Is is true plants can understand our emotions?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don't know about feelings but they can definitely sense their surroundings. Plants sense water, climate, sunlight and react accordingly.For example, a Mimosa Pudica (Touch me not) plant reacts and closes its leaves when you touch it. A Venus flytrap traps any insect that sits on it and eats the insect. Plants also respond to sound. So they may understand emotions. A happy and positive environment helps for healthy growth of plants.

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Last Answer : answer:Knowing that you can't get back those 10 years of misdiagnosis and severe lack of cooperation with doctors, etc., etc., being angry now is to much of a waste of engery. I do realize that ... out that you are now on the road to recovery because you found competent treatment (in your opinion).

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Last Answer : Depends on why I am angry (or whatever). If someone has said you can't do, have, be that . It will make me want to prove them wrong. That has happened with positive results many times. ... you have got passed the initial paralysis of such things, can lead people to make big changes in their lives.

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Last Answer : answer:I think this can sometimes be the case, but certainly not always. I think when the people in on 9/11 died in the towers, our whole country thought of that situation as the ultimate ... young, overweight, druggy comics that have died). Charlie Sheen is on his way to becoming a statistic.

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Last Answer : answer:Interesting thought. I see emotions as encompassing the entire spectrum, happy, joyful, as well as the unhappy ones, sadness, anger. Maybe it is because many people get stuck in ... balance between emotional and rational, logical, approaches to life and relating is, obviously, optimum.

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Last Answer : answer:When I feel love for someone, I want to squeeze them. It’s a really strong urge. It’s either that, or I shake. This sounds weird when read, but it’s not that violent in reality. When I’m really angry, I feel like my whole body is on fire. I literally heat up.

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Last Answer : answer:It certainly sounds like he likes you. The only things I can think are that he's convincing himself a relationship would be a bad idea, or he's afraid. Perhaps you could ask him why he just ... need time to think. That would be honest and give you the space you need without freaking him out.

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Last Answer : answer:It sounds like you are feeling a little bit of anxiety and depression and love sickness. You are clearly in love with this young lady and she doesn't feel the same way about you. This, my ... Even if you don't hook one, you'll still be enjoying yourself and doing what is important for you.

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Last Answer : It depends on who I’m with. I hide my feelings from my ex, but I’m very open with my friends.

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Last Answer : answer:I will address your question from a senior citizens point of view. Next time you are around several senior citizens. watch how they act around food. to some of them, being fed is the highlight of their ... in some cases. As you become older, food takes on a new meaning in life. watch and see.

Description : Would you want to be able to control people's emotions?

Last Answer : No. Life would not be exciting if you knew what to expect. One of my motto is be ready for the unexpected.

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Last Answer : You sound fairly young and in some kind of emotional shock. If that is the case, eventually things in life will start to shift and you will start having new responses to new things and it will all ... losses cannot no longer be replaced, then a narrower range of emotions may become a way of life.

Description : What kind of emotions does the song Leroy Brown by Jim Croce inspire in you?

Last Answer : Is this even a question? I’m high, I don’t care either way. This song. God. I love this song so much. I’ve known the words since I could talk. I’m not sure what emotions that it makes me feel outside of extremely happy. All of his work is amazing. Simply stunning at times.

Description : Should emotions be undervalued when compared to reason?

Last Answer : answer:No well balanced person (other than a radical behaviourist) should ignore the importance of emotions in selecting appropriate behaviours in complex situations. Even the most rational among us takes into account what makes them or other people feel happy, safe, or loved.

Description : Do you usually have sudden emotions?

Last Answer : Sounds like a little spiritual crisis. The interesting thing is usually when we cry, we have some inkling about why. How you handled it sounds pretty reasonable given the shakeup you've had. Have the people ... They do exist, they have training and good boundaries; if you want to follow up, pm me.

Description : Why are emotions considered 'bad' online?

Last Answer : I'm not a huge fan of unreasonable emotion anywhere but I do think the examples you provide are people being: a) insensitive b) incapable of seeing that what makes them upset about others' emotions is ... people respond in a positive manner to genuine emotion - it just has to be relevant to them.