If you have a mental picture of something, how can you share it with someone else?

1 Answer

Answer :

Try drawing a picture!

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Last Answer : creepy…

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Last Answer : answer:Look at this photograph Every time I do, it makes me laugh

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Last Answer : So long as you identify the source, you are allowed to post your own work anywhere.

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Last Answer : No. She's going hunting and was just showing off. It wasn't like she was referencing the shooting in her post by mentioning it. Terrible things happen, but life moves on. I'm not saying we need ... . Someone going hunting after an event like this isn't in poor form. And neither is posting about it.

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Last Answer : (2) complete view of something

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Last Answer : answer:Most of these institutions have been shut down over the years, but YES, there are some long-term psychiatric facilities. Regardless of modern medicine, you are always going to have some need for such ... Yes, they are sad places and I feel bad for those patients, but they need lifelong care.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, I do. Everyone in my family has some sort of mental illness. Everyone has depression (including myself), depression (all of us), OCD (brother and mom), ADD (brother), severe autism that ... than he was a year ago, running off, hearing voices, etc. I swear by medication and therapy.

Description : Can someone who went on a shooting spree let's say, refuse psychotherapy and still get out of the mental institution?

Last Answer : Are you referring to Michael Meyers?

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Last Answer : answer:There's only so much you can do. Back around 1958, my cousin was placed in a home as a young teenager because his parents couldn't handle his mental illness. He never left the facility ... away for a time. But then, this could happen in a relationship with a person without mental illness.

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Last Answer : Can you accompany her to a doctor’s appointment and discuss her status and a potential trip with her doctor?

Description : What criteria would you use to determine if someone has received the word/a message from God versus they are suffering from a mental disorder?

Last Answer : I would say looking for other symptoms indicative of mental disorder, and consider how well they fit the standard in the DSM IV. I have no doubt that some past religious figures (including, ... fervor. If they are also exhibiting other symptoms, they would probably fit into your latter category.

Description : [SERIOUS] Mental doctors who've dealt with someone pretending to have a mental illness, what's your story?

Last Answer : Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be ... performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Description : What’s a not-so-obvious sign that someone is struggling with their mental health?

Last Answer : They’re smiling. You really never know unless this physically show it or tell you. That’s why it’s good to always be nice to others has looks are just an act