What do you think the benefits of drinking green tea?

1 Answer

Answer :

Green tea is a very healthy beverage with very great properties in it that aid the well being of the body. Green green has great nutritional value and it a good oxidants for the body. If you need to lose weight then you will do well by taking green tea maybe a cup or two daily it will help curb appetite which will help you refrain from taking in more calories and binge eating. Green tea helps to cleanse the system.Removing toxics and free radicals from the body therefore helping imporoved your brains functioning and also reduce chances of one having cancer . It also helps to speed up one's metabolism and help one expend calories faster. So many health benefits of drinking green tea but like every other consumption it should be taken in moderation.

Related questions

Description : What are the health benefits for drinking green tea?

Last Answer : Some of the major health benefits from drinking green tea include the reduction of some types of cancer. This includes breast cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer. Drinking green tea can also aid in the loss of body fat for those who are working on a fat-loss diet.

Description : What's the benefits of drinking Oolong tea?

Last Answer : Taiwanese Oolong Tea is perfect to complement your fitness regime as it can help in burning body fat over time.It contains a rich source of Vitamin C, along with high antioxidants, which helps with a ... in the metabolism of the body.If you are planning to buy Oolong Tea I recommend you UsTwotea.

Description : What are the benefits of drinking tea ?

Last Answer : There is nothing new about the taste of nectar in a cup of smoked tea after waking up in the morning . The benefits of tea are not limited to the inertia of broken sleep in the morning. It ... becomes brighter. Just as lemon can relieve skin burns , it can also reduce dark spots around the eyes.

Description : Are there any health benefits associated with drinking black tea?

Last Answer : Yes, black tea or winter is one of those beverages that improve health conditions and also delivers a wow feeling to your taste buds. Tea is undoubtedly a drink that has the highest consumption rate ... skin cells. I personally consume about 2†3 cups in a day and have noticed significant results.

Description : What are the benefits of drinking herbal tea?

Last Answer : There are many benefits to drinking herbal teas but at the same time some herbal teas can be dangerous to drink. For example if you're pregnant or nursing there is a long list of teas not ... harm the baby. So before learning about a specific tea you need to address any medical/current conditions.

Description : What has drinking green tea done for you and how long have you been drinking it?

Last Answer : I've gone to my doctor a few times after drinking green tea on a daily basis (but still in moderation, about once a day) and my blood flow and cholesterol has improved. But of course this ... haven't experienced any of the side effects of drinking green tea, such as losing sleep or mild anxiety.

Description : Is drinking green tea related to weight loss?

Last Answer : Drinking green tea has been related to weight loss in many studies. However, just drinking the tea will not make you loose weight. The ingrediants in the tea will help your body burn calories and it will help raise your metabolism but just drinking the tea alone will not make you loose weight.

Description : What are the benefits of green tea?

Last Answer : answer:My wife is a dietitian and she will tell you that it has antioxidants, good for the heart, anti-aging, amti-Alzheimer's disease. And more good stuff. I drink green tea every morning and what I ... weak to nothing. I drink it because it helps me to get going without making my heart flip-out.

Description : health benefits of green tea?

Last Answer : testimonial: I used green tea before a big rugby tournament to curb my withdrawals from nicotine (athletic smoker = bad) and caffeine (early morning coffee addiction). It worked like a charm for the two weeks I used it. I also enjoy it for relaxation. =)

Description : What are the benefits of eating green tea ?

Last Answer : At some point in 2636 BC, there was an emperor in China named Shenang. He always drank warm water , he never drank boiling water. One day he went out on a trip. At that time water ... for diabetics. নিয়মিত Regular consumption of green tea keeps bones healthy and prevents bone loss due to aging.

Description : What are the benefits of green tea for the body ? How is it made ?

Last Answer : : Green tea has 30 properties- 1. Green tea is used in the treatment and prevention of cancer. The antioxidants in green tea are 100 times better than vitamin C and 24 times better than vitamin E. It is ... strainer from the mug. 6 / Cool your tea for a while and enjoy your perfect cup of green tea.

Description : Health benefits of matcha green tea?

Last Answer : The health benefits of matcha tea exceed those of green tea because when you drink matcha you ingest the whole leaf, not just the brewed water. One glass of matcha is the equivalent of 10 glasses ... . For maximum nutritional benefit, matcha tea is unparalleled. It's also help us to sleep well.

