I've been dizzy lately. I go to bed after two o'clock at night. Do you think it may be a lack of sleep? I'm tired all day and I don't want to do anything. And lately, my head hurts.

1 Answer

Answer :

Tech cause can be a pile and every body is different. You have no choice but to try different procedures and see what results it brings. I'm not an expert on sleep, but for starters I would recommend drinking a lot throughout the day and trying to walk the drive.

Related questions

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Last Answer : In fact, this happens due to physical weakness, that is, sleep comes again and again. You will have tea and books at night. Or sleep, actually eat tea, then read the book again. Or sleep will actually take a splash of water in the eyes. Then sleep will not come.

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Last Answer : Thanks for the info.

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Last Answer : dinner

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Last Answer : answer:Why do you ask? Is this an English assignment? Start with the end-rhyme pattern. That is simple. Roses are red (a) Violets are blue (b) Sugar is sweet (c) And so are you. (b) Poetic meter. “I think that I shall never see A poem as lovely as a tree.” This ^^ is iambic tetrameter.

Description : What are YOU doing on this fine Saturday evening?

Last Answer : Watching “The Pacific”, the HBO miniseries (damn good, if you haven’t seen it yet).

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Last Answer : I highly doubt anyone would judge you for wearing a black dress. That’s pretty much the classic “go-to” for ANY occasion.

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Last Answer : Evening.I work for myself,so it is not a problem.I do like early morning walks in the summer though and will pick that up again when it gets warmer :)

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Last Answer : Reading.

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Last Answer : Special Effects Are Neat. I think that’s the message.

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Last Answer : I found it right here at sciencenews.org. It explains that scientists investigated the effect of omega-3s on telomere length. Telomeres are the strings of repeating DNA sequences at the ... out with higher levels of omega-3s had experienced substantially less telomere shortening than the others.

Description : How do you differentiate between morning sky and evening sky?

Last Answer : Interesting: http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=sunrise&ss=2&s=int http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=sunset&ss=2&s=int

Description : As a greeting, why do we say "good evening" during the night, when we ought to be saying "good night"?

Last Answer : We aren't the only ones to do that. The Germans do as well, for example: guten abend and gute nacht. It's just a convention. Besides, one definition of evening is the period from sunset to bedtime ... . Of course, we could all start a movement and try changing the meaning of good night . :o)

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Last Answer : Well since one of your topic tags is cab' I'm assuming you don't have a car you're worring about, so I would say the best (and cheapest!) would be to take the subway (A, C, or E, ... exactly you start) to 23rd street, then catch a cap from there. You'll miss a lot of the midtown traffic.

Description : Fun ideas for this evening?

Last Answer : Hi. Well me and my friends went to the mall on our last day of school to meet strangers

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Last Answer : I don't agree with your claim that your suggestion is more accurate, as all of the phrases successfully identify the time as being the evening of the previous day. Yours is certainly more common, but ... phrase it personally. As far as I can research here, last evening is not obviously incorrect.

Description : What to pack for an evening picnic on the beach?

Last Answer : Gouda with water crackers ( do not forget the thin slicer for the gouda) and honey along with green seedless grapes and a lovely Chardonnay or Merlot. Can I come along?

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Last Answer : Amusing in a way, but I find the Wikipedia vandalism to be highly annoying most of the time. I mean, people use it to find legitimate information for reports, school work, personal information, etc. Damn griefers. :P

Description : Which post offices are open (and send mail) LATEST in the evening in san francisco?

Last Answer : go to www.usps.com and type in your zipcode... usually the airport has an air-mail facility open really late... the one here is open until 11:30pm... and they'll actually stamp letters until 11:30pm for that day..

Description : Can you let dough rise in the morning and then bake with it in the evening?

Last Answer : answer:Generally letting bread rise longer improves flavor, although I'm not sure on the texture. You might want to find a slower rising dough to use, or let it rise in the evening the night ... sour, I actually prefer it not sour-- the sourdough method just refers to that style of breadmaking.

Description : What should my girlfriend and I get up to this evening? (keep it clean pls [equal]D)

Last Answer : where do you live? If you are in Durham, UK (as in your profile) you might try this page for ideas

Description : For those of you who spent this evening out...what did you do, where did you go, and was the food good?

Last Answer : I spent it in my car with my boyfriend and our dog, in my drive way , listening to the radio with the ac on because I didn’t have electricity due to hurricane Ike. Oh! Eating gold fish , yummy! Hehe. That’s how far “out” we could go. :)

Description : When does the traffic start getting bad heading into SF from the East Bay on a Saturday evening?

Last Answer : By the way, I know about 511.org (awesome site), but it seems to only have real-time traffic, not general patterns. If you’ve found something like that, that’d be cool to know about.

Description : I left my cactus outside one evening and it was very cold and now it's wilting and turning brown, Can I revive it?

Last Answer : Inside cactus does not like to be cold. bring it back inside. Where it was originally and it will be a wait & see.