I have a sedentary job and I want to play sports. How many days to spend in a week of sports?

1 Answer

Answer :

Ideally, at least an hour every day.

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Last Answer : If you haven't played sports or done anything so far, yes, it will have a positive effect. After a level, however, you also have to pay attention to eating because of progress.

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Last Answer : will actually depend on your health. If you play sports for 1 hour every day, there is no problem, but do not do anything that hurts your stomach. Do not eat solid food at night. It will be better and after 2/1 months live your normal life. As well as follow the doctor's advice.

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Last Answer : answer:Sleep. Discipline. Sleep. Discipline. Sleep. … big cats gotta sleep

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Last Answer : answer:The only good one I was present for was a botch. Tampa Bay Rays vs. ... fuck if I remember who. Pittsburg, maybe. Anyway, easy fly ball to left center. Both fielders are running for the ball, smash ... was shocked. Like, You get paid five million dollars a year and you can't say I got it'?

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Last Answer : Yes

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Last Answer : I’ve never heard of that. I know that some games (like Mario Kart, SSBb) can play online, but the wii sports were never written (as far as I know) to be played online.

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : If, for example, I want to go cycling in the evening, can I go?

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Last Answer : There's nothing I do on a regular basis, I just run sometimes.

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Last Answer : I ride my bike regularly I used to run.   

Description : I haven't found it yet and it would be fine if it were.:/ Bp and its surroundings!

Last Answer : I think the HABZSI Volleyball and Leisure Sports Association can be good. Here is their page: https://www.habzsi.hu/    

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Last Answer : An Athlete

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Last Answer : Well, I know what you’re saying. To me it depends on which side of Sunday you’re on. If it’s Monday, saying “This Wednesday” tells me in 2 days. “Next Wednesday” tells me a week from this Wednesday. Often have to ask for clarification if we’re on the wrong side of Sunday. ;)

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Last Answer : answer:Depends on the state, I'm sure. Labor and employment laws vastly differ from state to state. Remember that most employers don't really care if they keep employees - they can fire them with the ... to apply for the job. And this is especially true at the minimum-wage (or nearby) level.

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Last Answer : There are a number of people who feel the way you do. Here is a review of a book that describes one author’s take on this along with a suggested solution. Humans are highly adaptable. I take an optimistic view that somehow things will work out.

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Last Answer : answer:In a general sense it's simple. The human body regulates its temperature and when the outside air is cold your body generates heat to maintain its core. Your skin temperature can change, as you ... a cold. Find somewhere to warm up! Hope you feel better soon and get that furnace fixed :)

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Last Answer : It would depend on my financial situation and discipline. If I could save enough over the nine months to carry me through the three, I would take the time off. Or, if I have a partner who earns ... essential for that three months, I would take the time off. Otherwise, I would take the four days.

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Last Answer : answer:Why isn’t he working the 365th day? Must be a slacker! I am no expert in Canadian law, but in the US, a business owner can do anything he wants in this regard. No one can tell him how many hours he can work, if he owns the place.

Description : If you are paid off the books, what can you do when you are given a week off without your consent, with no pay and only your days worked are being cut back.

Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure what you can do about it in your part of the world, but where I am your only option would be to quit. I assume by off the books you mean no taxes, no contract etc. If ... sounds like your days there are numbered anyway, so take a couple days off and use them to find a new job.

Description : Can you think of any reason why we can't have full service banking 7 days a week?

Last Answer : answer:You think the banks are charging fees now for debit and other bank services? Open 7 days a week and they will charge us $5 just write a check to cover their employees salary for that xtra day. Sounds good, but I am trying to get use to a new 50 cent stamp coming out very soon.

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Last Answer : Try running a box fan on high…The white noise will block out most annoying noises, but won’t bother you…

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Last Answer : You should worry about it if it worries you. That sounds tautological, but it is actually a guiding truth. If you think you might have a problem, you probably do.

Description : I Would like to know if it's legal for an employer to take away your sick days and dock your pay because of being out of work for a week with a work ingury?

Last Answer : Did your manager complete an OJI (on the job injury) report? Was an incident report completed? Is the McDonalds franchise owned? You should call the general manager and/ or Workers Compensation professional.

Description : What could possibly be the reason why two people, working in the same office 5 days a week, chat online everyday but never talk in person?

Last Answer : Maybe they don’t listen well.

Description : Is it better to take a 2 week vacation or have 10 weeks of working only 4 days?

Last Answer : Two week vacation. this gives you something to look forward to and a time to relax and let it “all hang out”. give me two weeks anytime over your other suggestion. john

Description : What are your rules about next and last regarding days of the week.

Last Answer : The way I see it is: today is Thursday, the Tuesday that just passed is last Tuesday, and the Tuesday that is coming up is either this Tuesday or next Tuesday. Anything beyond that bracket ... before this past Tuesday. After that I just start using actual dates otherwise it gets really confusing.

Description : Are there specific days of the week that prices drop on discount vacation websites?

Last Answer : Great article on how to get the best rates on hotel rooms. Quite lengthy, full of good information. http://thetravelinsider.info/howtobookbuy/negotiatehotelrates2.htm

Description : Do you work an 8-5, 5 days a week job? How do you find time to do anything?

Last Answer : Give yourself several months to adjust, and you will be less exhausted. You have, however, hit on one reason I do not work those hours. The trade-off was less income though.

Description : Why does the whole world run on a 7-day system per week (with 1 or 2 days of rest)?

Last Answer : I'm so with you on this one There is of course the Mayan Calender and some people say our calender is all based on commerce and therefore making money I've often wanted to bow out of the 7 ... and I think you would have to give up a lot of other things and live your life completely differently .

Description : If 7/11 is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year... why are there locks on the doors?

Last Answer : so when they get shut down for good no one could get in? I don’t know that’s the only thing I could think of

Description : If you just found out that you only had a week to live what would do for the next 4-5 days?

Last Answer : Say sorry to all those i hurt, wrongly. Rob a bank, and stash the money for my family and friends. After that, take a different drug everyday, to have all those experiences. And for the final day, ... be a brash of law breaking, cop car blowing up, and the most dangerous cop car chase scene ever.

Description : What 4 days in the week start with T? -Riddles

Last Answer : Tuesday, Thursday, Today and Tomorrow

Description : Which days of the week have the most nutrition? -Riddles

Last Answer : Sunday (sundae) and Friday (fry-day)!

Description : Double my number, I'm less than a score, half of my number is less than four. Add one to my double when bakers are near, days of the week are still greater, I fear.What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : The number six.

Description : How many days a week would you work out for weight loss/weight gain?

Last Answer : Usually, it is advised that you work out daily if you are looking at balancing you weight whether it is weight loss or weight gain. Still, it depends upon your body type and its response to workout and nutrition plans you are adhering to. For best answer to this question, log on to bodyandstrength