How to stay eating healthy for IBS?

1 Answer

Answer :

Have you addressed your gut bug situation to see if that is in balance?

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Description : Can eating a peppermint candy help with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)?

Last Answer : No. Candy is candy, IBGard is a way of delivering peppermint oil. Chewing altoids as an alterntaive will probably just give you heartburn,

Description : I want to help my mum out, IBS related problem.

Last Answer : answer:Unfortunately IBS affects different patients in different ways depending upon what part of the gut is sensitive. It is in her best interest to call her doctor / dietitian to see if the pain she ... could be something more serious. Better yet, have that lazy step dad take her to the hospital.

Description : Other than eating right, what are some ways to stay in shape/be healthy while wearing a cast?

Last Answer : answer:Well you have plenty of limbs left to exercise while your left arm withers away. lol teasing you Just move the rest of your body more. Kick around a soccer ball, walk some hills, exercise the broken ... finger grip routine with a tension ball. Sorry bout the arm, it'll go by quickly. :-)

Description : How do I stay healthy and avoid over eating?

Last Answer : Well, I would recommend eating proportionately, and controlling the food intake amount. However, there is also the option of going back to sleep immediately.

Description : If food were charged by the ounce when dining out, would that change the eating habits in the US, or would people just stay home and stuff themselves?

Last Answer : answer:That already exists. Markets like Whole Foods have food bars where you pay by the pound. Sbarro, the fast food place, also has food by the pound. I do think people would eat smaller portions and heathier food if many more restaurants charged by the pound/ounce/gram.

Description : How far can I raise my test scores, from going on a low FODMAP diet for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)?

Last Answer : How are we supposed to be able to answer this? Keep up the good work and let us know how you are doing. You have nothing to lose and stand to gain in health and getting into a university. Are you still planning to go to a university? How many years has it been?

Description : Has anyone here on ask-public successfully cured their issues with IBS?

Last Answer : answer:I sympathize, @tan253. For a while I thought IBS was going to bring about an ignominious end to my career. Once during an hour-long presentation that I was giving to the managers, I had to leave the room ... the condition any more. This may be of no help to you, but I offer it just in case.

Description : I need some support with IBS and now GERD - Any advice?

Last Answer : You mentioned you are hungry/starving 3x's so I would focus your attention towards foods that are both good for your IBS and GERDS yet satiating and filling so you are not always feeling hungry ... calorie wise. Discipline is key in breaking away from the syndromes you are suffering. Good luck.

Description : What's the best IBS probiotic?

Last Answer : Ask your pharmacist.

Description : Does this sound like symptoms of IBS?

Last Answer : sounds like IBS. Are you stressed out at all? Do you drink coffee? Olestra?

Description : Are classes at AIMS IBS lecture-based or discussion-based?

Last Answer : A rigorous classroom lecture approach, with Group discussions, lecture-based learning, case studies, tutorials, and audio-visual presentations ensure a strong academic rigor for the students. Students also get the opportunity to interact with practicing managers who are invited for guest lectures.

Description : What is it like to be a first-year student at AIMS IBS?

Last Answer : The placement in the AIMS Institute is very good. Students at AIMS are provided internship opportunities for MBA students from 3rd semester onwards, the stipend depends on the company. Companies ... Deloitte, Berger Paints, Accenture etc. All these companies come for recruitment at AIMS Institute.

Description : What is the job placement rate at AIMS IBS, Bangalore?

Last Answer : MBA Student (Full Time Campus Based, Batch of 2007) - CFA Student (Distance Learning) Developer of Placement Management Information System (PMIS) - Hence I know their entire ... material and previous years question papers Visiting Faculty for Risk Management Guest Lecturer on various subjects

Description : How is AIMS IBS different from other colleges?

Last Answer : AIMS IBS is India's First and Only B-School which adheres to an Industry Integrated program. With 21 years of a solid foundation, an inheritance of 8000+ MBA students, Alumni working in 13 nations, ... go ahead into the business with certainty and intention. For more info:

Description : How is the infrastructure of AIMS IBS?

Last Answer : The infrastructure is spread over the four campuses and can accommodate more than 1000 students with a yearly admission of more than 500 students. The thoroughness of the administration programs are ... . AIMS IBS additionally has access to sports ground close by the campus for outdoor games.

Description : How is AIMS IBS for MBA in placements? Should I go for admission or try somewhere else?

