What gives a person luck?

1 Answer

Answer :

I know some many people would attribute their lucks to so many things like astrological occurences, which has to do with constellation of stars. Some call it the horoscope reading where their zodiac signs possess certain lucky numbers, and if they decide to stick with those figures, their stars might shine on them by getting them the lucks they wish for. Apparently, I am not disputing this because everybody have their own belief systems and which they are willing to die for. But as for me, I don't share in that kind of belief system. I am somebody who is a committed believer in the worshipping of the true Almighty God. And thus, anything of luck that hits me is always ascribed to His blessings. That's why often say that "I am not lucky but I am blessed." Personal, from experience, I am aware that nothing of luck just happen to me but it has always been God's blessings.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : I've never gotten sick from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. I've been tested twice (both negative) and have had 2 Pfizer vaccine shots. But this doesn't meant that I haven't been exposed to virus ... just kicked it's butt. And antibody test from a blood specimen would indicate weather or not I was exposed.

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Last Answer : From Zero’s POV, predestination. From reality, chance.

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Last Answer : Some luck, some skill. It matters where and how the line and bait is cast, what size is the hook, how much crap is in the water that your line gets caught in/on, and how your bait is ensnared ... if the fisherperson can cast well enough so that the lure ends up, at some point, just behind that rock.

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Last Answer : Your question applies to two different types of people. One is the person who seems to have a bad expereince at a restaurant. Those people seem to have a cloud over their chair, always ordering the poorest thing ... nice, and there response was, I don't see what the big deal is about this place

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Last Answer : I'm not a great believer in luck. I think we make our own luck, and beyond initially meeting someone that potentially might be a future lover/friend etc., I don't think luck has any bearing on whether ... and win some money, but beyond that, how wonderful our life is, comes down to us. Not luck.

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Last Answer : Maybe too much is being read into this question. How can a person outfit another without ‘giving’ them anything? Let’s say that I draw a map to the local homeless shelter or police station. Wouldn’t that still be giving the person something?

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Last Answer : I think Jack in Jack and the Beanstalk was supposed to be Irish. (?) Maybe after being such a dimwit to trade the family cow for magic beans Jacks poor decision ended up bringing him lots of luck ... a wee bit o' the brew this afternoon, but no corned beef and cabbage, Meatloaf and squash. haha

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Last Answer : I buy mainly rare vacuum tubes on Ebay from North America and Europe. Ebay sells all over the globe. exposure wise I don’t think that any other marketplace can touch Ebay.

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Last Answer : Why do we need good luck? What’s happening @Adirondackwannabe? I’m obviously missing something here.

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Last Answer : Same old stuff. I woke up with a plugged tear duct. My eye was pasted shut and my face feels like it was bludgeoned with a blunt force object. My daughter ran off to school without the permission slip I signed for her. Gawd! Am I glad I’m not having a BAD day!

Description : My fellow jellies, can I get a little luck?

Last Answer : how about this?

Description : What is luck?

Last Answer : answer:My definition is, luck is something that happens to you seemingly randomly which you initially perceive as either good or bad. I use the word seemingly because what happens may actually be ... everyone all the time but some people ascribe it to such personal beliefs as religion or fate.

Description : Does carrying a severed rabbit's foot give the bearer good luck?

Last Answer : Of course not. But superstitions live on thanks to the irrepressible power of confirmation bias.

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Last Answer : answer:It could have been a fledgling that was just getting its sea legs, you should excuse the mixed metaphor. The fact that he got the hell out of Dodge is a good sign for the bird’s survival. He will probably take shelter as soon as he can. Cosmically, it means nothing.

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Last Answer : Times are shorter in baking and roasting in a convection oven. The cooking is much more even and with a little practice, start with cookies not anything more involved.

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Last Answer : The native Americans burn white sage around the interior perimeter of their homes to dispel bad energy.

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Last Answer : For any of those phenomenon, something is real, the people involved experienced something. That something could be the effects of brain chemistry imbalance or the touch of the Flying Spaghetti Monster's ... aliens, astral travel, time travel, reincarnations, etc. are as good as it gets sometimes.

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Last Answer : some people do. those that do are born with it and will have it in this life only.

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Last Answer : pure act of superstition just like any other contrived prayer to the unknown gods.

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Last Answer : How much luck are you expecting? As long as you are realistic about what you’re buying and expecting, there is nothing wrong with buying a higher mileage car.

Description : Will you wish me luck/pray for me?

Last Answer : answer:Done You’ll be fine

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Last Answer : Commercially made jewelery runs in fads. Right now dragon flies are big. Maybe cicadas will make it big in a few years.

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Last Answer : Best of luck to you!

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Last Answer : Have a bouncer. Either they contribute an entrance fee, a dish, SOMETHING. Otherwise, b’bye.

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Last Answer : I’ve never heard of that being bad luck.

