When I cough my right side hurts?

1 Answer

Answer :

You didn't ask anything so we can't really answer. However,ifyou are in pain you should probably see a doctor to find out whatis wrong with you.

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Last Answer : could be Arthritis….see your doctor immediately.

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Last Answer : Mental pain is WAY worse then physical. With physical pain you can take two vicoden and get a doctors note and call it a day. Mental pain stays with you for the rest of your life depending on how ... try to get through it with yourself intact as much as possible and remember to never just give up.

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Last Answer : A lie makes things worse. The truth may not be pleasant, but it is much better than a lie.

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Last Answer : answer:Sorry your ear hurts, JessK. I know that feeling. You may have an ear infection along with strep, so you might have to go back to the doctor. If there is any drainage from the ear, make sure you ... pain). Take some Motrin for the pain until you can get to the doctor. I hope you feel better!

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Last Answer : It sounds like your ponytail is too tight. Try taking some of the pressure off it and see if that helps. It should.

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Last Answer : answer:First and foremost your sister needs to see her doctor, and explain how much pain she is in. Then, she needs to sit down and talk in great depth to her husband, and explain exactly how she is ... him. Perhaps then he will understand better how she is feeling, and just how much pain she is in.

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Last Answer : There’s no real nice way to say you have more important things to do. Finish your work. This girl will be a distant memory after midterms. Put your head down and pound through this shit. If she’s already moved on, she’s means more to you than you meant to her.

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Last Answer : Every hear of the CLACKERS ? Well they HURT!!! But as a kid I LOVED EM!!! They ended up being a hazard because they were glass and the glass would chip off and hurt others around. Also they ... hell! Good Quesion majorrich!!! . And I would agree that stepping on those metal jacks HURT TOO! ROFL!

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Last Answer : I don’t think that it would hurt nor help.

Description : My head hurts, why?

Last Answer : You might be using muscles in your back and neck in a different way than before. It might also be a severe case of stage stress. I’m glad you are going to a doctor. Ask your doctor what exercise/stretches you can do to alleviate the pain in the future.

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Last Answer : I feel that way (metaphorically) about everyone who hurts any animal or child. Literally, what I wish for them is to have the pain they inflict be inflicted on them so that they recognize the harm they have done.

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Last Answer : Did you do something that might have broken it? Sports? A fall?

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Last Answer : slapstick, slapstick, slapstick… There are all kinds of wrong in that movie. What the heck is he doing in his fathers tool box? My father would have hurt me worse than 2 potential kidnappers if he ever caught me in his toolbox.

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