Which of the following should be avoided in biological marriages ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Which of the following should be avoided in biological marriages ? A. `A^(+)` body and `A^(+)` girl B. `A^(+ ... girl D. `O^(-)` boy and `O^(+)` girl

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Last Answer : Try Goodwill. I usually see a ton of them there. Got a hot date, do ya? ;)

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, sadly. I was friends with two girls and going to their house was an absolute nightmare. It always smelled very strongly of cigarettes (both her parents were chain smokers) and her ... . Her mother filed for divorce after her children graduated from high school and they're much happier.

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Last Answer : I’ll repeat it until they give me the answer that I want ;)

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Last Answer : answer:If change is unavoidable then embrace it. If change will help you grow or take you to a better place embrace it.

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Last Answer : i think it’s a legend, i heard only if the top is bulging is it an issue.

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Last Answer : A box jellyfish sting to the scrotum. No joke, hurt like hell.

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Last Answer : In the year 2006, the floods that occurred in Maharashtra and Gujarat were due to the aggravation of floods by the opening of gates of dams. The major cause of this was the sedimentation in the ... water tanks if made in every house, will help in storing water in the case of heavy rainfall.

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Last Answer : Human have probably been using mind – affecting drugs since time immemorial. The root cause of addiction of man to drugs, smoking and drinking has been due to his inability to make mental adjustments ... iv) Keep track of prescribed drugs in home. (v) Learn as much as possible about drugs.

Description : (a) “The breathing cycle is rhythmic whereas exchange of gases is a continuous process”. Justify this statement. (b) What happens if conducting tubes of circulatory system develops a leak? State in brief, how could this be avoided? (c) How opening and closing of stomata takes place? -Biology

Last Answer : (a) The breathing cycle involves inhalation and exhalation of air due to alternate expansion and contraction of thoracic cavity. Thus it is a rhythmic process. But exchange of gases is a continuous process ... pore opens up. When water moves out the guard cells shrinks and the stomatal pore closes.

Description : What are the list of foods to be avoided to prohibit heart problem?

Last Answer : ears, brain, forehead, cheeks, chin, eyes, nose, and mouth

Description : What foods should be avoided during pregnancy ?

Last Answer : A woman's life brings fulfillment to her unborn child. And no one but the victim can realize how difficult it is to lose the child , the symbol of that femininity, prematurely . ... salty and hot foods during pregnancy. Excessive pepper consumption can lead to premature delivery and miscarriage.

Description : What can't be avoided ?

Last Answer : Avoidable: Essential.

Description : What foods should be avoided in case of scabies or skin disease ?

Last Answer : Answer : There are certain foods that cause more allergy problems than other foods . As far as I know allergy treatment is not good. I will take medicine less and less again. I ... this disturbance. Homeopathic remedies can cure allergies. Allopathic medicine and doctor's antibiotics kill the body.