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Last Answer : When my brother was 7 or 8, my grandmother instructed him to rub the wart with a piece of raw bacon and then bury the bacon in the back yard under the full moon. The wart disappeared.

Description : Is luck a skill, and can it be cultivated?

Last Answer : Making the most of the opportunities one is presented with is a skill that one can cultivate but plain dumb luck? That is just plain dumb luck, I think.

Description : Is it really bad luck or good luck?

Last Answer : answer:I tend to agree with the negativity theory. Of course, bad things can and DO happen to good' people, but..in my experiences, I have no doubt that I have manifested much of what I ... be some of my most unlucky' or unhappy moments have actually been foreshadows of some amazing outcomes! :-)

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Last Answer : I think it just means you have a caterpillar in your bedroom. not so much lucky but if you feed him right you might be able to have him turn into a butterfly. I used to keep caterpillars and ... the horthorne well enough its difficult to do very well, its pretty spiky but anyway they died. gutted.

Description : Do you believe in Luck?

Last Answer : Nope, you are possibly experiencing a coincidence my friend. It’s hard to believe nothing changed in your life except a necklace to make these things start happening.

Description : I have a family member who has been looking for work for three months now and isn't having much luck. They're feeling rather discouraged. What do I say to them?

Last Answer : The job situation is pretty bad worldwide, so tell them they are not alone. Just be there for them, and perhaps help them in their search. Do you know of any vacancies that they could apply ... be there for them, and encourage them to continue searching. The right job will come along eventually.

Description : Do you ever have any luck at Casino slots?

Last Answer : Not me,but everyone I’ve ever gone with does. The first time I went,it was with my brother and he showed me what to do…put the coin in and pull the handle and wait for 600 dollars in coin to come out.It was so easy for him..Ah talent!LOL!

Description : Why do some blow one extra candle for good luck on their birthdays?

Last Answer : I have heard of this and seen it done many times, but I have no idea where the tradition comes from. This is interesting, but I have no idea if it is true.

Description : Have you had any luck with air purifiers?

Last Answer : Buying and using an air purifier is just masking your problem. its like using a bandaid over a cut. you need to contact an enviromential specialist and get to the heart of your problem with mold and ... go away, until its attacked head on. the air purifier will be just a waste of your money.

Description : Ok the cough from hell is here have had it 2 days no longer want it anyone out there with a naural cure? Read ginger is good so far no luck?

Last Answer : The cough is a symptom. Perhaps you should consult a doctor, and not Fluther, about the underlying condition that is causing your cough.

Description : Would I have any luck selling homemade hemp bracelets or silk screen shirts?

Last Answer : No. Everyone sells those these days.

Description : Do you believe in luck?

Last Answer : luck as a concept no, but the psychological aspect of luck and bringing positive thinking I think can for fills it’s own prophesies more often.

Description : Has anyone had luck with binaural audio?

Last Answer : A guy called Woody Norris has. I watched a TED Talk he made a while ago. Here it is: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/woody_norris_invents_amazing_things.html It’s really cool

Description : Does anyone have a leather couch and can tell me if they've had good luck with it and their dog?

Last Answer : We have a leather Chesterfield and some side chairs but the dog is not allowed on them - he isn't allowed on any furniture. He has the floor, referred to by family members as the Dog Shelf . ... areas of the house where he is allowed and he understands where they are and won't go anywhere else.

Description : Does karma truly exist, or is everything just circumstance and luck?

Last Answer : it’s human nature to look for connections, karma exists only in the human mind.

Description : Have I run out of luck?

Last Answer : You really think it’s possible for a man to just stop? It sounds like you’re just frustrated with your lack of lasting success so far.

Description : Has anyone ever had any luck installing Windows XP via USB key?

Last Answer : I have a first gen EeePC and have installed many Linux distros from usb, but have never successfully installed XP via usb. My solution was to buy a $20 usb cd drive from amazon. Not sure if ... you found googling around but here is the wiki page from eeeuser forums, that is where I would start.

Description : Is there a game in existence completely devoid of luck or randomness factors?

Last Answer : Chess involves no luck, because you both start with a set board and choose how to play from there. Of course, you may be lucky in the sense that your opponent couldn't sleep well last ... is extremely lucky, clear and strategic thinking can help you win in 90% of situations, regardless of roll.

Description : Do you believe in luck? And if so, do you think it is a lucky event or a lucky time period?

Last Answer : I don’t know why people talk about luck as if it exists.

Description : What do you believe are the characteristics of luck?

Last Answer : Randomness and memorability.

Description : Any luck with the nicotine patch?

Last Answer : answer:According to studies the initial success rate is 23% and 15% after one year. Some resources: http://www.smokefree.gov/ http://www.tobaccofree.org/quitlinks.htm

Description : Why is October 13th considered bad luck?

Last Answer : In France 13th is a lucky day.