Description : Is drinking a cup of tea with milk (or whatever it is called) considered a proper snack?

Last Answer : No, it’s not a snack, it’s just a cup of tea. And it does not have a lot of calories. A tablespoon of whole milk is 49 calories; if it is skim milk it’s only 5.

Description : What is the difference between drinking "Earl Grey Tea" and drinking "Chamomile Tea"?

Last Answer : answer:Earl Grey is black tea leaves flavored with the oil of the bergamot orange. Chamomile is not actually a tea, for it contains no tea leaves. It's a herb - chamomile - steeped in water. We ... Grey is yummy, and has caffeine. Chamomile has no caffeine, has a calming effect, and is also yummy.

Description : Is drinking tea or coffee OK for diabetes sufferers?

Last Answer : Yes, provided that you don’t add sugar in it.

Description : What is the harm of drinking tea regularly ?

Last Answer : 0 Milk tea should not be consumed. It has no benefits. You can have red tea. Benefits of red tea: 1. You have heard that it is possible to prevent cancer. A few cups of red tea a day can ... an important role in reducing stress. At the same time, it plays a special role in making the mind happy.

Description : What are the advantages and disadvantages of drinking tea ?

Last Answer : Benefits: Antioxidants in tea protect against the harmful effects of pollution and aging. Caffeine in tea keeps the body active by relieving fatigue. Tea reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by ... say that when you drink tea, your skin color turns black, which has no scientific explanation.

Description : Do you fall asleep after drinking tea ?

Last Answer : Tea contains a chemical called caffeine which stimulates our nerves and brain and tannic acid in tea which helps the nerves and brain to stay awake. That is why when we drink tea, our eyes do not get sleep. Source: Google.

Description : The day I drink tea. I have no sleep that night. What is the cause and the correct solution ? So that sleep comes at night.

Last Answer : Tea and coffee contain caffeine which disturbs sleep. If you do not get enough sleep, do not eat tea , coffee or any caffeinated food in the afternoon . Take a short walk before you go to bed at ... to fall asleep. If necessary, you can take sleeping pills for a while on the advice of a doctor.

Description : Is drinking too much tea injurious for health?

Last Answer : when you drink so much fluids it gets dangerous for kidneys, so that includes tea too, that said drink just water can be risky, now add some herbs an d you get a double trouble, take care, nothing excesive all with measure

Description : Does drinking tea help with weight loss?

Last Answer : Drinking tea can help with weight loss in a few days. First, its important to stay hydrated when you're trying to lose weight. Also tea fills you up and makes you fill fuller, longer. Finally many teas contain caffiene or other stimulants which provide a small boost to your metabolism.

Description : Is there any weight loss for drinking tea?

Last Answer : If you are trying to lose weight, then you can always add some Green Tea or Pu-erh Tea to your diet. They are known to help people lose weight. They have low calories and can help the body digest fatty foods better.

Description : What side effects are there related to drinking tea weight loss?

Last Answer : There are no known side effects related to drinking tea for weight loss. Drinking tea is very beneficial for you.

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Last Answer : answer:It depends on the cola and what was in it. At a minimum, you are reducing your caffeine consumption, if the cola had caffeine in the first place. Maybe that's why you are drowsy - you're ... in Canada). But changes like this can take months or even years to show up. It's incremental.

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Description : What are the benefits of drinking water in the morning ?

Last Answer : It is important for the body to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day. However, drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning is much more beneficial. Find out the benefits. Why ... reducing nausea , sore throat , menstrual problems , diarrhea , kidney problems , arthritis , headaches etc.

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Last Answer : A sip of a cup of hot coffee in the morning in the winter laziness , as if to change the morning. Winter means we can't think of anything but coffee. Bake your hands in a hot mug of ... is very important to keep the stomach clean. Drinking rose coffee will keep your stomach clean and heal faster.

Description : What are the benefits of drinking hot water ?

Last Answer : Life is synonymous with 'water'. Doctors advise us to drink at least eight glasses of pure water every day - this is not unknown to us. But many of us may not know that we can get some extraordinary ... in a glass of warm water every morning. This will keep your watch safe from a lot of corrosion.

Description : What are the benefits and harms of drinking too much water ?