Last Answer : There are community or local business colleges that offer the same quality, if not, inexpensive tuition fees and are equally the best choice for many. I would, if accounting and business is my priority of ... at it so tax-payers' money who pay for your scholarship will be happy they invested in you.

Description : How is AIMS IBS college Bangalore?

Last Answer : Bangalore University – ACCREDITED WITH 'A' GRADE BY NAAC The university has a larger number of affiliated colleges and P.G. ... 15 in the Top Multi-disciplinary Universities at All India level, at No. 9 in the Top State Multi-disciplinary Universities, No. 5 in the South Zone and No.

Description : How many ibs in 90 kg?

Last Answer : There are 198.416036 or 198.41604 when rounded.

Description : What medications can be used in the treatment of IBS?

Last Answer : Following the medication can be used for the IBS treatments. Lotronex for ... Calcium supplements, specifically calcium carbonate, can be used by diarrhea sufferers as they can ...

Description : What treatment options are available for IBS?

Last Answer : There is no cure for IBS but to treat it, and lessen the symptoms, a doctor will tell you to change your diet, eat healthier, avoiding foods high in fat or foods that will make you flatulent. Your doctor may also give you medications such as fiber supplements or laxatives.

Description : How does the ibs treatment work?

Last Answer : There are many types of treatment for IBS and no one treatment works for everyone. Some of the most popular treatments are to limit your intake of fatty foods, increasing fiber in your diet, avoiding foods that make you bloated (beans, cabbage), regular exercise, and stress management.

Description : What treatment is available for ibs sufferers?

Last Answer : The best treatment for ibs sufferers is a good resting routine with eating healthy. Proper medication will also be prescribed in place of over the counter medicine.

Description : With IBS, is there a site that would provide the best foods for this complication?

Last Answer : With Irritable Bowel Syndrome yes there are sites that would allow information that could be useful also books on irritable bowel syndrome would help as well.

Description : Effectively Coping with the Symptoms of IBS?

Last Answer : Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an intestinal disorder that causes digestive issues, specifically related to the colon, also called the large intestine. Most people who suffer from IBS can control ... will be well on your way to effectively coping with the discomfort and complications of IBS.

Description : Which of the following is the feature of IBS? A. Multi Currency B. Multi Entity C. Multi Branch D. All of the above

Last Answer : D. All of the above Explanation: Features of IBS: Multi-bank, multi-branch, multi-currency, Highly parametric design, Real time posting and End of Day Processing, Highly efficient Auditing and Control.

Description : What are some cheap, tasty and healthy legumes to experiment with eating?

Last Answer : Butter beans are really good. Big green and creamy. Although if you dont like kidney beans, you may not like any that I do, as they’re my favorite bean.

Description : What are some helpful tricks or unique food combinations for healthy eating?

Last Answer : Apple parts with cinnamon sprinkled on it, ten seconds in the microwave.

Description : In the interest of healthy eating, what sort of message is this sending out?

Last Answer : answer: taste is important Ironic, considering that the meat on their burgers has zero flavour, and the only flavour comes from the sauce, which can be described only as something . ... the children were disgusted at real strawberries, because they only ever ate artificial, chemical substitutes.

Description : Eating healthy/cutting out refined sugar, yet I crave something sweet, daily. What's a girl to do?

Last Answer : Sometimes a little spoonful of honey on toast does it for me.

Description : Do any of the people that you know who are overweight/obese/morbidly obese actually enjoy eating healthy?

Last Answer : I have several female friends who became a bit overweight and all because some internal problems. They were eating healthy and they still eat healthy but they still get weight. It’s a pain for them to see how much energy they spend into many things and yet they still get weight.

Description : Is eating salad every day healthy or unhealthy?

Last Answer : That's all you eat? Yes, you are starving yourself literally, and starving yourself of nutrients. You need variety. As for including a salad in your diet every day, that is perfectly healthy. (It better ... ve got 1200 calories in that salad, unless you're eating it out of the dressing with a spoon.

Description : What does 'healthy eating' mean for you?

Last Answer : answer:When i eat healthy, which is not near enough, i have a salad with diet dressing and a diet Coke. In about two hours, i am ready for some soul food. Salads are not the main staple of mankind.

Description : Your guide to "heart healthy eating" would be?

Last Answer : answer:Exclude nothing. Everything in moderation, but lean heavily on fresh, real vegetables and fruits, whole grain breads and fresh fish. Some meat occasionally. Complex carbs and sweets rarely (as treats). No soda. Drink a boatload of water.

