1 Answer

Answer :

Understands No. She Understands No. Too much Good One Song Sunlei Crying Comes.

Related questions

Description : Do you ever wake up in the mornings with a familiar song in your head, even one you don't like? Why is that?

Last Answer : answer:Not to me. I wake with recent dreams in my head and try to go back to them. I suppose it would if I woke or fell asleep to music, but I don’t.

Description : I need some suggestions for a good song to wake up to. Anyone?

Last Answer : answer:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtJRy8SPkys GOOD MORNING!! :)

Description : Why do I often wake up with a song stuck in my head?

Last Answer : You subconscious wants you to rock’n’roll – rather than sleep – all night? – but seriously, no idea, but it happens to me a lot too…...and if you think KISS is bad: I’ve woken up with Jason Donovan stuck in my head!!

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Last Answer : answer:Block quoting calls for indentation on both sides and single-spacing. Kind of like this: regular text regular text regular text regular text regular text regular text regular text ... regular regular text regular text regular text regular text regular text regular text regular text regular

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Last Answer : Really.. Saying you fucked up and apologizing is best. Most people won’t do that. Someone could shit on my cat and I would forgive them if they apologized.

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Last Answer : answer:probably an instinct way of seeing if it’s still alive or something, provoking a reaction i guess funny thing, ever noticed when playing with a yank toy with the dog he’ll twist around forcefully ? that’s the neckbreaking instinct

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Last Answer : i thought it was good as shit. i remember watching the first half and loving it, and then the real shit started up and i was like .-. would definitely watch again

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Last Answer : They were standing together exchanging love talk like usual. Suddenly the boyfriend asked me if I felt left out (that is just a literal translation, he actually used a specific word that could either ... wheel? Which is very possible when they are lovey-dovey and you are on the side observing.

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Last Answer : That would be an incredibly cruel thing to say. However, it's inaccurate to tell a woman considering an abortion that all they're going to do is to ... -term harm to her. https://www.scstatehouse.gov/CommitteeInfo/SenateMedicalAffairsCommittee/Shuping%20Long-lasting%20Distress%20after%20Abortion.pdf

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Last Answer : Is it possible to feel both?

Description : Isn't the phrase "I'm sorry for your loss" grammatically incorrect?

Last Answer : I think it could mean: “I feel sorry for you, that you lost your brother”. It’s not not so much an apologetic sentence as it is an empathic one.

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Description : Do you see "Of course you are", "I'm sorry", "No, I'm not" as options in Gmail?

Last Answer : That’s a Gmail feature where it uses AI to suggest replies based on the content of the received email. So those options were unique to the email you got. I think once you click one it sends it as a reply, so there’s no undoing that.

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Last Answer : Beaker from the Muppet show. He got a raw deal.

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Last Answer : No – I think it’s a human thing to do.

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Last Answer : answer:How can someone that stupid be in college/university be that stupid? Really. Why isn't she using birth control to supplement the condoms? why isn't she insisting on condom use? Personally, I had no ... tougher then than I was a few years later. Then I turned 40 and got mean (and happy).

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Last Answer : Cleaning up shitty code at work, sometimes people are sorry that I had to wade through nasty legacy code, but it's immensely satisfying for me to rewrite something in a way that's better. Also writing complicated ... at work seems to like to touch that shit, but I think it's fun, like a puzzle.

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Last Answer : There was a post a little while ago that I am sad to say Adirondackwannabe is no longer with us ,I do not know the exact details , but he will be missed.

Description : Should I feel sorry for Apple?

Last Answer : Wow, @Not_what_you_want_to_hear, you really don’t understand what’s going on here, do you.

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Last Answer : Ignore them.

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Last Answer : I always feel sad for street people with signs. My best friend is actually doing something about it… this.

Description : Should cars have "sorry" indicators?

Last Answer : answer:This is a good idea. How do you cut someone off unintentionally?

Description : Sorry if this is not a delicate question...but why does my cat smell like sour milk?

Last Answer : Many cats are lactose-intolerant, so yes, even a small amount could have an effect. If he smells like sour milk, though, I would think maybe he got some on himself. If he’s acting fine I wouldn’t worry.

Description : Do you feel sorry for kids whose parents always push them to be the smartest and most perfect person in the world?

Last Answer : But my kid is the smartest and most perfect person in the world.

Description : How do you handle the days when you feel sorry for yourself?

Last Answer : answer:I kick myself in the ass! (added) I do all I can to stay as far away from negative and downward spiral chance. I make time to do the things that bring me joy, happiness, and positive energy. It usually is a physical activity to help clear my mind.

Description : Have you ever confided in someone you trust then been immediately sorry?

Last Answer : Yes for sure, my sisters. I regret opening up to them and sharing things with them.

Description : Sorry to do this to you guys, but I have a medical question.

Last Answer : answer:Um, poison ivy? Docs. can do nothing for that. Try swabbing with calomine lotion. If that affords you some relief, you may have backed into a diagnosis. Try not to scratch.

Description : How do you feel when someone says "Sorry to hear that"?

Last Answer : It’s not something I’ve ever thought about so I guess, to me, there’s no difference.

Description : I am sorry, I was thinking out loud. What could you have been saying out loud, accidentally, and to whom?

Last Answer : answer: So what have I got to do now? ... Where did I put that ? Why are you such a fuckwit? (about someone else and meant to be in my head) Why are you such a dickhead!! (to myself and much ... . And would you like me to shove a broom handle up my arse and sweep the floor too? (to my boss).

