How long should i exercise for?

1 Answer

Answer :

Start slowly if you are out of shape, but 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 3 times per week should be your goal.

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Last Answer : Dude what kind of drugs?

Description : How long after eating should you workout/exercise?

Last Answer : I’d wait at least 30 minutes. You definitely don’t want to exercise on a full stomach. Usually something small is best… like a banana. Try 30 minutes and if you still feel “heavy”, wait longer. Definitely avoid soda. I upchucked once. :)

Description : For those of you who work long hours, how do you find the time to exercise?

Last Answer : I'm usually up each morning at 5:30am and it takes me less than 10 minutes to get in the stretches and few exercises I do. They're the same ones I'll do a couple of more times before going to ... over what I call the Jello line, that point where it's not quite firm and could collapse any minute.

Description : What are the benefits of exercise?

Last Answer : Exercise has many benefits for overall health and well-being. Here are some of the key benefits: Improving cardiovascular health: Regular exercise can help lower the risk of heart disease and ... with a doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have any health concerns.

Description : Any Jellies that have used rebounders/trampolines for (home) exercise/health?

Last Answer : We had a big one in the back yard that was mainly for the kids to use. I went on it occasionally and it was indeed a work out. However, a big friend of my son’s fell off and broke his leg. They can be dangerous. I assume you’re talking more about the smaller ones that they use in gyms sometimes.

Description : What are you doing for exercise during covid?

Last Answer : Walking once a week, for about 30 minutes, to the grocery store.

Description : What is an average period of time to exercise, per day? See Detail.

Last Answer : By the way, just about healthy enough people. Of course it depends on each person’s medical condition.

Description : How much importance do you give to regular exercise?

Last Answer : answer:It is very important to get regular exercise. I guess I've just been too busy with work and putting together a graphic design portfolio for university to dedicate time to it. Next week I will ... going back to regular Yoga classes again. Because I have not had regular exercise in a long time.

Description : DIY exercise equipment; What do you think of my solution?

Last Answer : It sounds great to me, @majorrich. There was a time when no one actually did formal exercises, because they got all the exercising they needed through simply working hard all day. I still make a ... myself to move that heavy thing by myself instead of asking for help. I consider it exercising.

Description : Could you recommend some exercise shoes for me?

Last Answer : I find New balance is good quality and not terribly expensive. Very supportive, too.

Description : Can I still exercise the night before having bloodwork done?

Last Answer : It shouldn’t have any effect on your blood work. You aren’t changing the chemistry of your blood, just make sure you a re hydrated (it’s harder to draw blood if you’re dehydrated.)

Description : Is walking exercise?

Last Answer : The benefits of walking are well documented. But there is the issue of pace. As described here, the brisk walkers showed greater benefit. But as the article mentions, they're not sure if ... had underlying health conditions that predisposed them to both a tentative walking pace and early death .

Description : Do you exercise and stretch your joints before you get out of bed in the morning?

Last Answer : Does this disturb your wife or does she join in with your flexing?

Description : How much consideration and effort do you put into form or technique on exercise(s)?

Last Answer : Technique is extremely important to me. I’d rather not complete a rep than give up technique. If I ditch my technique, I’m compromising my safety. Bad form can lead to injuries.

Description : Do you exercise on a regular basis, and what kind(s) of exercise do you do?

Last Answer : I do yoga…a Sun Salutation I modified to have more poses in the morning and lift weights every other day and ride my recumbent bike every night. I also take the dawg for a walk/run around the block and the block is 1.5 miles around.

Description : Can you explain this exercise experience?

Last Answer : You were working different muscle groups. Just ease back for a few days and then keep it up.

Description : Is it safe for me to exercise again?

Last Answer : I’d wait a bit longer until you know for sure you are over it.

Description : How to stop muscle soreness/stiffness from exercise?

Last Answer : answer:Heat, rest, Advil and a day or so. It will pass. Congratulations. You are young and will bounce back. (Please use breaks in long walls of text.) Even at your age, you can overdo things.

Description : Best exercise routine for a newbie?

Last Answer : Don’t they have exercise advisors or trainers at the gym who can coach you and tell you what to do?

Description : What is the best routine to do to get back into regular exercise?

Last Answer : Start walking regularly.

Description : Do you exercise often? If so (or even if not) what kind of exercise do you enjoy the most?

Last Answer : I exercise in fits and starts, haha. But my favorites are cycling and weight lifting.

Description : What motivates you to exercise?

Last Answer : My dogs. Their enthusiasm for walking and need to be taken out are my primary motivators. Followed by beaches when I am near them.

Description : Can I still exercise with a blood blister on my foot?

Last Answer : I’m sure you can do more exercises that don’t involve impact… swimming, cycling, nautical machines, lifting weights, etc.

Description : Should I take a rest from exercise?

Last Answer : Your muscles should tell you if they need a rest. Mine sure scream at me when I overdo it.

Description : Was it overexertion, dehydration or both (exercise question)

Last Answer : Do you have a fever? Sounds like a dose of a virus.

Description : Is it healthy to do exercise for a few days then stop the next day then go again?

Last Answer : answer:Sure. You are young and your body will adapt to this program. Sure, you are going to be sore, but that’s telling you that you may be out of shape. Carry on.

Description : Should one exercise / work out in the morning (soon after waking up) or in the evening?