Description : What does 'healthy eating' mean for you?

Last Answer : answer:When i eat healthy, which is not near enough, i have a salad with diet dressing and a diet Coke. In about two hours, i am ready for some soul food. Salads are not the main staple of mankind.

Description : Is eating healthy a disorder?

Last Answer : Anything can be a disorder. If you don’t have control over a behavior and it disrupts your every day functioning then I do feel it should be classified and recognized. I do disagree with it being its own separate entry- I think it should be a subset of eating disorders.

Description : What are some foods that are healthy for you and you enjoy eating that give you natural energy?

Last Answer : Flax seed

Description : Would eating breakfast before I exercise in the morning be more healthy, or vice versa?

Last Answer : I’m glad someone asked this…I’m interested to see what people say. I’ve been wondering the same thing. I’ve usually been eating a little something before I go to the Y and then I’m starved when I get done.

Description : Healthy eating for an almost toddler?

Last Answer : answer:I have two toddlers. I remember reading somewhere that kids sometimes have to be offered a food an average of a ridiculous number of times (I think it was 17, for some reason) before eating a ... something after dinner, they definitely don't get any of it if they haven't tried said items .

Description : Must one really take multi-vitamin pill supplement at age 50 up to stay healthy?

Last Answer : Nope. Our resident doc here changed my mind about that one. Took a little reading on my part but multivitamins don’t help much outside of some rare deficiency.

Description : For those that eat healthy on a daily basis, how do you stay motivated?

Last Answer : Don’t go back and forth. Once you are on the new diet for a length of time, you get used to it, and it’s easy to stay on it, provided it’s not an extremely weird diet, like requiring a 16-hour fast three times a week and no carbs and no red meat or something like that.

Description : What are some interesting ways for me to stay healthy, even away from home?

Last Answer : Stairs may be a bit boring, but they are fabulous for fitness. Queue up some good steppin’ music on your ipod and have at “em!

Description : In the event of a catastrophe that interrupts availability of insulin for a long period of time what should a diabetic do to stay alive and healthy?

Last Answer : I would probably not eat much at all and when I did it would be low glycemic index foods.I would stay active and drink as much water as possible.I might try to supplement with chromium ,vanadium and ... resitance.Other than that,there isn't much one can do and death would be inevitable.I am Type1.

Description : How many hours sleep do you need in order to function (and stay healthy)

Last Answer : answer:Please….... someone say 4 hours! I ain’t getting no sleep these days

Description : What do you do to encourage yourself to stay healthy?

Last Answer : answer:I look at other people my age and younger and think I gotta use it or lose it! The first step is the hardest and all those little sayings help also to get me out the door. Once you are into it ... and that will keep you going. You know the best thing about Nike is their motto, JUST DO IT!!!

Description : What is your key motivation to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle?

Last Answer : once you reach that target zone, you feel like you deserve something nice, but the problem is maintaining that fitness level. to do this, think about why you started the diet/excercise/whatever. there must be a reason that you didnt like. why else would you put so much effort into this cause?

Description : What can I get my dad for father's day to motivate him to stay healthy?

Last Answer : answer:Giving him a book would only be nagging him. If you want him to get out and away from the tv you will have to pose the activity as family time NOT an exercise in healthy living. How ... : arrange an outdoor activity to share with him as a father/child event such as pier fishing or bowling.

Description : What is the way to stay healthy in excess heat ?

Last Answer : It has been very hot for some days. The temperature of the day is so high that a healthy person can get sick in an instant. This requires some awareness. In this case, if you can master the ... makes the body sick. So if you feel like this, consult a doctor immediately without delay. Thanks

Description : What are the main foods for a 9/10 month old baby to stay healthy ?

Last Answer : : You can feed him one chicken per day with boiled egg and oatmeal in a packet of nutmeg mixed with whole egg. Besides, you will eat local fish and milk. Eat grapes , oranges. Drink pure water. Do not feed the baby with excessive pressure.

Last Answer : The importance of staying healthy can be felt only when you are ill. If the body is not healthy, the mind will not be good. So you have to be striving for the health of body and mind. And there is ... of the body. It is better to drink water with extra rest and a little rest from the hot sun.

Description : What foods should one eat every day to stay healthy and fit?

Last Answer : One should eat protein and vitamin based foods, such as eggs, vegetables, fish and fruits, as well as food containing fiber, e.g, oatsmeal.