Do you spend time with your child every day?

1 Answer

Answer :

I'm taking the time to play with my child.

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Last Answer : C) provide conducive environment at home. 

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Last Answer : I ride my bike regularly I used to run.   

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Last Answer : Methinks the froot loops and kfc trump the salmon. The idea is to eat nutritional dense food, such as weet bix, baked potatoes, home made food. Dont feel bad i love froot loops and ive been to kfc 3 three times this week. But you will feel less hungry with whole foods.

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Last Answer : You ought to see if the programs you are on will support you consulting with a nutritionist.

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Last Answer : A cup of hot coffee and a good cigar always do the trick for me.

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Last Answer : Before I go to sleep.

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Last Answer : I don’t notice but probably because at work, it doesn’t look professional. It actually looks kind of sleazy.

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Last Answer : answer:It isn’t good, but it isn’t outright bad, it depends on how much you are on it and in what way you mean “good” or “bad” If you spend 23 hours a day not moving and shoveling food in your face, well yeah it’s going to have an effect.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes they do. I'm an electrical beauty consultant and I sell quite a lot of them. Our most popular hair dryer is the Remington Silk dryer. $400 is way too much for a hair dryer. The ... hair out. Overuse of heat styling is very damaging to hair. I let my medium length hair dry naturally.

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Last Answer : They don’t know how to reset it.

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Last Answer : Could the squeak be a heating duct or hot water baseboard heat run expanding and contracting as the heat cycles on and off? Sometimes.they shift and come in contact with the floor.

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Last Answer : I do, with my daughter and my one closest friend, the only people I do truly love. haha

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Last Answer : “Do as I say, not as I do” never works.

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Last Answer : When drinking is a habit of just about every day, if not every day, your body adapts to it, and hangovers pretty much become a thing of the past. Maybe a slight headache and tiredness ... dissipates. Of course alcoholics can drink a daily amount of booze which would devastate the non drinker.

Description : What kind of coffee do you regularly get for your house?

Last Answer : I grind my own coffee and brew it in my French press, and I drink it black.

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Last Answer : Walking – I currently walk on average about 10 miles a week. I also do Aquacise (water aerobics) 2 -3 times a week.

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Last Answer : Ouch. Men suck. I know, I’m one of the gender. I know we never could do that. Why we ask that of you is beyond me.

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Last Answer : I don't know but I had to look it up because I just got my first dog, she's a mix and only 7 months now and I don't know if this would be an issue, I'm kind of new at the dog ... proper diet. Hopefully someone knows more than me because I am interested in learning about it too as a new dog person.

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Last Answer : Definitely is at the top of my list.

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Last Answer : Hyperbole and a Half. Holy crap, that woman is hilarious.

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Last Answer : Confrontation all the way.

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Last Answer : I took it when we were vegetarian because it contains almost everything! and contains a complete protein.

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Last Answer : answer:Three things come to mind for me 1.) They want to change genders 2.) They have had prostate cancer 3.) They are using it as a steroid of some kind (cetain types of estrogen and used in the right way can be a steroid)

Description : Do you exercise regularly?

Last Answer : yes stretching legs, torso, hamstrings every day for about 15 minutes 20–25 minutes 3 times a week with free weights (dumbbells) all less than 25 pounds just trying to stay toned and flexible As grandma said, “try to stay verticle as long as you can!”

Description : In the UK, are bank holidays regularly on Mondays or Fridays?

Last Answer : It is a difficult question to answer because each country that makes up the United Kingdom has different bank holidays. Here is a link to a list of bank holidays by country. Link Note: The Republic of Ireland is not part of the UK.

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Last Answer : What is the relation between the two? You mean that after you had the piercing done, you think you can’t drink alcoholic drinks the weekend following it?

Description : Should you eat regularly even if you aren't hungry?

Last Answer : answer:I’m not a medical expert, but it’s probably a good idea. My appetite doesn’t match my body’s needs, I get headaches that remind me. When I was cooking for others the imposed schedule kept me on track. Welome to ask-public!

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Last Answer : I don’t know of many,but there are alot I’d like to send to one ;)

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Last Answer : Try doing it on a trampoline.

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Last Answer : golf @ work

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Last Answer : I'm not shy at all about the charity work I do, but then it's for a local community theater group. So, I'm not shy about neither the behind the scenes work or the on stage work. I used to volunteer ... that either. The way I see it, I'm getting more out of the volunteering than I'm putting into it.

Description : How much caffeine do you take in regularly?

Last Answer : A lot. I drink (strong) tea and coffee constantly. The downside is that caffeine is addictive – you need a cup when you wake to avoid a withdrawal headache. Coffee, once considered all bad, is now being touted as an effective anti-oxidant.

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Last Answer : In my office.

Description : Does Your Hair Grow Faster By Regularly Cutting Your Split-Ends?

Last Answer : Your hair is really dead proteins. Cutting the tips of it won't stimulate new growth, because the tissue is dead and can't communicate, even if it may be theoretically possible. No technique or cream has ever ... to back that up. Human hair grows at about half an inch per month, or 6 inches a year.

Description : Do you read blogs regularly?

Last Answer : I have twenty or so blogs in Google Reader that I look at constantly throughout the day. I don't read nearly all the articles and stories posted by I peruse them for things of interest to me ... , none of the personal blogs where only the writers mother and grandmother read it on a regular basis.

Description : What websites do you check regularly?

Last Answer : pitchfork fluther twitter cnn WWTDD filmdrunk

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Last Answer : I’m finding it a little overwhelming, and use it less than before. Perhaps I need to tweak the settings and pare down friends…some people post too much.

Description : Do you buy dry goods online and have them shipped to you regularly?

Last Answer : Not really. I tried it for a while, but it turns out that if you shop by price, you’ll use many different sites, which may cause you to not reach the free shipping threshold. In my experience you really can’t beat coupons of your local stores if you’re on a budget.

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Last Answer : How old is the iPod? You might want to check for a new firmware version or get it checked out by Apple if it's still in warranty.

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Last Answer : Why do you ask? I always find questions like this somewhat suspect. It does not seems like a legitimate use of the site. Are you asking because you want guidance on charitbale giving? I don’t think so.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Why does the Indian Constitution need to be amended quite regularly? -Civics 9th

Last Answer : The Constitution of India is a very long and detailed document. Therefore, it needs to be amended quite regularly to keep it updated. Those who crafted the Indian Constitution did not see it as a sacred,static and unalterable law. So, they made provisions to incorporate changes from time to time.

Description : Why does the Indian Constitution need to be amended quite regularly? -Civics 9th

Last Answer : A Constitution is not merely a statement of value and philosophy. It is mainly about embodying these values into institutional arrangements. Much of the document called Constitution of ... provisions to incorporate changes from time to time. These changes are called constitutional amendments.

Description : It is not necessary to regularly take back_up of important files. -Technology

Last Answer : False A backup ensures that your computer data is protected or can be recovered.