What is the date of "Friendship Day" ?

1 Answer

Answer :

This year Friendship Day is July 30, 2020 and Thursday. Thank you!

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Last Answer : World Habitat Day

Description : If I go out with a man and he buys me a drink, should I write to thank him the next day, even if I'm not interested in more than friendship?

Last Answer : Yes, but be weary, when you do that to a guy that has interest in you it will seem as positive feedback that you may feel the same way. But because you are thankful and are doing it out of kindness, ... I haven't gotten many thank you's from girls after buying them drinks, your one of a kind. :)

Last Answer : The first Sunday in August.

Description : When is World Friendship Day?

Last Answer : Some keep it on July 30th, some on the first Sunday in August.

Description : How do I start a friendship with someone?

Last Answer : Since you have classes together, you could ask him a question about a class topic. Keep it broad, so he has many ways to answer. Don’t ask a question that can be answered with us or no. Good luck.

Description : Could you answer these two questions about friendship for me?

Last Answer : WHY would you ask a friend to do something you know they shouldn’t do, or you know they don’t want to do? I can’t imagine doing that, except in some extreme situation. But if I did ask and they said, “No.” I’d say, “That’s what I thought,” and not give it another thought.

Description : Will you obey your partner's demand to limit your friendship?

Last Answer : No. Maybe because it's that I am old (a person in their 20s might have a different attitude), but no way would I stop being friends with an old chum (male or female) just because my current ... I cannot imagine being with a partner who would be audacious enough to make the demand in the first place.

Description : When should it end in "ship" as in friendship, and when with "hood" as in bother/sisterhood?

Last Answer : Examples, not sure how to explain well and my brain is fried. Brother or sisterhood is used: I felt a strong sense of sisterhood with Angela, even though we'd only worked together a ... . Friendship: Our entire friendship was based on her needing something and I provided it. Destructively symbiotic.

Description : Is this friendship worth saving?

Last Answer : Yes.. Absolutely work on saving it. If anything at least say you are there for her when she gets to a better place. I'm forty years old and no good has ever came from making friendship a ... mistake and rebuild. Feel free to distance yourself but no need to announce that you are no longer friends.

Description : Will some 65 plus people contact me for connection & possible friendship?

Last Answer : You must be very lonely, you could always chat on Fluther

Description : Do you think there can be an honest, genuine friendship between a human and an animal as if they were two humans or two animals?

Last Answer : Yes. I liken it to two radios being tuned to the same wavelength.

Description : Have you ever had a really good friendship that ruined you for future friendships?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, I had two friends whom I invested in too much that I just forgot everything else around me, and worse still, I later found out the friendships were not worth investing. The first ... his true color after the breakup and you were no longer involved. You deserve better friends than that.

Description : What does friendship mean to you?

Last Answer : Being there for each other in good times and bad. Accepting each other as is. And having lots of fun together.

Description : In the pokemon anime, what happens if the mega evolution "happens" without the friendship needed?

Last Answer : I mean, it can become erratic, but in what way?

Description : Have you ever given up on a long-term friendship?

Last Answer : One of my closest friends made a remark about my wife ( you never would have married her if she wasn't pregnant! She wasn't.), and I simply hung up the phone, and didn't speak to him again. He was ... (supportive, etc.), but was a lot of fun to be around. Friend betrayal is a hot button for me.

Description : Friendship deteriorated, now need to get her off my car loan. What are my options?

Last Answer : answer:You're wanting to take full responsibility for the loan is commendable, but not practical, or even necessary. Your ex-friend has no claim on your car. All she did was guarantee that the ... payment is made. You're actually giving her credit score a little boost when you make the payment.

Description : Friendship complication?

Last Answer : Your being replaced. I had that happen to me she kicked me out of her life at request of her boyfriend. Then she called the cops because I was crying and got a restraint order. It took 15 years to get over it.

Description : If there were 8 levels of friendship, what would they be, with 1 being total enemies?

