What is the best way to lose some weight?

1 Answer

Answer :

Eating healthy like veggies, fruits, whole grain pastas and breads and switching high-calorie sodas for healthy water, smoothies, or swtching whole milk to skim or soy milk. For excersizing, you can do basic excersizes such as jump roping, walking, jogging, crunches, push ups, etc. or simply do 20-30 minutes on a treadmile while playing songs on your mp3.

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Description : What is the best way to lose weight?

Last Answer : Losing weight can be a challenging and complex process, but there are several strategies that can help you achieve your goals. The most effective way to lose weight is to create a calorie deficit by ... be a gradual process and not a quick fix, as sustainable weight loss takes time and patience.

Description : What is the most effective way to lose weight after menopause?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think the way to lose weight is any different after menopause than before. Find an eating plan you can stick with; don't consider it a temporary diet. Make small changes, eat more ... you. The aches and pains sound worrisome and not normal. Have you talked to your doctor about them?

Description : Would this be a way to lose weight (see details inside)?

Last Answer : answer:No, it would still get digested and absorbed. The best healthy way to lose weight is to exercise daily and eat smaller portions and less fats and sugars. It is a very simple formula. Good luck.

Description : Best way to lose weight and stay fit, the Army says I need to, have suggestions?

Last Answer : Exercise is the best way to lose your weight, eating less is not a good solution. But, yes healthy food is always good to everyone who wanted to lose their weight or who are maintaining their health.

Description : If I only drink/eat fruits and veggies, with a little bit of protein, is this a good way to lose weight?

Last Answer : Juice is not the best way to eat your veggies and especially if you want to lose weight. Just eat them cooked or raw. That way your body will burn energy while it processes them. You should eat some lean protein too. That will help you to feel full and satisfied. Have a look at the Paleo diet.

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Last Answer : Avoid as much sodium as possible and drink a lot of water. The water will help to flush out any excess sodium that you might have. (You might not have any for all I know – it’s just a suggestion.) Eat as many vegetables and other high fiber foods as you can.

Description : What is the healthiest or fastest way to lose weight ?

Last Answer : answer:The healthiest way to lose weight is by boosting your metabolism. Eat healthy and exercise. Cut out junk food. You can still eat meat as long as you have a balanced diet. Everyone is ... what is the cause for your excess weight. Maybe try fiber pills before you start taking diet pills.

Description : What is the simplest way to calculate calories needed to lose weight?

Last Answer : answer:Buy a small calorie booklet for a couple of dollars. Count what you eat each day to see about how many calories you eat per day. If you want to lose weight, eat less calories, etc. etc. Not difficult. It will be different for each person.

Description : Best way to lose weight in stomach and butt?

Last Answer : It don't believe that it is possible to lose fat from spectfic areas. Fat loss is a generalized thing, some people just accumulate it in different places. You can build muscle mass in the ... extent being satisfied with the shape nature gave you. Healthy is more important than a specific look .

Description : Is there a way to lose weight fast without taking pills or anything?

Last Answer : From what I hear, nothing beats good old diet and exercise. Burn more calories than you take in.

Description : What is a good healthy way to lose weight fast.

Last Answer : Try eating more throughout the day. Not full meals but something along the lines of little snacks at least six times a day. Add more exercise into your daily routine, such as running for a mile or doing cardio ... not this worked. I have done this since the first of march and I've lost 8 pounds. :D

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Last Answer : no….exercise

Description : I have three children and no real time to work out. What is the best, fast way to lose weight?

Last Answer : Eat less, and eat healthier. Figure out how you relate to food, and if you're eating for distraction or comfort, find replacements that have lower calories. Find ways of being more active, like parking ... far end of the parking lot when you go shopping or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Description : easiest way to lose weight?

Last Answer : The Mayo Clinic DietThe Mayo Clinic Diet is a weight loss & lifestyle program that was designed by the experts at the Mayo Clinic. The purpose is to help you lose weight by teaching healthy eating and habits to develop and healthy lifestyle.????To request a productcutt.ly/0h8uUhb

Description : what is the best way till now to lose weight or burn fat?

