How can a lion defend it self?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes of course. Lions have very strong claws and teeth

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Last Answer : we need to teach the people in the colonies to accept Christians values.Apex

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Last Answer : Antitoxins

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Last Answer : Nidoblast cell movement is used for self-defense and capture of prey.

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Last Answer : Not necessary because there are no mosquitoes. They perish in the winter. If they move somewhere, they can be blown off at most, but that’s very rare! They breed and live more in the summer!

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Description : Hello, I have a question about the fine. Yesterday, when I arrived at the car with the buyer of my car, I found out that a block cleaning had taken place and that my car had been moved at ... these events on the city's website. Is there a way to defend yourself effectively? Thanks for the feedback

Last Answer : The only defense is to go to the MP, pay a towing and a fine, next time follow your car regularly, if it is not on its own land. Ignorance of the law does not excuse.

Description : Hello in our classroom, we need a student who the teacher believes in everything. Even if he denies, he gets a penalty of only 1. He's happy that the teacher is punishing others because of him. Thanks

Last Answer : As you can see, it can.

Description : Hello. I'm just wondering if a teacher can constantly defend a student from punishment by the principal. And sometimes he suffers coming to the hour a few minutes longer. She believes in everything because he is the most exemplary. He claims that he can use it from time to time. Thank you.

Last Answer : Yes it can. There's not a single reason she can't. It depends on her and her point of view.

Description : Hello, I need advice on sidewalk maintenance at my house. My specific question is whether I can write a request or a complaint to our municipal office to stop keeping my sidewalk at my house. I know it sounds ... ... We clueless ... or is there a chance? Can you advise ..? Thank you, Žaneta

Last Answer : Yes, it is possible to enter into an agreement with the municipality that you will maintain this part of the sidewalk at your own expense. If the municipality agrees, there is nothing to stop it. If someone has damaged your property, you can claim compensation.