Last Answer : #1 best friend would be the one that bakes you a Chocolate cake from scratch and lets you have the last piece. #2 is a great friend that buys you a cake and covers it in whip cream and lets you ... on a diet and brought over Frozen Yogurt #8 wasn't even invited ate all of the cake and left early.

Description : What makes interspecies "friendship" videos so appealing?

Last Answer : I have wondered this, and I think it may be the “delightful surprise” aspect. It catches us off guard, and in an increasingly “there’s nothing new under the sun” world, the video of a cockatoo tossing milkbones to the dogs, or the labrador nurturing the baby dwarf hippo just tickles our happy bones.

Description : Why do many of us love videos and stories about animal inter-species friendship?

Last Answer : I think the surprise of two species interacting amps up the cute factor. They make me happy. This is one I really like. How about posting the elephant and dog? I could use an extra “Awwwwwww” :-)

Description : Have you ever ended a long lasting friendship, but made the mistake of keeping in contact with him/her via Facebook or telephone?

Last Answer : answer:Facebbok is easier than phone, because you can defined if it turns onto a mistake. I have reconnected with people from long ago on Facebook - some have enriched me, some have made me wonder what the ... grown or changed in a positive way or not. If you know already, though, don't reignite it.

Description : Teacher-student friendship/relationship?

Last Answer : What could possibly go wrong? Honestly though, it’s one thing to offer to help and it’s another thing to actually do something. Give one of them a call and I bet one of two things will happen. They’ll either try to “get with” you or they’ll blow you off.

Description : Any shortcuts for grieving the loss of a friendship?

Last Answer : answer:This is so difficult, our culture really has no set up in place for the loss (whether through death or something as you described) of a friend. I have had this happen, and something that helped me ... some such. I'm sorry you have to go through this, it's painful and disturbing. Good luck!

Description : Have you ever had a friendship become distant, but then go back to normal?

Last Answer : answer:It sounds like you were saying that things were getting back to normal? I don't think a deep friendship like that would be permanently harmed unless there was a grievous hurt. Have you asked ... of distance and then the closeness resumed. I hope you get back on a regular footing soon.

Description : How robust is your friendship in face of adversity?

Last Answer : Me and my mom are all I have… I’ve known her all my life and I trust her.

Description : Ever decide to give up on a friendship once you saw someone's true colors?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, several times actually. One of those experiences was with a woman whom I considered the sister I never had. We were friends for several years. I loved her personality and humor. We shared the same ... . Such is life. I miss her, but I simply could not enable her forays into la la land.

Description : I messed up, then messed up again: is there any way to salvage my friendship?

Last Answer : I too have made mistakes, regretted it and asked for forgiveness. I never got it and it’s my punishment to have to live with the fact that I hurt someone and still regret it after 40 years. I didn’t deserve forgiveness. I haven’t forgiven myself either.

Description : What does true friendship mean?

Last Answer : answer:Good article, thanks for sharing. I have friends that I've known most of my life and we can go without talking for years, but something comes up and one of us needs help or support, and it's ... few people that I connect with immediately, and others I have to warm up to for a year or two.

Description : Friendship question number two of two: are you friends with your parents? Do they think so, too? Why are you friends with them?

Last Answer : I had enormous respect and love for my parents. We took different paths in life. Both of them are now gone, but while we were here we knew our differences, but never lost our friendship and joy in being together when able.

Description : Yay - Rita not only Pmed me and requested friendship - she even blessed me -- have you been so lucky?

Last Answer : I heard from her as well. Nice girl.

Description : What is your friendship deal breaker?

Last Answer : answer:Rape, child abuse, pedophilia. I actually did dump a friend (and report him to the police, anonymously) when I found out he’d been fiddling with my daughter’s 12 year old friend.

Description : What do you expect from a friendship?

Last Answer : answer:Good question @Shippy . I have thought of posting variations on this question many times on Fluther. I think I operate in terms of degrees of friendship. There are friends/buddies (mostly ... , emotionally, financially, logistically or otherwise, because I know they would do the same for me.

Description : How do I balance out this friendship?