Last Answer : answer:Do what your body likes. I like using the treadmill between 7:00 and 8:00 PM, which is a peculiar time. However, I can go faster and farther then because I feel energized and strong.

Description : Is exercise healthy for people of all body types (see details)?

Last Answer : answer:I would do something like tai chi or qigong. It'll clear your mind, get you in touch with your body. The qi pathways will balance your body, and you'll gradually build up core ... just do something fun like Contact Improvisation. Stretching can also be good .. Swimming, too, in moderation

Description : Is there a "best time of day" to exercise?

Last Answer : answer:Don’t exercise right before bed time. The adrenaline high from the exercise may keep you up for quite a while. In the morning is probably the best time, then the high will carry over into your work.

Description : Advice on how to switch up my exercise routine?

Last Answer : Change your cardio to stair steppers, bycycle or elliptical. Alternated days for groups of muscles like legs, shoulders/arms. Core can be worked everyday.

Description : How do you determine the supercompensation period for your muscles and body after exercise?

Last Answer : answer:A very quick response @ninjacolin - my Husband is a qualified Trainer, but not available for a while - I think first of all, these kinds of recovery periods are undoubtedly individual. There are ... week, for testing or recording; not on a daily or frequent basis. Hope this gives some help.

Description : How does exercise help with stress?

Last Answer : answer: But exercise also has some direct stress-busting benefits. * It pumps up your endorphins. Physical activity helps to bump up the production of your brain's feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins ... levels and give you a sense of command over your body and your life. Mayo Clinic

Description : What, exactly, is addictive about exercise?

Last Answer : answer:Good question. I’m guessing that it’s the endorphins, but, I would love to hear what others have to say. I am jjmah, and I am addicted to running.

Description : What would/does get you to exercise?

Last Answer : Several friends have invested in a Wii, as they have a variety of exercise programs, and they love it.

Description : Disagree with me: I need the exercise. Did you know this is one of the best ways to shake up the cognitive egg?

Last Answer : answer:Hmmm well, I don't see anything there that is extraordinary, infact the study of well being peaking in men age 65 is contradictory to other stats that have shown that the highest rates of suicide are ... about a 4, as far as telling me something I didn't already know. Pretty dilute meh. haha

Description : I have dropped all but 5-10 lbs of the fat that I want to lose, how much/which type of protein should I be eating to make my exercise add slightly to my muscle mass?

Last Answer : As far as I know, if you want to add to muscle mass you must use your muscles. A good overall workout is yoga. You’ll definitely use most of the muscles in your body.

Description : Can exercise be addictive?

Last Answer : Yes It's endorphines. You feel strong and refreshed because you are, stronger and more refreshed, that's your body talking, and it knows what it likes. You can get addicted to feeling strong and working out, ... and when I feel that way, after working out on the beach, I wonder what took me so long.

Description : What is best time of day to exercise to burn fat?

Last Answer : The morning.

Description : Is it possible that running/aerobic exercise can actually cause depression?

Last Answer : Any links to that research? Everything I’ve read says the opposite.

Description : Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the Winsor Pilates exercise chart for use when travelling?

Last Answer : I would suggest searching Amazon and eBay, as you will probably find people looking to get rid of their unused stuff there. You can probably find other charts and diagrams on the web that are ... exercises, you can probably create your own routine that is best suited to your needs and preferences.

Description : Where can I find free exercise routines?

Last Answer : Look for the videos on They have a personal trainer who demonstrates a number of aerobic and anaerobic exercises you can do at home or at your desk. You can also start interval training; the only things needed for that are good workout shoes and a park to train in.

Description : What kind of exercise do I need to make my thighs bigger?

Last Answer : Thighs? I’m going to assume you mean thighs. Squats & lunges will help develop your thin thighs (Wish I had this problem ;)

Description : Exercise question: When should i exercise, before or after supper?

Last Answer : Either way is fine. If you exercise right after, it might be uncomfortable. Two hours is fine, though, and if you eat a high-fat meal, exercise after if beneficial. Before is fine. Again, ... your appetite immediately, but a couple of hours before should be fine. So, go with your preference.

Description : What is the best stomach exercise ?

Last Answer : size 8 and 5’2” is a lot different than size 8 and 6’ tall. Crunches, sit-ups and planks are probably the best exercises for your tummy, but it is really best to be well rounded in you fitness regime.

Description : Do any of you have a daily workout or exercise routine?

Last Answer : Apparently no one here works out… What the hell, ask-public

Description : Taking a car to the gymnasium to use a treadmill exercise machine - When will people rediscover the value of walking for daily errands?

Last Answer : I think it’s far from a new trend, and I don’t think it will have any effect on the treadmill industry.

Description : Can exercise be effective if done randomly throughout the day?

Last Answer : ABSOLUITLY!! Some times short bouts are even more effective.

Description : Simple, inexpensive exercise equipment?

Last Answer : plastic 1/2 gallons of milk w. handles can be hoisted (ditto w. cans).

Description : An exercise or stetching CD?

Last Answer : answer:Dan, Jon Kabat-Zinn has a series of excellent guided meditation, body scans, silent meditation and yoga stretches, not exactly what you are looking for but ones I have used for years. All the stretches are ... . I use the tapes (easier to rewind if I fall asleep) but there are CDs also.. link

Description : How to get a flat tummy if I do not have time for exercise?

Last Answer : good luck with that one. not going to happen. you probably do have time for exercise, or if this is something that you really want, you should make time.