Why is spending time with family important?

1 Answer

Answer :

At least your mother, she did carry you 9 months AND even decided to give birth to you afterwards. Father.. Not such a big deal, we all know how much they contributed =€

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Last Answer : answer:Congratulations of the weight loss. However, I suggest your approach isn't balanced. Eat breakfast in two sessions, one half when you wake up and one half for a snack. Get regular sleep and ... green leafy vegetables and a little more fruit (one or two pieces a day) and still lose weight.

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Last Answer : Have you thought about a kickboxing class or boxing class? Maybe spend $60 a month on TKD lessons or Judo lessons. You can also invest in Yoga and Tai Chi, both are good for helping you center. Best of luck conquering your intimidation.

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Last Answer : So you mean for all of the companies in the U.S. or individual companies?

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Last Answer : We had one before WWll. Watch thestoryofstuff.com.

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Last Answer : 1968 Yellow Camaro RS/SS Convertible in mint condition.

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Last Answer : I would go to North Carolina with some loved ones and spend time on the beach,maybe visit a gallery or two.:)

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Last Answer : Normally I’m out with the family at a cookout and watching fireworks. But today, I am sick! :(

Description : Where can I find information about managing savings, and spending less?

Last Answer : ps, off to work, I’ll drop in to hand out lurve and responses later tonight