What is breathing ?

1 Answer

Answer :

: The mechanical process by which the organism inhales or exhales more oxygenated air from the environment through the respiratory organs and eliminates or inhales more carbon dioxide-containing air is called respiration.

Related questions

Description : Can humans survive breathing an 80/20 mix of CO2 and O2?

Last Answer : Humans breath Air which is a mixture of about 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen and trace other gases including 0.03% Carbon Dioxide. Much higher levels of Oxygen would make it easy for things to catch ... can tolerate a higher level because they use the Carbon Dioxide. and water to make sugars and cells.

Description : Why was rescue breathing removed from the first aid training?

Last Answer : Are you referring to CPR or the Heimlich or something specific? I’m not familiar with the term ‘rescue breathing’. We were trained in school in health class as required teaching in high school, then refresher courses are offered free by the American Red Cross.

Description : Is there a proper way of breathing?

Last Answer : answer:No, I don't believe there is. There is a correlation between the breathing pattern and your state of mind. When you're anxious you breathe one way, when you're relaxed you breathe another. ... trying to make it so. Having an idea about how you ought to be breathing is entirely unnecessary.

Description : Could my breathing trouble be just anxiety?

Last Answer : answer:It certainly can. In Zen, we're freakishly interested in how the breath works, both in its mechanics and how it correlates to mental states. Shallow, rapid, chesty breathing is part of the ... along to the point that feel you want to gasp for breath; just let it settle in naturally).

Description : Do you like breathing?

Last Answer : I rather like being alive, and breathing helps that, so yes.

Description : Have you ever had an infant who tended to stop breathing when they were asleep?

Last Answer : answer:I haven't thank goodness. But, I do remember seeing a special kind of baby monitor, that Mama can place under the baby's mattress. It's a highly sensitive motion detector. If it stops sensing motion of ... take the kid out of the bed. Fair trade for peace of mind, in my opinion. here's one

Description : How can I attach a camera to a dog's head without restricting his breathing or causing discomfort?

Last Answer : answer:Surgery? You should take a video of him from your perspective just so we can see this awesome dog in action.

Description : Could these two weird breathing issues be related and if so, what might the problem be?

Last Answer : answer:Number 2 is most likely just a muscle cramp in the chest. No big deal (if I am right). For some reason I think it is more common in young people, but my memory is not for sure on that. ... a little odd. Is the pain the same in both circumstances? Also, do you lift a lot during the day?

Description : Why did my cell phone make squelches and breathing noises?

Last Answer : answer:Probably interference. Or demonic posession

Description : How do I teach someone deep-breathing?

Last Answer : answer:I learned exactly how you described it in your details @serenityNOW. I was told to then sit up and imagine my diaphragm was a balloon. The other thing to stress to him is to spend time thinking about ... time he practices. Then, to work on a 4 count in and 6 count out, and increasing that.

Description : Hard time breathing, help?

Last Answer : Yes. Go to the ER.

Description : If you were attempting a water rescue of two children and you retrieved one, but he wasn't breathing, do you go back for the second and then attempt CPR on the first or stick with the first child and start CPR?

Last Answer : I go for them both…that is that I am sure I can get to them both within 3–5 minutes. Gosh that would be a difficult situation and I would do chest compressions on both as that is the new CPR guidelines so I would like to think I could administer the chest compressions until help arrived.

Description : What is the name of the breathing right before death?

Last Answer : The death rattle…. that is the only thing I have heard of.

Description : Did breathing meth/crack smoke give me asthma?

Last Answer : It doesn't sound unreasonable. Areas with a lot of smog and air pollution tend to have a higher rate of asthmatics in the population, so I don't think it would be impossible to think ... see how frequently breathing in irritants like that could probably be a contributing factor, if not the cause.

Description : How can I revive my dogs if wounded / unconscious / not breathing / etc. .. ?

Last Answer : answer:http://www.seefido.com/hunting-dogs/html/resuscitating_a_dog.htm I found this site for Dog CPR scroll down to the bottom of the page. The second site may be a little clearer. http://marylandpet.com/pet- ... up. If I wait till my dog needs it, it will be too late to look for instructions then.