Last Answer : Is he straight? Just saying. Of course friends can do that but still.

Description : I'm moving in with my best bud in NYC, any advice to keep the friendship strong?

Last Answer : answer:My recommendation is don't have specific expectations or assumptions for how much time you will be spending together. Keep your own things relatively tidy. Come up with an agreed upon rule about food. ... for me. Good luck with your move, sounds exciting! Are you both familiar with the NYC?

Description : Large age differences in male/female friendship (specific situation)

Last Answer : answer:I have to ask: why are you putting gasoline in a water bottle lol? You're going to have to ask him. He could just be a cool guy that also wants to hang out with someone, or he could ... nice guy that also happens to like you. Just because he's older doesn't mean he's strange or something.

Description : Is this the wildest animal friendship story you've ever heard? [see details].

Last Answer : This is pretty compassionate too: two doggies.

Description : How do you show love and friendship to someone who is on the other side of the globe?

Last Answer : I send cards, letters or notes with personal, well thought out messages inside. Sometimes sending gifts, especially random gifts without an occasion. I try to visit, if at all possible, otherwise phone calls ... you care simply by letting them know that you're there and want to spend time with them.

Description : Does he just want a friendship?

Last Answer : I’m a guy and I have friends like you. I hate to say it but you are convenient. When someone comes along that he is really interested in he will go for that. When that doesn’t work out he still has you.

Description : What are some of the qualities of an excellent friendship between you and your spouse or partner?

Last Answer : Trust, compatibility, a shared sense of humour & the ability to put out a kitchen fire without loss of life, apart from the chicken, which by now is welded to what’s left of the ceiling.

Description : What would make you break off a friendship?

Last Answer : I tend to cut back or cut off hanging out with people whose habits and values are drastically different than my own. I’ve cut off or nearly cut off ties with raging sexists and anti-environmentalists. Getting pretty close to cutting it off with some proto-fascists.

Description : How do you decide who is worthy of your friendship?

Last Answer : Depends on their ability to throw a decent nekked pancake party.

Description : How do I build a friendship with my father?

Last Answer : answer:By understanding he has done the best he could for who he was/is. Aside from serious abuse, of course. Let him know you would like to work' on building a closer relationship, ... spend time together and let things unfold naturally, uncontrived, other than agreeing on some fun get togethers.

Description : Should I resume the friendship with my best friend of so many years?

Last Answer : If you didn't need/want the help with the interior design, would you be thinking about calling her up and trying to resume the friendship? If not, then I'd say it's not really the friendship you are ... so, then go ahead and give her a call, but hold of on the interior design stuff for a while.

Description : Uh... Have you received a friendship request (love message) from any brand new fluther members lately?

Last Answer : Yes. I told her to take her spam elsewhere.

Description : I have a friend who is really really nice to me but mean to other people. What should I do to stand up to her without ruining OUR good friendship?

Last Answer : She probably has an anger problem. Maybe she can learn by your example. Rather that telling her specifically a better way to behave, she can over time see how you react to things. Or, maybe you can ... begin to change. Are you both young? The younger you are the more chance she can change I think.

Description : What is true friendship?

Last Answer : I feel that I could be friends with someone and consider them a true friend without spending quality time with them because that person thinks about me. When they come to my town they call me up and ... the thought is there and when you hang out its genuine for me that equals being a true friend.

Description : Would you pick love over friendship?

Last Answer : answer:It depends upon the situation. I was dating a guy who said that my best friend was a bad influence on me. His reasoning was ridiculous. It wasn't the only reason, but it was in the top 5 for ... giving an ultimatium. Occasionally, he'd join us (and suffer in silence). I'd do the same for him.

Description : Is there a proper way to go about asking this young man if he wants to continue our friendship?

Last Answer : Just send him the message saying hi. He’ll want to stay in touch and/or hang out, or he won’t.

Description : What would be a great friendship declaration?

Last Answer : Bro!

Description : What song best describes your friendship (or relationship)?

Last Answer : This one describes most of my friendships ;)