Description : Hey guys, sorry to bother you today, but where is the line between political correctness being a barrier, and someone just wanting to say stupid stuff?

Last Answer : It acts as a barrier to people getting to be openly bigoted without being called out on it.

Description : Okay, so (sorry) I got myself an ipad. Now tell me what apps to get?

Last Answer : Angry Birds. Wheeeeeeeee!

Description : Sorry, but I just have to ask: Is it just me, or does it seem people care more about a person's death if it has wide media coverage?

Last Answer : I don’t tend to care about anyone’s death I don’t know. May seem harsh but it’s just me. I didn’t know the person and unless I respected whatever they were famous for I wouldn’t shed a tear. If Justin Bieber died I’d jump for joy!

Description : Who here likes to read fantasy novels? (Tolkien and the like...no science fiction, sorry!)

Last Answer : The best fantasy novel I’ve read lately was The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (At least I think it’d be considered fantasy)

Description : Should I stay or should I go? (sorry it's long)

Last Answer : answer:Ouch. Sorry you're going through this. It sounds like he is a major control freak. Asking you come back is a way of protecting assets, because he can stand to lose a lot more than ... person is a pretty scary place to be. Developing self-reliance will be critical to getting through this.

Description : Is it possible to make chicken tikka masala in a crock pot? Sorry, I know nothing about crock pots.

Last Answer : I think so, Crock Pots are pretty cool. Tikka Masala is that, Indian food? So that would be chicken and spices right, I don't see why that wouldn't work. Crock Pots can cook really slow, making the ... know what temp you should put it on, med-high?? You're gonna have to experiment or get more info.

Description : Sorry to sound macabre, but are you in love with the idea of death?

Last Answer : answer:I am not in love with the idea of death. I do not crave it. The idea of dying early does not sound even remotely charming. And as a close friend has been battling suicide for the past year, this is a very personal issue to me.

Description : Do you find it hard to feel sorry for a gazillionaire quarterback who loses 15 Million in a Ponzi scheme?

Last Answer : Absolutely not. It doesn’t matter who it is. He got robbed, plain and simple. Who am I to judge him because he has a lot of money?

Description : What is the perfect "I'm Sorry" gift?

Last Answer : Take her with you shopping…it will mean more.

Description : Has your bumper been scratching your iPhone? (Sorry an iPhone question).

Last Answer : answer:I just pulled the bumper off mine and looked. No scratches, no rubbing marks. (I am pretty rough on my phone too.) This is just my experience though.

Description : What is the best Photoshop or similar program to get for an iMac? Another Mac question. Sorry.

Last Answer : It’s Adobe Photoshop, CS5 is the best as it’s the newest, probably. But you have to look for a mac version. I have Adobe Photoshop from CS4 on my MacBook. :)

Description : Where is the report of the L. A. Salon? I am sorry I missed it.

Last Answer : Andrew is supposed to be working on a blog entry about it. Apparently, there’s audio involved, and they haven’t decided where/how to post that portion. I wasn’t there either, so I’m really looking forward to it, too!

Description : How do I say I'm sorry with out getting him even more mad at me?

Last Answer : I recommend the written word. not an email, not a text message, but an old-fashioned hand-written letter. why? a text or email is really cold. a written letter is warm and Josh will read your letter ... get the message over to him just fine. leave your letter in a location that Josh will see. john

Description : Has anyone ever seen a website or newsgroup posting called Welcome to a.s.h, sorry you're here.

Last Answer : Never heard of such a thing, is it supposed to help people who are considering suicide?

Description : Can't seem to figure out the @ reply in red, sorry for my stupid head. Can someone help?

Last Answer : answer:@babaji The comment is directed to someone else in the question. as I am directing this response to you Type it….it will happen. :)

Description : Should my relative be furious with me? (details long sorry)

Last Answer : Well I think her response might be a bit over the top, but families bring out the best and worst in each other. My wife and her sis are still not really speaking because one doesn’t think that the other has rendered an acceptable apology and the other does.

Description : Should I see the Optometrist again (long details, sorry)?

Last Answer : Get the glasses. You’ll be happy you did. I think it’s weird the optometrist told you to come back in 6 months, and that the other told you to use eye drops Maybe try a new optometry office. Do you have insurance that will cover part of the cost of the frames and lenses?

Description : Will you expect someone to say sorry?

Last Answer : I would express my feelings, and reasons behind them shortly. Then make it known that I’d like an apology. But not expect it. If it comes great, if not ah well. I’ve already forgiven the person anyway – and always do. But apologies can be nice, when they’re needed :)

Description : What do you think woULD HAPP (woah, sorry about the 'caps lock') if we couldn't delete anything we typed?

Last Answer : I don’t think anything drastic would happen. Forums and articles alike would be full of typos and anything typed without the utmost care would most likely be harder to peruse. Good question.

Description : Is it ever acceptable to get somebody else to to pass on a message that you are "sorry"? If so, when?

Last Answer : It sounds like she doesn’t want to face you to apologize, that’s a second rate apology, IMHO. The only time I would think that method acceptable is if a mutual friend was acting as a go-between for too people no longer on speaking terms. +GQ

Description : Can you think of any information that makes you (kinda) sorry you found out about it?

Last Answer : sigh, what really is in weiners and mcdonalds