Description : The help that muscles give for breathing?

Last Answer : Homework?

Description : Is it true that when we are a baby in our mothers womb, that we are actually breathing in water?

Last Answer : a baby doesnt take its 1st breath until after delievered.

Description : While you are breathing into the plastic bag, what happens to the levels of oxygen in the bag?

Last Answer : Well, I’m not so sure about a plastic bag; but my boyfriend and I got bored one time don’t ask… and we started just breating the air back and forth between eachother without taking in outside air. It felt really weird! And I got light-headed like WOAH hehe :)

Description : What does breathing into a paper bag do?

Last Answer : …don’t forget the cool sound it makes. Doesn’t it have something to do with taking in carbon dioxide? (okay, I realize just how unhelpful I’ve been.)

Description : Writers: have you ever felt your characters to be real, breathing people?

Last Answer : Completely. That is what I believe to be the mark of a story with exceptional characters. Every once in a blue moon, when something like that happens, it reminds me why I love to write. Writing ... a genuine loss. If you can create a character like that, then you must be an exceptional writer.

Description : What could cause someone's breathing to be more audible than most people's?

Last Answer : It could be an issue with his septum, for example if it's slightly deviated. Or it could be the type of breathing he does. Does he exhale though his mouth? Also if he is a shallow ... he look at some of the breathing techniques used by runners, and encourage him to practice the different methods.

Description : Why does deep breathing make my feet and hands tingle?

Last Answer : You are experiencing the symptoms of hyperventilation (look at the central nervous system symptoms - paresthesias mean numbness and tingling). You may also experience tingling around your mouth in addition to your hands and ... itself. Edit: I modified it a bit. Also, don't pass out in the tub

Description : What is the best breathing method while working out?

Last Answer : I believe its the other way around… “In through the nose and out the mouth” (especially while youre running outside because you dont want to suck up any bugs when breathing in through your mouth) I would say as long as its consistent, do what feels more comfortable.

Description : Are there any breathing techniques / thinking strategies that help you stay cool when you are hot?

Last Answer : By remembering that it’s illegal to be forced to work in grueling conditions and tell my boss as much. If you’re thinking about stripping, then it must be grueling. Are you in a union? Tell your union rep. P.S. If you threatened to strip down, maybe that’s why the boss is making it hot???

Description : Is it good breathing through your nose all the time?

Last Answer : Yes, there are millions of tiny hairs in your nose that catch dust, bacteria and other harmful particles thus preventing them from getting into your lungs. Your nose is also designed to control ... and gets heated up to body temperature, thus preventing your throat and lungs from getting cold.

Description : Is it possible to draw in air through your nose, without actually breathing it?

Last Answer : I think musicians who play brass or wind instruments use a technique where they breathe in through their nose while expelling air out their mouth at the same time so they can keep playing. Although it probably goes into their lungs first I’m not sure.

Description : What does breathing into a paper bag really do?

Last Answer : answer:I think it’s meant to regulate the amount of air you breathe in and out. And something about increasing carbon monoxide levels? Though after reading several articles, it would seem that this is not the best treatment for hyperventilation?

Description : POV:Breathing outdoor air has become illegal, what is your first reaction?

Last Answer : Guess we’re doing COVID lockdowns all over again

Description : A portal has opened up in space, and a giant breathing living baby comes out of it. What do you think is humanity's reaction and response?

Last Answer : abort! abort!

Description : Why do you have a breathing addiction?

Last Answer : It's the withdrawals. I was born with it, so I couldn't possibly get out of it without withdrawals, which are quite strong.

Description : Why do you have a breathing addiction?

Last Answer : It's the withdrawals. I was born with it, so I couldn't possibly get out of it without withdrawals, which are quite strong.

Description : Why do you have a breathing addiction?

Last Answer : It's the withdrawals. I was born with it, so I couldn't possibly get out of it without withdrawals, which are quite strong.

