How do you eat your mixed nuts?

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Description : How do you eat your mixed nuts?

Last Answer : With my mouth

Description : Find the ratio in which Nuts at Rs. 5.40 a kg be mixed with Nuts at Rs. 3.20 a kg to produce a mixture worth Rs. 4.60 a kg. a) 9:2 b) 2:3 c) 4:3 d) 3:2 e) 7:4

Last Answer : E By the rule of allegation  Required ratio = 140 : 80  = 7:4

Description : What are the best nuts and seeds to eat, and why?

Last Answer : Raw Almonds they are alkaline based.

Description : Does eating nuts increase high blood pressure ? And if you have high blood pressure, can you eat nuts ?

Last Answer : Hypertension (also known as high blood pressure) is a complex chronic health condition that causes the body's blood pressure to rise. And BP (blood pressure) will not be high if you eat ... pressure, do not rush or take rest without causing instability and follow the rules immediately. Thanks.

Last Answer : You can eat 20-25 grams ... which I sang before.

Last Answer : Almonds are a very useful food for dental care. It does not contain much vitamin, but it does have enough potassium. It also contains many essential minerals including magnesium , calcium and zinc. ... , not everyone can digest. Of course, eat nuts or almonds to understand your digestive capacity.

Description : Do groundhogs make noise when they eat nuts?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : To get enough carbohydrate one should eat (a) Meat (b) Rice (c) Carrots (d) Ground nuts

Last Answer : (b) Rice

Description : Can dogs eat nuts?

Last Answer : There are many kinds of nuts such as walnuts, cashews, almonds, hickory nuts, pecans, macadamia nuts and pistachio nuts. Generally I don't recommend to feed your dogs any nuts. Nuts such as macadamia ... cashews, but some nuts are bad for dogs such as macadamia nuts, hickory nuts, walnuts, pecans.

Description : What's something you used to go nuts for, but now, no matter how hard you want it to bring just doesn't?

Last Answer : The MCU

Description : Like a squirrel saving nuts, what animal habit would you like to adopt?

Last Answer : I would hibernate like a bear all winter long

Description : Do you think chocolate covered macadamia nuts are delicious?

Last Answer : You can get them in Hawaii (or on the mainland in sealed cans) – and yes, they are delicious. And fattening.

Description : Do you have any family or friends who are nuts about the Covid?

Last Answer : Kinda me. I am the nuts person to most of my friends and acquaintances. I am the fraidiest of cats. I am vaxxed and boosted and occasionally go to uncrowded restaurants, and sometimes to friends' homes, ... 't discuss it unless asked, but I am a bit startled by just how many are irritated by it.

Description : Do you have a visiting relative who drives you nuts who you don't wish to see for years?

Last Answer : You gave her $400. That’s quite a reward for her behavior. You just have to say “No,” man. In fact, I’d almost suggest a PFA, or protection from harassment, at least. Take a stand. At this point she has absolutely NO reason to change.

Description : Forest fires are going nuts. Any ideas to help me breathe in my bedroom?

Last Answer : Go to a pub or store open 24hours with an air fliter. You can have one good breath of clean air from the fridge. Sorry that you have to put up with the smoke. I would keep the Windows closed. The wet towels doesn’t work. Tomorrow buy an air filter..

Description : Do high maintenance people drive you nuts?

Last Answer : Depends on who is doing the maintenance. If it's someone else's problem (or responsibility) then I don't particularly care. Everyone has his/her own mishegass, and some have more mishegass than others. ... and almost all of my family) are low maintenance people, so I guess I'm grateful for that.

Description : Is there one, particular, traffic light in your area that drives you nuts with it's unwavering predictability?

Last Answer : answer:There's one at the end of my neighborhood that is triggered by weight. It is a tiny, 35 mph road that faces a 6-lane section of US41. If you're travelling 41, and someone stops at that red ... fast yellow light and go red on you. If traffic is heavy, it can happen twice while you're waiting.

Description : Which grains, seeds, nuts,legumes, pulses etc. have the longest or the shortest shelf life?

Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure. There seemed to be conflicting and incomplete data on the timing of nutrient depletion. But I did stumble upon emergency food storage It had everything on it but nuts. I would ... very short life span. Because of moisture content and the likely hood they have some form of mold.

Description : Do you keep your nuts in the freezer for freshness?

Last Answer : Hell no! For torture, maybe…

Description : Why are almonds chosen as nuts for smoothies instead of walnuts or pecans?

Last Answer : They’re pretty healthy compared to the other nuts?

Description : What can I use as a replacement for nuts in a rum ball recipe?

Last Answer : I forgot to mention that I usually add the finely chopped nuts in the ball mixture. I don’t roll the ball in the nuts like the recipe suggests.

Description : Does it drive you nuts when people put apostrophe "S" at the end of plural words?

Last Answer : Sure doe’s.

Description : If you had to choose between a sweet snack(cookies, pastry, cake) or a salty snack(chips, nuts, popcorn). Which would you choose?

Last Answer : Depends on my mood. Both are good. Would vote more towards salty though. I love salty things.

Description : How long will it take for the conspiracy nuts to blame the San Francisco plane crash on Obama?

Last Answer : There’s probably already a fill-in-the-blanks version in place and ready for any eventuality.

Description : Did I just overdose on ginko nuts?

Last Answer : answer:Holy Carp! I just read this on Livestrong: Ginkgo seeds can cause serious health effects and are not considered safe. Roasted ginkgo seeds, when taken in doses higher than 10 seeds, can cause ... fine. How much time do I have left? Should I write a letter to my future grandchildren?