Last Answer : Dieting to lose weight is recommended for people with weight-related health problems, but not otherwise healthy people. As weight loss depends on calorie intake

Description : The only way to lose weight is a calorie deficit meaning you just eat less than what you’re burning?

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Last Answer : Yes! At your starting session, you will find your own ideal weight and know how to lose weight alongside getting a custom-fitted made program to arrive at your ideal weight in ... ElginWeight Loss in Port ElginHypnosis Centre in Port ElginStop Smoking in Port ElginStress Management in Port Elgin

Description : what's the fastest way to lose weight naturally test way to lose weight naturally?

Last Answer : I suggest you the Smoothie Diet program is an excellent program to lose weight , i will give u more details ... contact me via email : haronealgerino@Gmailcom

Description : What is the easiest way to lose weight ?

Last Answer : A little extra weight causes trouble all the time. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. The health of our body largely depends on the correct weight of our body. Weight ... . There is no pain in exercising again. Just one simple rule will greatly reduce your weight.

Description : What is the way to lose weight naturally in 1 month ?

Last Answer : No , it is not possible to become fat or healthy within 1 month in a natural way. You should eat nutritious food regularly .

Description : What is the way to lose weight ? I run 30 to 40 minutes every morning after morning prayers. Then at 9 o'clock in the morning I eat 8 loaves of bread with vegetables. Again at 9 o'clock at night he ... he is not losing weight and fat. Is there any problem in food ? Or what to do to lose weight ?

Last Answer : : I train a few people in a gym myself and I have been advising on these things for the last 3 years. But if you don't take it seriously, I can't help it. So now I say eat as much ... increase the distance slowly. He will have to change his training next month and then I will tell you what to do.

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Last Answer : You will lose weight as long as you are in some sort of calorie deficit. Meal prep can help you control what you eat and keep you from being tempted to "cheat," but you will lose weight as long as you cook healthy foods and track what you eat.

Description : The best way to lose weight?

Last Answer : Eating healthy has always been one of the best ways to lose weight and maintain your normal weight. Eat lots of vegetables and salads and avoid eating large meals late at night. Stay away from ... them and they work and you actually can tone up your legs and stomach following these exercises.

Description : What is the easiest way to lose weight fast?

Last Answer : Do you know what is the fastest and most effective way to lose weight? I recommend you drink green tea twice a day 20 minutes after each meal (it can be breakfast and lunch). In this way, ... investigate, since not everyone can drink it (for example diabetic people). But do not forget to exercise!

Description : What's a good way to lose weight fast?

Last Answer : The great and healthy way to loss weight fast is to lose it through a healthy diet. Eating well and eating smaller portions more frequently is a great way to go. Eating smaller portions more frequently jump starts your metabolism and rapid weight loss is the result.

Description : What is the simplest way to lose weight?

Last Answer : I think it is best to exercise as much as you can. Swimming and running are great for losing weight. My doctor told me to eat white meat instead of red meats.

Description : Is there a safe way for teens to lose weight?

Last Answer : It depends on the age of the teen. Young teens are still growing and developing, so calorie counting and deprivation is not a good idea. The best thing to do is determine, based on body ... s a loss of one pound per week. Refer to the government guidelines regarding nutrition: www.nutrition.gov

Description : What's the best way to lose weight fast?

Last Answer : The best way to loose weight as fast as you can is to exercise 8 hours a day. the more you exercise, more you loose weight. The more you lose weight, the more you get fit, the more you get fit, the more you become healthy and have a long life.

Description : How can I lose weight in a fast way?

Last Answer : The Mayo Clinic DietThe Mayo Clinic Diet is a weight loss & lifestyle program that was designed by the experts at the Mayo Clinic. The purpose is to help you lose weight by teaching healthy eating and habits to develop and healthy lifestyle. cutt.ly/GjesPnW

Description : Lose Weight The Old-Fashioned Way?

