Benefit of Spending Less?

1 Answer

Answer :

Benefit of Spending LessReducing your spending can be worth more than you might think.Use this calculator to see just how much your budget reductions maybe worth, if you were to invest them. View the value of this newpotential nest egg both with and without taxes factored in.

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Last Answer : Same as every other Monday. Up at 5:00 am. Off to work. Stay until the job is done no matter how long that takes. Home, dinner, read, bed, repeat.

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Last Answer : If it keeps you from enriching social relationships, productive work, exercise, study, self actualizing hobbies, charitable efforts etc. then yes it is hazardous to your health. Otherwise, it is just like watching TV.

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Last Answer : I don’t visit that far north very often. But as for customs, etiquette and nuances ago it’s the same as anywhere else. Be polite and most people will be polite back. This is coming from a New Jersey transplant.

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Last Answer : I may be off, but if they cap the well, I would think maybe stocks would rise. but exchange rate?? I’m not an expert at the quirky international rates and how it is affected by stocks? Is there are correlation?? Awesome question.

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Last Answer : I have to take breaks. In a lot of ways it is wasting time. In other ways, I benefit from what I learn on here….so it balances out, I s’pose.

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Last Answer : answer:Block all his ways to get money from the family resources (bank accounts, credit cards, etc), then see where it goes. If he gets more and more frustrated about it there’s something fishy.

Description : How do you balance spending and saving?

Last Answer : nikipedia If you have 3 to 6 months of expenses in savings than you start FUN FUND. We have vacation fund and a car fund in separate accounts. Pay cash or set an amount to spend and don’t go over.

Description : What are your thoughts about spending $1200 on repairs to a 1994 Jeep Cherokee with 158000 miles?

Last Answer : answer:From my experience, $1200 isn't that much. I would say that if you think it's going to give you a few more years, do the repairs. You definitely won't find a quality used vehicle for that price ... look at it: you're buying a fixed up 1994 Jeep Cherokee for $1200. That's a pretty decent deal.