Gas formed when yeast is added to rice
flour for fermenting is?

1 Answer

Answer :

Carbon dioxide

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Last Answer : (c) Yeast used in making bread and beer is a fungus.

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Description : Which method in home is used to separate wheat bran from flour? -Science

Last Answer : answer:

Description : How would you separate sugar that has been mixed with wheat flour? -Science

Last Answer : Sugar can be separated from wheat flour by sieving. Sugar particles being larger in size are retained by the sieve whereas wheat flour will pass through it.

Description : Why is there such a big disparity between the price of cheap (generic) flour vs. name brand (such as King Arthur)?

Last Answer : Look at what you did. You said cheap brand, and good brand. More expensive is so automatically thought of as better, often pricing is chosen not by actual value, but what they think they can get away with.

Description : What would putting flour on the pot roast prior to slow cooking it achieve?

Last Answer : As the juices run out, it thickens it all for the gravy.

Description : How do you clean a flour sifter?

Last Answer : Leaving flour on it will attract flour moths that turn into maggots. Run in dishwasher. Or wash in hot, soapy water as you would any other dirty baking utensil. Just use extra zeal or elbow grease.

Description : Can you turn all-purpose flour into self-rising flour?

Last Answer : answer:YES! I am Queen of substituting ingredients. It is just baking powder. I can't even get self rising flour where I live. There are several ways to do it. From Wiki answers: a simple method and ... and 4 tsp. cream of tartar in a jar and shake them well together. Store in a cool place.

Description : How many calories are in flour?

Last Answer : Gold Medal All-Purpose Flour has 100 calories per ¼ c.

Description : Are corn tortillas healthier than flour tortillas?

Last Answer : answer:Just so you know, in his mind it wasn’t a matter of giving you a health option so much as it was a taste option. Corn contains more carbohydrates than flour though.

Description : What to do with the whole wheat flour...

Last Answer : answer:Yes you can use it anywhere you would use white flour. It makes great pancakes. Flour, egg and milk mixed into a batter, thin batter = thin pancakes, thicker pancakes thicker batter. Poured or spooned onto a hot griddle flipped once and cooked to golden brown on both sides.

Description : Does all purpose flour "go bad"?

Last Answer : Yes, for all intents and purposes. Don’t save there. Toss.

Description : Is there a good brand of un-chlorinated cake flour?

Last Answer : I’m not sure this is completely un-chlorinated (as cake flour can be treated with chlorine gas as well as bleach), but here is an unbleached cake flour. It looks as though it performs somewhere between all-purpose and traditional cake flours.

Description : Can I replace all purpose flour with bread flour?

Last Answer : answer:Bread flour is a high-gluten flour that has very small amounts of malted barley flour and vitamin C or potassium bromate added. The barley flour helps the yeast work, and the other additive ... -purpose flour, but would not be nearly as good made with bread flour. lifted from Yahoo answers

Description : Coconut Flour vs Whole wheat flour...Which is healthier?

Last Answer : answer: Whole wheat flour means that the whole plant is put into the stuff. Whole grain is literally the whole grain, unpulverized. Not flour. I think, that's how it works, anyway. When ... requires cooking before its toxicity is low enough to digest. I'd go with coconut on that principle alone.

Description : Anyone have a yummy dessert recipe that has equal parts sugar and flour?

Last Answer : Make bread with sugar!

Description : What is something sweet I can make with milk, egg, sugar, flour & cocoa?

Last Answer : Pancakes! Using oil instead of butter, you can make pancakes with the flour, eggs, milk, and baking soda. Add the bananas for fun if you like.

Description : Are corn meal, corn flour and polenta interchangeable?

Last Answer : On this website, it says you can substitute polenta for cornmeal or corn flour and that corn flour would give baked goods a lighter texture (I agree, based on knowing what the texture of flour and ... thing as Nigella is talking about I'm not sure if whole grain corn flour can be further refined.

Description : What flour free foods do you recommend for snacks?

Last Answer : Nuts A great source of good fats and they’re filling. Plus, there’s a wide variety to choose from.

Description : Is einkorn flour gluten ok?

Last Answer : According to my research- no. Einkorn is not listed under ‘good’ or ‘acceptable’ on the any of the websites I’ve found.

Description : I have milk, flour and sugar in the cupboard - what can I make?

Last Answer : Make a run to the grocery store, get some eggs and vanilla extract and make sugar cookies.