What does it feel like to have confidence in yourself?

1 Answer

Answer :

Pretty nice not to give afuck anymore most people don't get this way till 80

Related questions

Description : What does it feel like to have confidence in yourself?

Last Answer : More grounded and more sure of yourself. It makes you less self-conscious and decision-making gets better. It helps with social anxiety.

Description : Do you have confidence in yourself ?

Last Answer : answer:How confident are you? I'm quite confident. Are you the type to make an apology for your existence? Heavens no! Or do you feel the need to always be in the limelight? Again, heavens no! I ... credit for something. And when I'm not confident about something, I don't feel that I'm worthless.

Description : Has this been you? You're normally a confident person, then something happens in your life and it shakes your confidence (temporarily). It hits you pretty hard and you have to build yourself back up again (maybe, through self talk)?

Last Answer : Break ups do that to me.

Description : How do you handle rejecting your grandmother's food when you don't like what's prepared as much as you used to without hurting her confidence when cooking?

Last Answer : you man up and eat it. It's your grandma.

Description : Is self-confidence taught or is it innate?

Last Answer : It’s mostly genetic IMO

Description : Do you have clothing that you will (exclusively) wear on the day that your confidence is 110%?

Last Answer : Hmm. My fursuit?

Description : Do you have confidence in the ethics of the House of Representatives, now that the Republicans have decided to destroy the Ethics Committee?

Last Answer : Outraged and calling my congressman now. Unbelievable!

Description : In your opinion where does it go from confidence to arrogance redux?

Last Answer : When you are happy failing horribly.

Description : Tips to boost confidence/self esteem?

Last Answer : Play the games you like. Don’t do things that don’t make you happy. Learn for fun and not because someone tells you to. Play by your rules. Spend time alone and appreciate being alone in charge of everything under your control.

Description : How are you about respecting an unsolicited confidence?

Last Answer : answer:When someone starts to tell me something that sounds very private, I ask about it ahead of time. If I've agreed in advance to keep it confidential, I always do, no slips, no hints, no cat-canary ... . In my book, the only way to keep a secret is not to tell anyone, and that means anyone.

Description : Vlogging on youtube to gain self confidence?

Last Answer : I would think it would be the doing of it for you rather than if anyone watched it that would be of value. It sounds like a good idea.

Description : How do you instill confidence in an 8 year old that gives up whenever things do not go as she planned?

Last Answer : answer:The lesson that needs to be learned is that making mistakes is part of the experience. Maybe you can tell her a story from your own life where you had to try different things before you were ... a particular thing that she did does not work and have her suggest other things that can be tried.

Description : Is it reasonable to have a sense of delusional confidence in your abilities, or would you rather build confidence by performing well in the past?

Last Answer : answer:Look at what you are doing now. Using a computer, eating lunch, sitting at a table, etc Everything you are doing right now you did successfully. The day you took your first steps you took a ... considered delusional? Maybe. But it sure works for me. Just go for it. You'll figure it out.

Description : What are some tips for gaining overall confidence and developing a go-getter mentality?

Last Answer : Join a mother/child play group.

Description : How to increase one's confidence, self-esteem, value etc?

Last Answer : Do more and risk more and succeed at these things and confidence will begin to grow.

Description : How does someone get their confidence back?

Last Answer : Depends on why you lost it.

Description : Have you ever lost due to a sudden blow to your self-confidence?

Last Answer : The only time this happens to me is when some type of obstacle hinders me from doing something that I was initially interested in. Many times when this happens to me I'll tend to lose the ... , life circumstances or new interests. Confidence is nothing, motivation is everything, well at least to me.

Description : How can I build confidence?

Last Answer : answer:Get into therapy to find out why all the self hatred. Everyone can benefit from some professional guidance at least once in their life. You need to learn to change your thinking, get out of ... a bunch of strangers on the internet cannot help you other than to advise you to seek counseling.

Description : How do you gain confidence and get over insecurities without the help of a psychologist?

Last Answer : answer:Ever time you find a part of our body that you don't like, stand in front of a mirror and say, 30 times, I love you . Look directly at the body part when you say it. Then say it ... when you get dressed, and every night right before bed. Do that for sixty days, or until you love yourself.

Description : Who in your life is a model for body confidence?

Last Answer : If you can’t tell by my photo, I’m female, lol. And I would say that model is my husband, who is as skinny as a rail and quite fit. He had to endure a number of physical trials a few years ago that many “fit” people would fail miserably at.

Description : How can I gain more self confidence ?

Last Answer : Think deep and hard and try to find things and traits that you are good in/at and/or that you feel are positive. There surely must be a few of those. Judge them for what they are, positive. You can be proud of them. Just do it. And whatever you do, don’t just believe in yourself. ~

Description : How would you rebuild people's confidence in the economy?

Last Answer : You create confidence the economy by creating an economy that people can have confidence in. It's just that simple, there is no smoke and mirrors solution here. People see the money they have, ... or the next few years and they will start having confidence in the economy and start spending money.

Description : Can confidence be taught?

Last Answer : No. It is a learned attribute.

Description : How can I help somebody build academic confidence?

Last Answer : Have you been able to see the tests? Sometimes people/children do not read the question well. This was happening to a very close friend of mine's daughter in math. She called me because ... this teacher was very keen on throwing these types of questions at the children. Just a thought.

Description : How does one gain the confidence of talking to guys?

