I couldn't really work, train or do anything meaningful due to the headache - the day just passed and there was nothing left ...

1 Answer

Answer :

It is said that there is already a technology that can influence the weather. Mostly the Japanese experimented with something similar before the Olympic Games, firing rockets before events that prevented the formation of clouds.

Related questions

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Last Answer : answer:Your details make me think that there must be regional preferences. I remember seeing dyed paper towel in stores years ago, but I can't think when I last saw it - so it can't be very popular ... to dye it a different colour. So maybe a perception of toxicity, even if it's not actually toxic?

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Last Answer : Do you still remember your more pleasant night dreams? If no, it could be that you continue to have nightmares, but that you forget them along with everything else.

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Last Answer : Here is one you don’t HEAR anymore: “Land ‘o Goshen!” Here is another: I call the glove compartment in my car a jockey box.

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Last Answer : A start?

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Last Answer : answer:racist terminology bad judgement Ok, I give up.

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Last Answer : Oh, I also forgot to mention that this is essentially the only way we keep in touch. She lives in another state, so we chat and play this game. Which is another issue altogether.

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Last Answer : Harvey Korman

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Last Answer : Do you have any friends or family that you can call to talk to? Maybe get together with? Are you sober right now?

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Last Answer : Actually, I think it is a mistake to take reality TV as the norm.

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Last Answer : Are you depressed? Sometimes you have to force yourself to go do things because even if you dont want to at that moment, once you’re outside then it starts getting better.

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Last Answer : People care when you’re radical [hint: double meaning]. The Wikipedia quoting crap don’t cut it.

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Last Answer : I don’t know if kids still play these or not, but I personally haven’t seen it played that often, if at all since I was a kid. Four Square Hide & Seek Red Light, Green Light Dodgeball

Description : Married folks: what don't you do much anymore?

Last Answer : I don't spend a lot of time thinking about . . . . . . relationships that went bad, . . . relationships that might have been . . . whatever romantic relationship I am in (analyzing same to death every single ... . . wondering why he didn't call. . . . thinking about why I need to break up with him.

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Last Answer : Borrow some friends computers and authorize them to your iTunes account. When you've used 5 authorizations you can go into itunes account management and clear everything. Then you should be able to ... even though the computer us physically the same some of the unique identifiers come from the OS.

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Last Answer : The thought that there’s still so much to do.

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Last Answer : answer:I say it all the time—even multiple times during a transaction, such as the DD drive-through getting my morning latte. I have seen how people act surprised when my son or I will hold the door open for them, and they do say thank-you most of the time.

Description : Why don't fire stations have Dalmations hanging around anymore?

Last Answer : answer:Dalmatians (an ancient breed) originally bred as war dogs later were used with carriages to protect them from thieves (highwaymen). The dogs were prized for their endurance, their fierceness ... Many firefighters like this tradition of their craft and some stations still keep the dogs today.

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Last Answer : Congratulations, you’ve broken the limit for longest question!

Description : How do i break up with someone after dating for 8 months but dont feel the same spark anymore?

Last Answer : answer:do you want to be nice or just be done with it? if you want to be nice, take the time to explain that you dont feel the way you need to for a relationship. if you just want to ... on while you follow your Personal Legend. In either case, be kind and remember to use compassion at all times

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Last Answer : Lies

Description : What old car problems are you glad we don't have anymore??

Last Answer : Having to crank the damn thing to start it.

Description : What old car problems are you glad we don't have anymore??

Last Answer : Having to crank the damn thing to start it.

Description : What old car problems are you glad we don't have anymore??

Last Answer : Having to crank the damn thing to start it.

Description : What old car problems are you glad we don't have anymore??

Last Answer : Having to crank the damn thing to start it.

Description : What old car problems are you glad we don't have anymore??

Last Answer : Having to crank the damn thing to start it.

Description : What old car problems are you glad we don't have anymore??

Last Answer : Having to crank the damn thing to start it.

Description : What old car problems are you glad we don't have anymore??

Last Answer : Having to crank the damn thing to start it.

Description : What’s a company secret you can share, because you don’t work there anymore?

Last Answer : The queen died years ago, she’s just a puppet at the moment.

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Last Answer : Teeth.