Description : If I logged into wife's Facebook with the password and made a post to her friends that basically said she was nuts....can I be charged with a crime?

Last Answer : You misrepresented yourself, so yes it is fraud. If it is one time, and you’re not following her wherever she goes online, I don’t think it can be called stalking. But she is right for not taking it lightly.

Description : Nerds, geeks, word nuts, and plant lovers: What's your best flower joke?

Last Answer : A woman's garden is growing beautifully but the darn tomatoes won't ripen. There's a limit to the number of uses for green tomatoes and she's getting tired of it. So she goes to her neighbor and ... So-so,'' she answers, The tomatoes are still green but the cucumbers are all four inches longer.''

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Last Answer : I have watched it & I have absolutely no idea where her mind is on this subject. I know that almost all of the Republicans are against the EPA because they say that EPA Regulations are ... Republicans have no concept of the damage that carbon is doing to our environment & increasing Global Warming.

Description : Should I continue to let this drive me completely nuts or should I go to my safe place and simply let it go?

Last Answer : No way of knowing who wrote it? I'm wondering because could it be someone new to the site? I'd write them again, just a short note stating my thoughts as to the credibility of the site having read ... , I'd let it go unless you know exactly where your comments are left and if they are even read.

Description : How to prepare hazel nuts?

Last Answer : The oven thing is actually the classic way to remove the skin from the kernel, not the shell. Removing the shell is a simple hammer or nutcracker proposition; it's the skin that's hard to ... tenaciously anyway. That's really just a cosmetic annoyance, as there's nothing unsavory about the skin.

Description : Why do people go so nuts about athletes using performance enhacing drugs?

Last Answer : answer:It’s cheating. It sends the message that if you can’t get to the top on your own then you can by taking drugs (that aren’t very good for). What about the people who don’t take them? They get the short shaft.

Description : Which is the best anti-adware spyware malware program? Going nuts.

Last Answer : answer:When you have something really nasty on your computer, I use Spybot Search and Destroy, it is freeware but works really well. The only drawback is scans take a really long time. ... and replaced it with this.

Description : What kind of person goes nuts if a celebrity happens to show up at the same place they are?

Last Answer : Because-Oh my god! Megan Fox just passed by my house!

Description : What kind of salt/sugar do they sprinkle on the canned nuts?

Last Answer : I only buy peanuts with Sea Salt, so I’m not sure. Does the can specify what kind of salt it uses by any chance?

Description : This (probably) carpal tunnel is driving me nuts... can someone give me some relief before the doctor tonight?

Last Answer : I am glad you are going to the doctor. Do you know how you injured it?

Description : Has anyone ever had a taste disturbance caused by eating pine nuts?

Last Answer : Yes. It will go away in a few days. And it is annoying to say the least.

Description : 11:11 signals are driving me nuts! What does it mean?

Last Answer : That’s really weird because my wife has the same experience. She said it’s usually when she’s in a pleasant mood or something good happened, she’ll see a clock with that time. I thought little of it, but the fact this happens to someone else is uncanny. It’s also the name of a Rufus Wainwright song.

Description : Why is watching someone take one in the nuts so funny?

Last Answer : it’s just universally funny. like when someone farts. It never gets old.

Description : Bitter metallic taste after eating pine nuts?

Last Answer : I wouldnt know much about it as im allergic to nuts so i never ate them, but this is a perfectly normal reaction. I took a survival class over the summer and the professor told us about it. I ... it but its some compound in pine nuts. Its perfectly normal it just comes from eating a lot at once.

Description : Got something that just drives you nuts? Let's see if it's a condition - or if the shrinks have a name for it.

Last Answer : Late-o-phobia? :-)

Description : Was there something in the water that made the jellies nuts on Thursday and can we make today respect your fellow jelly day?

Last Answer : I agree with “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything”..I don’t understand why people choose to be nasty just because they are on internet, they wouldn’t be like that in face to face conversation for sure.

Description : What are soap nuts, do you use them, if not, who does, and how?

Last Answer : Soapnuts or soapberries are fruits from the sapindus shrub or tree. They can be used as an organic detergent. You tie a few inside a muslin bag and toss them right in with your wash. Remove ... similar fashion to soap or detergents to aid water in reaching and removing dirt and soils form clothing.

Description : When you get into a video online, does it start and stop and drive you nuts?

Last Answer : I think you’re describing buffering, and it’s because the video is playing faster than your computer is downloading it. It’s pretty common. The best solution is a faster internet connection.

Description : Other than Grape Nuts, is there a cereal that does not go "soggy", till the end of the bowl?

Last Answer : answer:My favorite cereal is this and I’ve never had a problem with it going soggy :) lol viagra lol

Description : As opposed to being born that way, how does a person become allergic to nuts? Can it be from eating too many of them?

Last Answer : I don’t think people become allergic to nuts by eating too many nuts.

Description : What do I need to do - Soup to Nuts - in order to import a container load of Goji Berries from China into Oakland?

Last Answer : you have to get an importer’s license and set up as a business- lots of papework and inspections

Description : My distended stomach is driving me nuts, I need some tips?

Last Answer : A waist is a terrible thing to mind! Don’t let it hold you back from your social life. Consult your doctor about the medical questions

Description : It is only "gun nuts" who don't fear weapons?

Last Answer : I don’t think they’re fearful of the guns themselves but of what a gun used by a person can do.

Description : Is there something that other people seem to just thrive on and enjoy, but that same thing drives you nuts with impatience?

Last Answer : Yeah, NASCAR.

Description : I ate corn on Saturday and Grape Nuts on Sunday. Why did the Grape Nuts come out first?

Last Answer : I know that it has something to do with the fact that we don’t digest corn.