Last Answer : Basically, you fake it till you make it. It might help to come up with an alternate persona until you start to gain the actual confidence to do it, sorta like training wheels. Not a totally ... as you are of making the initial contact, and will be relieved that someone else took the initiative.

Description : What are some tips in improving my confidence around women?

Last Answer : answer:This is one of those things that really is all about “learning by doing.” If you don’t put yourself out there, you won’t learn what works and what doesn’t. And once you have a solid concept of what works for you, after comes the confidence.

Description : Tips for gaining more self-confidence?

Last Answer : answer:Make a list of all the things you are good at and all the traits that make you you. Read it when ever you are feeling down on yourself. Make a separate list of all the negative things you think about yourself. Burn this list. Edit: Welcome to Fluther

Description : Are flexibility and confidence correlated?

Last Answer : answer:I am flexible and I am confident. Just ask anyone I have arrested.

Description : Do you think false confidence is ever needed?

Last Answer : answer:I agree with everything you said above but I'm not sure what relation this is to your question if fake confidence is ever needed. At first I was thinking you were mentioning faking it ... of coming together. Avoid spoiling them as well.I'm not sure if I answered this question correctly.

Description : When does confidence become arrogance?

Last Answer : Confidence becomes arrogance when you think that you could do no wrong. Therefore, you could make a lot of mistakes without realizing it. You would also not listen to any advice or evidence that goes contrary to your plan, even if the advice or evidence was sound.

Description : Are you a snob? Or do you just have confidence?

Last Answer : False Dichotomy. being a snob doesn’t mean you have an excess of confidence. Actually, being a snob probably means you lack self esteem and self confidence.

Description : For you, how much of it do you think is a lack of self-confidence (that holds you back)

Last Answer : About 99%. I have been told more than once, and at very different stages of my life, that I had the uncanny ability to “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.” [Anthony Burgess, I think]

Description : How do you think the latest AT&T security breach will affect consumer confidence?

Last Answer : answer:All of your questions are yet to be answered. Having said that, I cannot understand how Apple can go forward with their AT&T exclusivity. Past breaches have left me feeling a little technologically naked. So, I tread rather softly over the wireless world.

Description : Do nerves of steel come from confidence or security, or from knowledge?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think anyone knows which he or she will be until an actual crisis arises. I'm not even sure the same person always reacts the same way. Both in work situations and in sudden ... actually been trained to deal with crisis situations, maybe it's just a matter of who gets unfrozen first.

Description : How would you define confidence?

Last Answer : It meas holding my head high and feeling right about what I’m about to do or have done.

Description : First date. You're nervous. Any tips for confidence?

Last Answer : be yourself and don’t be desperate.

Description : Any advice on how to increase my self-confidence and/or care less about what people think?

Last Answer : Look in the mirror and stare at yourself eye to eye. Staring like that requires gut, and the grit acquired in the exercise will help in you in your goal. When you talk to people, be conscience of your ... . (These is are in the very beginning tips. Look to below answers for further advice. :) )

Description : How can I get my confidence back when driving?

Last Answer : Don't think of your accident as a negative experience, but rather a learning experience. We all make mistakes, dwelling on them does absolutely nothing productive. All you have to carry over from that accident is ... did wrong, and simply do your best to never do it again. Hope that helps a little.

Description : Hey, where did you get that confidence?

Last Answer : Born with it.

Description : Direct response advertising related to consumer confidence?

Last Answer : Sounds like a homework question. But it depends on which market you’re looking at.

Description : Does anyone have confidence that their vote will count?

Last Answer : I have every confidence my vote will count.

Description : Help calculating 95% confidence interval?

Last Answer : You’re probably trying to get excel to divide by zero, which is a math no-no. try using an IF(logical_argument; if_yes; if_no) function to determine if a certain cell has a value of 0, then follow through.

Description : Do you think some people take pride/confidence to levels of hypocrisy?

Last Answer : In real life, people can be very condescending to introverted people. I guess it is because they lack social grace and people see that as a weakness or fault. People can be mean to or not ... . If there is hypocrisy on Urban Dictionary, it pales in comparison to the reverse hypocrisy of reality.

Description : Where do you draw the line between confidence and arrogance?

Last Answer : There is a VERY thin line between the two IMHO. I believe to be the absolute best at something, one must push that envelope to the very edge.

Description : What is the importance of confidence?

Last Answer : To be convincing, attractive, successful, interesting, well-rounded, motivated, and happy, some modicum of confidence is required. imho.

Description : Where do I find a consumer confidence index?

Last Answer : Well... the CCI started in 1967, so I doubt you'll find it back to 1900. But you might be able to find something similar. But I'm not quite the person to ask =)

Description : How can I gain my confidence back?

Last Answer : Start slow. A little flirting can be a great confidence booster. Go to a cafe or park and try to make eye contact with some people….if someone looks back and smiles, there’s your instant boost. Also, go get yourself a little make-over. New clothes and a fresh hair-cut can work wonders too.

Description : Men who lacked confidence and thought you weren't worth to have a formal relationship with a partner. What made you change your mind/gain confidence?

Last Answer : [deleted]

Description : I never was, am always to be. No one ever saw me, nor ever will. And yet I am the confidence of all, To live and breath on this terrestrial ball. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Tomorrow or the future.

Description : I never was, am always to be. No one ever saw me, nor ever will. And yet I am the confidence of all, To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Tomorrow.