I know ideally an hour before bed should be time spent with no screens, but I do online classes and that's not realistic. So will turning them to night mode or whatever you call it help with my sleep?

2 Answers

Answer :

it might help you, just try it and see

Answer :

Not always.

Some night modes merely turn the brightness all the way down and lower contrast to avoid eye strain

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Last Answer : No, I generally remember dreams when I wake up in the mornings. Great Question ubersiren!!!

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Last Answer : I used to wake up several times at night. Since I started using my cell phone alarm clock, and unplugged the other clock, I've been sleeping better. However, I snore like a man. I can fall asleep any time, ... in a car with someone else driving I can only sleep when I'm driving. I need to see a Dr

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Last Answer : I've always gone by the three dry nights rule as well. Boys, in general, take a bit longer to stay dry at night. There are other things you can do to help him stay dry. Limit fluid intake in ... him time to mature a bit more. If you do have concerns about it, talk to the pediatrician. Good luck!

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Last Answer : Ghosts.

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Last Answer : A shoe.

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