Description : Why do you have a breathing addiction?

Last Answer : It's the withdrawals. I was born with it, so I couldn't possibly get out of it without withdrawals, which are quite strong.

Description : Why do you have a breathing addiction?

Last Answer : It's the withdrawals. I was born with it, so I couldn't possibly get out of it without withdrawals, which are quite strong.

Description : Why do you have a breathing addiction?

Last Answer : It's the withdrawals. I was born with it, so I couldn't possibly get out of it without withdrawals, which are quite strong.

Description : Just about one month after my dog had his right rear leg amputated he is now seemingly depressed and has some random difficulties breathing is it going to take him longer to recover as he is 11 years old I heard upwards of 6 months to a year

Last Answer : Is your dog on any pain meds such as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories)? They can sometimes cause dogs to pant excessively or have breathing problems. Does your dog have allergies? What is the ... out metastasis. In any case, your dog should be seen by a vet before the problem escalates.

Description : If you have respitory problems, can this plant bother your breathing?

Last Answer : Can you specify the plant you are speaking about? Many if not all plants can cause some alergic reactions for some people.

Description : A man is trapped in a room. The room has only two possible exits: two doors. Through the first door there is a room constructed from magnifying glass. The blazing hot sun instantly fries anything ... enters. Through the second door there is a fire-breathing dragon. How does the man escape? -Riddles

Last Answer : He waits until night time and then goes through the first door.

Description : (a) “The breathing cycle is rhythmic whereas exchange of gases is a continuous process”. Justify this statement. (b) What happens if conducting tubes of circulatory system develops a leak? State in brief, how could this be avoided? (c) How opening and closing of stomata takes place? -Biology

Last Answer : (a) The breathing cycle involves inhalation and exhalation of air due to alternate expansion and contraction of thoracic cavity. Thus it is a rhythmic process. But exchange of gases is a continuous process ... pore opens up. When water moves out the guard cells shrinks and the stomatal pore closes.

Description : (a) Draw a diagram of human respiratory system and label the following: (i) part where air is filtered by fine hair and mucus (ii) part which terminates in balloon - like structures (iii) ... (b) Why is the rate of breathing in aquatic organisms much faster than in terrestrial organisms? -Biology

Last Answer : (a) (b) Quantity of dissolved oxygen is fairly low in water as compared to the amount of oxygen in air. Aquatic organisms therefore have to breath faster than terrestrial organisms to absorb the required amount of oxygen from the water.

Description : What is breathing or ventilation? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : How many minutes can a person die if he stops breathing ?

Last Answer : How long people die after holding their breath is different for each person. However, it is common to see that a person can die within 3-5 minutes of holding his breath.

Description : Coughing causes difficulty in breathing , what is the solution ?

Last Answer : bdnews24 is publishing an article on their website . You can come and see if you want. Click here to read the article

Description : Which class conducts breathing with the help of flowers ?

Last Answer : Answer : The osteoarthritis class conducts breathing with the help of phulkar

Description : What is Breathing ?

Last Answer : Answer : The vessel used to enter the tank of transformer for evaporative air is called breathing. This is a glass jar special.

Description : What is the best temperature for breathing ?

Last Answer : The best temperature for breathing is 20-45 degree Celsius. Respiratory rate decreases below 20 degrees Celsius and above 45 degrees Celsius.

Description : What is meant by breathing and exhaling ?

Last Answer : : Respiration: - The stage of respiration in which more oxygenated air is absorbed into the animal body through the respiratory organs is called respiration. Respiration: - The stage of ... carbon dioxide-containing air is released from the respiratory organs of the animal is called respiration.

Description : What is breathing ?

Last Answer : : The stage of respiration in which more oxygenated air is absorbed into the animal body through the respiratory organs is called respiration.

Description : What is breathing ?

Last Answer : : The stage of respiration in which more carbon dioxide-containing air is released from the respiratory organs of an animal into the environment is called respiration.

Description : What is breathing ?

Last Answer : The process by which we receive oxygenated air from the environment is called respiration.