Last Answer : The best way to lose weight is to be smart about it. Do not fall for fad diets or loud salespeople. Losing weight the old-fashioned way is still the best and healthiest way to do it. What is the ... it is guaranteed that you will lose weight. And, you won't have spent hundreds of dollars doing it.

Description : Is the 2000 calorie diet a good way to lose weight?

Last Answer : Usually to lose weight women stick to a 1500 to 1700 calorie plan. Guys can do a 2000 calorie plan ok. however anything that is a reduction of your normal total calorie intake is a good diet.

Description : Is dieting the best way to lose weight?

Last Answer : I think that exercise is the best and dieting is second best. If you do both (diet and exercise) that would be most beneficial in your weight loss plan.

Description : Is a carb free diet a healthy way to lose weight?

Last Answer : Cutting out carbohydrates is neither a safe or healthy way to lose weight since those pounds lost can easily be regained. It is best to take a safe, slow, and steady approach.

Description : What is a good way to lose weight?

Last Answer : The no-sugar, no-flour diet is a popular one. It consists of eliminating all processed sugars and flour from the diet. I have seen many people go after this diet with great results. The only ... that when people stop this diet, unless they have strong will power, the weight comes back pretty quick.

Description : Is counting calories a good way to lose weight?

Last Answer : Watching calories can help you lose weight, but counting calories does not. Often foods that are healthier for you and your metabolism are more calorically dense, but they help you lose weight in the long ... need a minimum amount of calories on a daily basis, at least, to not be under starvation.

Description : What is the most successful way to lose weight fast?

Last Answer : There is no magic formula to lose weight very quickly. I personally found that eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables plus walking a few miles a day works.

Description : What is the best and healthiest way to lose weight?

Last Answer : 1.Every morning, drink a glass of lemon and honey water. Every morning, drink a cup of honey and lemon in hot water right after you wake up. It requires little effort but is a very ... food. As a result, getting enough sleep and reducing stress are more important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Description : What is the best way to lose weight?

Last Answer : BistroMD is the only diet delivery company founded by a weight loss physician, Dr. Caroline J. Cederquist. Years of scientific clinical research and experience allow bistroMD to stand apart from its competitors in nutritional value, quality and taste cutt.ly/9hVElhv

Description : What is a fast way to lose weight?


Description : What is a good way to lose weight quickly?

Last Answer : The best way to lose weight is by changing your lifestyle. Cutting out sugar and fried foods will go a long way towards this.

Description : What is the best way to fast lose weight?

Last Answer : What is the best way for a lazy person to lose weight? eat more fiber and fat ( the best one) The benefit from that is that it helps you feel full sooner and longer. It shuts off your hunger signal ... focus more on breakfast 5. Always try to push your limits if you walked for 20 m tomorrow try 30

Description : Is doing the 30 day shred a fast way to lose weight?

Last Answer : This workout can definitely be a fast way to lose weight if you are consistent in your workouts and burning more calories than you are consuming.

Description : What is the best way to lose weight and feel great?

Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

Description : What is the fastest way to lose weight?

Last Answer : it's too easy.you just must make yourself move and eat only half of the plateand you musten't eat fried thingsThere is no miracle way to lose lots of weight healthily and quickly. What I ... you can, improve your eating habits by eliminating or strictly limiting (apart from the occasional treat),

Description : What is the best way to lose weight and stay healthy?

Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

Description : What is the best way to lose weight at home with no machines?

Last Answer : Aaptiv, the number one audio fitness app, streams audio-based fitness classes that combine the guidance of a trainer with the perfect playlist, giving you a better way to workout. i think that is the best and don't miss the chance come to cutt.ly/Pkr75L7

Description : What is the best unhealthy way to lose weight fast?

Last Answer : It is a plan that allows someone to create their very own keto diet plan based on their food preferences, daily activity levels, height, weight and target weight goals. it use scientific research and proven ... easy to follow†it is very simple free custom diet on ****pastelink.net/2j7dx****

Description : What is the best way to lose weight Diet or gym?

Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

Description : What is the best diet to lose weight in a healthy way?

Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

Description : What is the best possible way for women to lose weight?

Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want