What make you angry the most?

1 Answer

Answer :

Everyone has their own triggers for what makes them angry, but some common ones include situations in which we feel: threatened or attacked. frustrated or powerless. like we're being invalidated or treated unfairly.

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Last Answer : answer:It would depend if they actually ever went with me or not. If they just kept saying that but never really went, I would call them on it. If I hadn't asked them to go, I wouldn't get mad. Honestly ... tell him I'm going to do it and go enjoy myself. He knows he is more than welcome to join me.

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Last Answer : I play loud rock music and sing it as loud as I can. The ones that help me the most are the ones that cuss people out

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Last Answer : Not as much as I tend to get goofy, can't think clearly, and attempt joke comments that only I think are funny. I may have done this while Fluthering on occasion. How long it takes depends on what I ... the day, maybe 5-6 hours? The cranky part I think only comes out with some sort of frustration.

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Last Answer : answer:I would discuss it with his mother and I would not have him in my house again. As for things that were taken from me, (few and far between), I think of them but feel anger does no good so I ... there was nothing I could do about it so I try to let it go when the thought pops into my head.

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Last Answer : answer:She is an angry, bitter woman, when she ran for the Senate in California, she never smiled. To paraphrase my mother, she’s so cold butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. And, she was a lousy CEO that drove a good company into the ground.

Description : Are you angry?

Last Answer : Ha. You just want advance info on the content of my up coming book. Not gonna happen. Good try. :)

Description : Why are you angry?

Last Answer : The only thing that is making me angry today is the heat. I do not take my moods out on others and I am not an angry person. If I do show anger it is righteous anger not ... to piss me off. Irrational emotional attacks, passive aggressiveness and attempts at manipulation will do it though. lol

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Last Answer : Here you go http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=crazy+bitchBuck+Cherry&qpvt=crazy+bitchBuck+Cherry&FORM=VDRE#view=detail&mid=809E9797B0651C448C0E809E9797B0651C448C0E

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Last Answer : And in my opinion ,yes I think women stay angry longer, and you women that want to dispute that, just think for a second and remember the time you were angry, and how long it took you to cool off.

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Last Answer : I did and it turned out they were bi-polar.

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Last Answer : I try to remember that whatever the situation is, that it is simply one day of many. Also that aggression only assures more days of misery. Aggression never solves anything and only will add stress to your ... is it worth it. The best revenge is to live well and ignore stupidity the best you can.

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Last Answer : Most of my anger is directed at myself.

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Last Answer : answer:None of the above. I can be aggressive, but I try to be assertive. I communicate clearly and directly in the moment. If I become aware I am building annoyance at a person I take a look ... like the plague and have minimal contact if I am forced to cope with that shitty personality flaw. Ugh!

Description : What do you do to calm down when you are angry?

Last Answer : I go for a long walk with my two dogs.

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Last Answer : Too many impossible variables in your question. Each day is different. One day your house is burglarized, the next day you win the lottery. Who knows?

Description : Should I be hurt or angry about my son in law doing this to us?

Last Answer : I cannot fully appreciate the dynamics of your whole situation, but I cannot imagine holding in all the bottled up animosity and resentment. I can see how he may feel slighted that others have been given so much ... speak your peace. Time to get it off your chest and keep it civil and to the point.

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Last Answer : Who you callin’ big, Eggie?! And no, I don’t.

Description : If you are a character of the game Angry Birds who do you think you are?

Last Answer : answer:Yellow bird. Aim, fire, get shit done.

Description : Am I right to be angry (extremely long details inside)

Last Answer : As a white guy I can say I would be more than willing to mix with Asian ladies anytime as I find them to be rather hot. Anyway, that was my first thought. Seriously though, there's a lot of crap on ... than the flies that land on it. Don't take ignorance personally. Laugh at it. That's what I do.

Description : Have you ever encountered people who are extremely distrustful, almost angry sometimes, because you understand computers, and understand what they can do, and they don't?

Last Answer : Not really. What I hate, though, is my husband tells me all the things our computer can do, but it turns out it can only do it if we buy all the equipment/programs to make it ... of various attachments that each have a different, limited function. Plus, it constantly needs upgrades and more memory.

Description : If you are very angry at someone, how would you talk to them?

Last Answer : answer:There is no excuse for verbally abusing anyone. You can speak clearly and firmly but not in an abusive manner, period! Nobody can make you feel a certain way. If your feeling ... all relationships, either you are invested in being right or invested in genuinely seeking to resolve problems.

Description : How long does it take for the "angry hormones" to leave your body?

Last Answer : answer:It's the fight or flight response and it's adrenaline, rather than hormones. Hard to predict when the body will relax;; sometimes meditating for a few minutes will help you calm down. If you read my ... of your body. It is not surprising that it takes a while to while to return to normal.

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Last Answer : It’s the same sensationalism that they apply to stories about humans. They are trying to grab our attention, and hold it fast. Generally, it just makes me lose respect for whatever news agency I’m hearing it from.

Description : Does anyone have a dog with angry anal glands? My shih tzu has to have hers emptied about every 3 weeks at the vets..she has a lot of misery from both...

Last Answer : I have no personal experience with this… but have you thought of having them removed? Apparently that’s a long-term solution that some people choose.

Description : Why do some people ask for advice, then get angry when you suggest something that they don't want to hear?

Last Answer : answer:They weren’t being honest in their initial request. What they meant was: “Kindly tell me how I am doing nothing wrong. Soothe me. Stroke my ego.”

Description : Am I right to be angry at my work for not expressing condolences about my Mom?

Last Answer : I agree, it is rude. The company should have sent flowers, a basket of fruit or some kind of acknowledgement. I am sorry for the loss of your mother. I lost mine 2 years ago and it still hurts.

Description : How do you keep from lashing out when you're angry?

Last Answer : answer:Depends who I am angry at. Sometimes I write a letter. Sometimes I turn the anger around into depression and cry. Sometimes I stop and try to put myself into the other person's place and my ... , many times I do lash out by raising my voice. I never do anything physical like throw something.

Description : When you're upset or angry, what do you do?

Last Answer : I beat it out

Description : Why do my teeth chatter when I am really angry?

Last Answer : Excellent question. I’ll be waiting to see if someone else can explain, since I do the same thing. My whole body shakes, my teeth chatter, and my hands get really cold. It’s weird.

Description : If you have trouble saying no, do you get angry when others say no to you?

Last Answer : answer:Yes ..lol I never ask anyone for anything, so if I ever do, then generally I do expect those close to me to say yes. Unreasonable, I'm sure. I wouldn't get upset though, I'd never ask them for ... It's like they're always too busy to help you, but if you're too busy then you're a jerk.

Description : What is the difference between being defensive and being angry?

Last Answer : Well, when someone makes a suggestion, a person who is not defensive listens to the suggestion with an open mind. They do not get angry. They are not invested in the status quo to the point that they get defensive about suggestions from outside.

Description : What does it mean when I get angry during working out?

Last Answer : answer:It's not an uncommon strategy to use anger to power oneself through difficult tasks, especially for people to whom anger comes easily. Anger is a source of energy, and that energy can be ... downside is that, as you've noticed, the physiological aftermath of anger doesn't feel so good.

Description : What is a song that makes you angry, and why?

Last Answer : Who let the dogs out because it is an annoying song.