Heart Healthy Diet?

1 Answer

Answer :

One of the main causes of atherosclerosis, which can lead to Heart disease, is poor diet. A poor diet is a diet that is high in fats, sugar and salt as well as low in essential vitamins and minerals. Although there are many foods that can harm the heart, there are also a variety of foods that can help maintain good heart health. A diet that moderates fat and cholesterol intake is crucial to heart health. The body does need a certain percentage of calories from fat daily. The American Heart Association , or AHA, recommends that no more than 30% of calories should come from fat. Because the body makes its own cholesterol, most people do not need to consume it. However, the AHA states that 200-300 mg of cholesterol per day is safe. Those with high LDL cholesterol should limit their intake to 200 mg. Excessive cholesterol can lead to plaque buildup in the arteries. Saturated and trans fats can also clog arteries. Saturated fats should not be more than 7% of calories while trans fats should be no more than 1%. There are several foods that have a high fat or cholesterol content. Plant oils are all fat, hence why their consumption should be limited. Margarine that is free of trans fats and olive oil, however, are fats that are appropriate in a heart healthy diet. Meat that is not trimmed is also high in fat. Lard and butter are also unhealthy. Full-fat milk, egg yolks, sausages, coconut oil and organ meats are other high fat products to avoid. Cholesterol is produced in the liver, hence why liver in particular is an organ meat to avoid. Besides avoiding high fat foods, fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods should be increased for good heart health. Fruits and vegetables contain substances that may help maintain good cardiovascular health. Fresh fruit and vegetables also do not have the added salt and sugar of their canned and frozen counterparts. Whole grains are preferable to enriched grains because the fiber and nutrients in whole grains can help regulate blood pressure. Also, cholesterol only comes from animal-based foods, so all fruits and vegetables are cholesterol-free. Whole grain foods that do not have eggs, milk, or other animals products are also cholesterol-free. By limiting fat and cholesterol intake as well as increasing heart-healthy foods, it is possible to decrease one's risk of heart disease.

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Last Answer : One of the most important things that people can do to keep their hearts healthy is follow a well-balanced diet. Foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol should be eaten sparingly because ... Fish contains Omega 3 fatty acids, which has been shown to reduce the risk of Heart disease.

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Last Answer : There are many diet plans available that do work if done properly. I recommend researching the different types of diet plans available. Eating fruits and vegetables are excellent foods for heart ... for heart health. Staying away from fats and cholesterol is another method for eating healthier.

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Last Answer : A heart-healthy program is always high in fiber diet. Fiber not only helps you loose weight but its great for your heart. When you have a larger gut, that puts strain on your heart.

Description : What is a healthy heart diet plan?

Last Answer : Two great ways to start a heart healthy diet plan are limiting the amount of fat that you eat and getting more fruits and veggies. For an in-depth look at heart healthy food options, I recommend this article: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/heart-healthy-diet/NU00196

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Last Answer : Some diet plans that are healthy for the heart include, dieting pills, burning more calories than you put in and healthy eating. I would suggest trying a natural way other than dieting pills because it seems healthier for the body.

Description : What is a heart healthy diet?

Last Answer : One key component to a healthy diet is fresh fruits and vegetables. They translate into high fiber which is great for the heart. Another component of your diet to look at is fat and cholesterol, the higher your intake the less heart healthy the diet.

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : A normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. Generally, a lower heart rate at rest implies more efficient heart function and better cardiovascular fitness.

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Last Answer : 7 ways to keep the heart healthy and the list of foods: 1. Regular exercise: There is no substitute for regular exercise to keep the body fresh. Exercising for at least half an hour every ... and cholesterol: Foods high in saturated fat , trans fat and cholesterol must be eliminated from our diet.

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Last Answer : : A healthy person has 60-100 heartbeats per minute.

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Last Answer : Eat healthy food. Junk food and smoking should be avoided. Exercise every day. And after the age of thirty, regular health check-ups are required. You must have a health checkup at least once every six months.

Last Answer : According to researchers at Pennsylvania State University, a peanut-rich diet can help lower blood LDL cholesterol. This reduces the risk of heart attack. Not only does peanut fat lower the levels of ... almond fat is high in dietary calories, it is advisable to limit its use to prevent obesity.

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Last Answer : You could visit nutritiondata.com for healthful information.

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Last Answer : Healthy heart rates will differ depending on age, female/male, etc. Your ideal heart rate will be sxity to eighty percent of your regular heart rate. Running is a great type of exercise. Have an enjoyable time.

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Last Answer : Let food by thy medicine is sage advice. Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids improve your heart health by reducing inflammation, excessive blood clots and elevated cholesterol. Rich food ... your heart on a cellular level. Antioxidants in blueberries and pomegranates help prevent heart disease.

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Last Answer : Diet and exercise are key to a healthy lifestyle. Taking a baby aspirin a day will also help to keep the heart healthy. Cardio exercises are also very important to heart health.

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Last Answer : There are many different websites that have heart healhty recipes. Most of these are easy to make, like making a bowl of soup. A few of the websites are goodhousekeeping.com and halfhourmeals.com.

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Last Answer : A healthy heart is key to a long and satisfying life, yet the heart can't completely take care of itself; it requires phytonutrients, antioxidants, and many other types of chemicals to stay healthy. ... a sufficient nutrient, however, it goes well in many foods like muffins, yogurt, cookies, and ev

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Last Answer : 72 times

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Last Answer : I would definately keep them, no question. A little rice, chicken (or salmon, or cooked burger, steak, etc..) and veggies and they're good, it's not that hard, just prepare a little on the ... their coats. They each get a cup of food in morning and evening and are supplemented' with wholesome food.

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Last Answer : You know what you like and what is healthy so I can really only add that you pick fesh vegetables prefferably ones you have grown or gathered yourself. Also learn to graze meaning you can abandon the three squares ... from our garden. I can't always eat like this but I try to as much as I can.

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Last Answer : answer:Celery filled with organic almond butter. Organic apple slices with organic almond butter smeared on top.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, it does expect exercise. The Paleo diet does really well for young men who run a lot and do high intensity sports like Parkour and Ultimate Frizbee. Less well for women because ... . Ignoring that poisonous mushrooms, rattlesnakes, and arsenic are all natural. It's pretty much bullshit.

Description : Is my diet a healthy one, your opinion please.

Last Answer : answer:Are you a male or female? If you are a male, you should have at least 1200 unburned calories a day. You are way under BEFORE your exercise? What is your current height and weight? Where are you trying to be? To me, without doing the calculations, I would guess you are eating way too little.

Description : Do you think a healthy SEE FOOD, diet will work?

Last Answer : Might it be easier to simply not keep bacon in the fridge, ice cream in the freezer and cookies in the pantry? if there’s ice cream available, a photo of two beets and a kale leaf probably won’t cut it.

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Last Answer : Refined sugar.

Description : How can I improve my diet to make it more healthy?

Last Answer : Healthy diets are also about subtracting stuff. It’s almost always good to add fruits, vegetables and salads.

Description : Which one is more important in losing weight and being healthy - diet or exercise?

Last Answer : Exercise by far. A healthy diet is important, but if you expect to lose weight and keep your body in balance, you have to exercise. You feel better immediately and the results will look a lot better. And your body will find its proper weight.