Last Answer : Benefits: Reduces fat: Want to lose weight ? Then drink more water. Water increases the body's metabolism. Especially when you drink ice cold water, the body burns extra calories to keep it warm ... suddenly. This effect falls on the top of the brain and results in headaches and breathing problems.

Description : What are the benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning and how much water should be consumed or should be consumed ?

Last Answer : You should get up in the morning and drink water on an empty stomach. The main reason is said to be that it cleans the stomach. But there are many more benefits besides that: 1) Drinking water ... , the skin will be brighter. 10) Drinking water on an empty stomach increases the body's resistance.

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Last Answer : If you have trouble sleeping and want to sleep well , drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed at night. This will help you sleep. If you feel tired after working all day, drink milk ... amino acids. It helps in the secretion of the hormone serotonin in the brain. Keeps the body relaxed.

Description : What are the benefits of drinking rose water ?

Last Answer : : Rose water contains flavonoids , antioxidants , tannins , vitamin A , vitamin C , vitamin D , vitamin E and vitamin B3. Learn about some of the wonderful properties of rose water. The anti-inflammatory ... pair of rose water to prevent the impression of age on the skin. { Source: Channel I Online

Last Answer : : A medical method called water therapy has been discovered by the Japanese medical society which claims to be able to provide 100% healing. Waking up in the morning and drinking four glasses of ... drinking water on an empty stomach regularly to stay healthy. And you can feel the result yourself.

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Description : What are the benefits of drinking cold drinks?

Last Answer : One of the main benefits of drinking cold water is that it burns calories. When you drink cold water, your warm body cools off and needs to burn more calories to heat back up again. Therefore, drinking cold water helps burn more calories than drinking room temperature or warm water.

Description : What are all the benefits of chamomile tea if any?

Last Answer : I’ve used it to help me get to sleep some nights.

Description : Benefits of black bean tea?

Last Answer : It improves blood flow and decreases blood pressure. It manages diabetes, helps in weight loss and is great for keeping good eye health too. Black bean are rich in antioxidants which can protect the ... disease and cancer. For all of these reasons, it is considered a potent anti-ageing molecule.

Description : Where can I purchase oolong tea benefits online?

Last Answer : You can purchase oolong tea benefits online by looking on Amazon.com. You may want to look on grocery stores online. Do your research and you will find the best price and best place to find them. You will also find reviews!

Description : What are the benefits of making loose tea?

Last Answer : The benefits of loose tea is that they are all natural, act as diaretic, provide caffeine for energy, and supress your appetite. Tea is known for aiding in weight loss.

Description : Does jasmine tea have any health benefits?

Last Answer : Jasmine tea has numerous health benefits such as boosting your immune system. Other benefits include preventing cancer and heart attacks. It also enhances the growth of good bacteria in the body while diminishing the growth of illness causing bacteria.

Description : What are the benefits and disadvantages of rooibos tea?

Last Answer : Rooibos tea benefits include no additives, limiting decline of the immune system, no caffeine, beneficial for those suffering from headaches and many more

Description : Do you like drinking green smoothies?

Last Answer : answer:My favorite post-workout protein smoothie contains 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk, ¾ cup water, 2 big handfuls of spinach leaves, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, ½ cup frozen pineapple chunks, and ... mango with 1 cup of frozen strawberries. I'm not a fan of veggie smoothies at all.

Description : What is this bright green liquid this guy was drinking at the gym (not sports drink)?

Last Answer : Maybe it was urine.

Description : How many glasses of green tea can a person drink safely to assist weight loss?

Last Answer : It does have caffeine so it would probably depend on your sensitivity.

Description : Would I like hot green tea if I like bottled green tea with honey or citrus flavor?

Last Answer : I doubt it. Seems like you enjoy the sugar aspect of it all.

Description : So how do I get the benefit of green tea and honey without the rush?

Last Answer : The honey is spiking your blood sugar, so I’d avoid it at night. Sorry to break it to you that way, but that’s what is happening.

Description : Is Arizona's diet green tea a laxative of some sort?

Last Answer : Green tea is a mild laxative, but I would suggest drinking a healthier less altered green tea before you give it up completely, green tea has many benefits. Sorbitol and acesulfame potassium are ... would be to try a green tea with recognizable ingredients before giving up on the idea completely.

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Last Answer : chlorPHYLL?