.

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Last Answer : if you hate a problem you can try to find a solution. Example A: I hate to stand up and bathe – Solution A: a tub! …on the other hand, Hitler had a solution. not so good.

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Last Answer : depends what it is that you are doing…....

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Last Answer : Try ask-public.

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Last Answer : No… I’m feeling a bit under the weather, so I’m chilling. It’s a shame because it’s a gorgeous day!

Description : What do you do to keep yourself productive?

Last Answer : answer:Frequent breaks helps me. Setting short attainable goals. I am a web designer / developer so for me it's Finish is this graphic and I'm going to go outside. Or, when I finish this script, I am ... Mac). It tells me how much cash I have made while I work; also a pretty good motivator for me.

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Last Answer : between driving and ask-publicing and having boogers…........ Easier to pick.

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Last Answer : Uhhhhhh OP you good?

Description : What's your thoughts on a Childfree 26 year old woman that Never wants to move out of her parents house but works full time as a CNA/med tech and is very productive. She just simply would Rather have a Relationship without having kids nor living with her significant other?

Last Answer : Uhhhhhh OP you good?

Description : What's your thoughts on a Childfree 26 year old woman that Never wants to move out of her parents house but works full time as a CNA/med tech and is very productive. She just simply would Rather have a Relationship without having kids nor living with her significant other?

Last Answer : Uhhhhhh OP you good?

Description : What's your thoughts on a Childfree 26 year old woman that Never wants to move out of her parents house but works full time as a CNA/med tech and is very productive. She just simply would Rather have a Relationship without having kids nor living with her significant other?

Last Answer : Uhhhhhh OP you good?

Description : What's your thoughts on a Childfree 26 year old woman that Never wants to move out of her parents house but works full time as a CNA/med tech and is very productive. She just simply would Rather have a Relationship without having kids nor living with her significant other?

Last Answer : Uhhhhhh OP you good?

Description : What's your thoughts on a Childfree 26 year old woman that Never wants to move out of her parents house but works full time as a CNA/med tech and is very productive. She just simply would Rather have a Relationship without having kids nor living with her significant other?

Last Answer : Uhhhhhh OP you good?

Description : What's your thoughts on a Childfree 26 year old woman that Never wants to move out of her parents house but works full time as a CNA/med tech and is very productive. She just simply would Rather have a Relationship without having kids nor living with her significant other?

Last Answer : Uhhhhhh OP you good?

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : By sniffing a fat line of flake.

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Last Answer : This answer was deleted by moderators

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Last Answer : . These soils are generally sandy in texture and saline in nature. . In some areas, the salt content is very high and common salt is obtained by evaporating the water. . Due to the dry ... moisture. . The lower horizons of the soil are occupied by kankar, which restricts the infiltration of water