How can I make my own suspension trainer?

1 Answer

Answer :

There is not too much on the subject, but finding something for your needs wouldn't be difficult. I would recommend:

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Last Answer : answer:Please elaborate on 'soft skills'?... Liked this comment/answer? Click 'Great answer' below! Thanks d-:

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Last Answer : I have a step-son in his middle forties who is a CPT and has made a very good career of it. It was a time-consuming and rigorous program. Initially he loaded a van w. equipment and went to ... and sublet space from another owner. If you would like contact info for him, send me a private comment.

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Last Answer : Well in your conditions i would go with a trainer, since you dont seem to have the time to do it, even if you wanted to only downside of this is the fact that your going to have to pay money. Not necessarily a bad thing though because at least they will definitely be trained well. Best of luck.

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Description : Do they just help you gain muscle or lose weight?

Last Answer : Any personal trainer will help. That’s their thing and it’s a personal trainer because it puts your program together for you.

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Last Answer : Trainer certification can lead to several benefits in yourcareer. The courses that you complete during your certificationprocess will give you skills that apply directly to your work as amanager or company ... to take on more responsibility as a team leader ormanager. If you are already a manager

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Last Answer : Personal trainer certification is available through manynationally recognized agencies. The actual certification procedurecomprises passing an exam. Even though every establishment featuresits own examination, a ... areas of fitness. Ascertain the structure of thetrainer certification test. For

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Last Answer : Personal training certification has become increasinglyimportant to trainers, clients and facilities.Success and credibility may depend on the accreditation apersonal trainer obtains. There are staggering amounts oforganizations ... the non-NCCA programs are not asgood as the others. They simply do

Description : How many calories can I burn in an hour on an elliptical trainer?

Last Answer : The average burn rate on an elliptical trainer is about 300 calories for an average woman (120 pounds) and almost 500 calories for an average man (around 180 pounds) according to statistical ... the ACTUAL duration of the session, tension settings, weight, muscle to fat ratio and others.

Description : Why should I hire a Personal Trainer?

Last Answer : You should hire a trainer if you need to get in shape and you have no motivation to go to the gym diligently. You should also get one so they can help you with nutrition matters if you absolutely need help with your diet and need that one on one counselling.

Description : What is the price range for a basic no-frills elliptical trainer?

Last Answer : The price range for a basic no-frills elliptical trainer is between $900 and $1300. You can make your selection and compare prices at

Description : What type of insurance do I need before becoming a personal trainer, if any?

Last Answer : You may want to consider Personal trainer liability insurance. It is needed for training people in homes.

Description : What muscle groups are targeted by elliptical trainer equipment?

Last Answer : An elliptical trainer is supposed to give a total body work out. You can target core muscle groups like the back though. Elliptical trainers work lower body muscles like hips, thighs and ... upper body muscles to a lesser degree, but more than in traditional exercise machines like treadmills.

Description : Does becoming a personal trainer require a college degree?

Last Answer : It is not necessary to have a college degree to become a personal trainer. A degree in exercise science would be a plus when applying for a personal training position.

Description : Do you have to go to school in order to become a personal trainer?

Last Answer : Although there are some classes available,there is no legal requirment. You can start your own gym if you like.

Description : What would be better for a cardio workout, an elliptical trainer or an exercise bike?

Last Answer : Elliptical trainer--It works your whole body...bikes only work your lower half.

Description : Is the Elliptical Trainer easy to assemble?

Last Answer : Weslo-Momentum-630-Elliptical Trainer, if bought within U.S., is available in fully assembled condition, and you do not have to assemble it.

Description : How many calories can be burned an hour with the Proform Elliptical Trainer?

Last Answer : The number of calories burned per hour will vary between individuals.

Description : What type of muscles does this elliptical trainer work out?

Last Answer : This is really a total body workout machine because it features a unique design to exercise the upper body while working the lower limbs and muscles with the stride motion. The Quantum elliptical trainer features 30 levels of resistance and promises to work the core and improve balance too.

Description : Is an Elliptical Trainer better than a stepper?

Last Answer : Both are great for cardio though some say a stepper is a better more intense workout an elliptical is better if you have trouble with your knees.

Description : What is the maximum weight of an individual that can use this elliptical trainer?

Last Answer : The maximum recommended user weight it rated at 400 lbs.

Description : how do i become a personal trainer in antioch, tn?

Last Answer : visit to become a personal trainer in antioch,tn

Description : how do i become a certified personal trainer in tampa florida?

Last Answer : I would check USF University of South Florida--they have an established athletic program. Look into recreation and leisure, or physical education classes and especially program offerings on the website. Also try AFAA and IFPA but don't know if they're accredited or reputable.

Description : Will an Elliptical Trainer provide one with the best overall health benefits?

Last Answer : Elliptical Trainers provide a very good workout. Combining the motions of stairclimbers and treadmills, these machines give the body an effective workout while being easier on the joints.

Description : What can a elliptical trainer do?

Last Answer : Elliptical trainers work your quads, glutes, hip flexors and hamstrings. Your calves also work, but to a lesser degree. If your elliptical trainer has an adjustable incline ramp, you can emphasize the calf workout by adjusting the ramp to a steep angle.

Description : What is the elliptical trainer really aimed at doing for your body?

Last Answer : It is aimed to tone and trim down fat around your body. It works as a stepper, a cycle and a treadmill all in one which works various muscle groups in your lower body and core.

Description : How do I get a personal trainer certificate?

Last Answer : You can receive a personal trainer certificate through organizations that have their certification accredited through a third party. However, you have to be knowledgeable in health and fitness subjects, possess an outgoing personality, teaching skills and patience in order to achieve your goal.

Description : Do you need a personal trainer certificate?

Last Answer : If you want to become a certified personal trainer go to in order to become certified! They will get you the papers you need in order to start pumping people up!

Description : Which fitness certifications do I need to become a personal trainer?

Last Answer : A lot of work is required to become a personal trainer. Trying looking at They offer a complete list of all certifications needed to become a trainer.

Description : How should I use the APC Trainer?

Last Answer : The ARC trainer is great for cardio workouts without putting stress on your joints. Based on what your workout goal is, you can use this machine to build up cardio strength as well as target and strengthen ... at least 30 minutes a day with 5-10 minutes of warm up and cool down for best results.

Description : Fitness Trainer?

Last Answer : The Progressive Fitness Program Are You Unfit? Do You Want To Maintain Your Fitness Levels? Do You Want To Be Fitter For Your Sport? Or You Simply Just Want To Get Some Exercise And Have A Healthy ... Ups Calls #Monthly Tests Click Here To Get The Program: / lwprq4 (**Remove The Space)

Description : Would you recommend an elliptical cross trainer to improve overall fitness?

Last Answer : Yes , I highly recommend elliptical cross trainer to improve overall fitness since elliptical helps you improve leg strength and could give you good cardio workout.

Description : Can I get a full workout from an elliptical trainer?

Last Answer : Elliptical trainers, also known as cross trainers, can provide a full body workout, especially if you plan to use a machine that has upper body components and lower body components to work ... such as protection of the joints compared to that of high impact exercise equipment like treadmills.

Description : What type of education is needed to become a personal trainer?

Last Answer : You may find it helpful to speak to a personal trainer directly to find out how they trained for their position. Alternatively, you may want to contact your local fitness center to see if they can offer your some assistance.