How long do you sleep every night?

1 Answer

Answer :

Before I have children,I can sleep more than 8 hours during the night straight up. But, since I have children,I can't barely sleep enough, even since I was still pregnant. Sometimes there were night I couldn't sleep at all because insomnia attack me. Roughly I can only sleep  3-4 hours when I had my first baby,of course its due to the new born is in demand for breastfeeding. I constantly waking up every 2-4 hours to feed the baby, and I couldn't sleep back immediately. It takes me 30 minutes to an hour to fall asleep not unless I am really tired. After 4 years of non straight sleep at night until now, because I am still breastfeeding with my second one. I put my children at 8 PM and most of the time second child will wake up after 3 hours from sleep to breastfeed. I am hoping soon enough I can get my sleep straight as well as my child.

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Last Answer : not sure, i myself i start to get a little bit pale, as for the rest, i manage, i guess in the long run i’ll learn my lesson and start living a normal life

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Last Answer : Anxiety, Fear, Regret, Angst and the feeling of impending doom.

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Last Answer : If you have not spoken to the owners, you should. It is their responsibility to remove it from your property and away from your things. If not, you can report it.

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Last Answer : You should work harder during the day. And read books at night so that your eyes get tired and sleep will come quickly. If this does not work then you can see a good doctor.

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Last Answer : I sleep well in a cool (not cold) room while bundled up in my blankets. And I need about 6 and ¾s hours. More or less and I am a bit tired all day long. But since I have to get up for work at 4:20 ... ten, it's hard. And on the weekend I usually sleep a full 8 if I don;t set my alarm for something.

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Last Answer : I can fall asleep with lights on, but I sleep much better, more solidly through the night, if it is completely dark. Lights on would never be on purpose, but rather falling asleep on the sofa or while watching ... , one on the DVR, and the DVR time was so bright we taped mesh over it to dull it.

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Last Answer : If you are not going to a doctor I would try getting more exercise earlier in the day and also being sure that there are no distractions in your bedroom like smartphone, iPad, TV, Laptop. You can try ... from a health store. No caffeine at all. It can hide in a lot of different foods and drinks.

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Last Answer : Ask Auggie.

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Last Answer : Smoke the ganj.

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Last Answer : We have our sides of the bed - I'm always on the left and I always sleep tummy down with a pillow between my legs. He always sleeps on top of me with his arm and leg curled on top of my body ... take up the entire space and enjoy that as well. So I equally enjoy him on top me and sleeping alone.

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Last Answer : I stare at the darkness until I eventually just fall asleep.

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Last Answer : trank dart

Description : How many hours sleep do you get per night ?

Last Answer : Not nearly enough; I’m divorced and have my kids every other week. I find that I stay up too late after putting them to bed, and end up getting only 5 to 6 hours of sleep during those weeks. I feel like a zombie right now. :)

Description : Do you go to sleep at night, or do you literally just fall asleep, not always even making it to bed?

Last Answer : I used to wake up several times at night. Since I started using my cell phone alarm clock, and unplugged the other clock, I've been sleeping better. However, I snore like a man. I can fall asleep any time, ... in a car with someone else driving I can only sleep when I'm driving. I need to see a Dr

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Last Answer : Once or twice a week regularly. The other nights I sleep very little anyway. Adverse effects? Only crankiness sometimes. Not sleepy at all during the day.

Description : How many hours of sleep do you need in a night?

Last Answer : I think 8 hours is about right for me. 6 isn’t enough and 10 is a bit much (though last week when I got 11 it felt awesome). 8 is perfect. Though I’m not sure I’ll be getting that tonight since I have a Geology final in the morning and I have to get up at 7:30…

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Last Answer : Nowhere. It’s too cold, and the cops will wake your ass up if they find you. The subway stations would be safer and warmer, but the police patrol them and kick you out if found.

Description : The less you know the better you sleep at night?

Last Answer : I don’t know….

Description : Did you ever sleep with someone who had a nightmare in the middle of the night then screams and scares the $hit out of you?

Last Answer : No, but I was the person having the nightmare. My ex (after his heart slowed down) just held me til I fell back asleep.

Description : How can you determine the exact amount of sleep you need a night?

Last Answer : answer:Sleep is not the only factor, what you eat, your internal body clock, exercise, what your doing. I go to sleep wake up when I'm ready or have to be somewhere. I only have trouble when working shifts ... at 4 or 5 in the morning. Also I've heard a 10 minute power nap mid day can do wonders.

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Last Answer : Narcolepsy

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Last Answer : Fish sleep the same way as dolphins. There are two hemispheres to their brain. One third of the time one half of it is asleep. Another third of the time it’s the other way around. The remaining third of the time both hemispheres are awake and they are at their peak performance level.

Description : How much sleep do you get per night on average?

Last Answer : 8-10 Sometimes takes me a while to get to sleep but once I'm asleep I'm good for the night.

Description : Early risers vs night owls. Which one are you? Assuming you get same amount of sleep which is better?

Last Answer : I am both

Description : What helps you sleep at night?

Last Answer : Mastubation

Description : What helps you sleep at night?

Last Answer : Mastubation

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Last Answer : A star.

Description : I sleep by day, I fly by night. I have no feathers to aid my flight.What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : I am a Bat.

Description : Why we should not sleep under a tree at night ? -Science

Last Answer : As we know that tree takes in carbon dioxide and release oxygen at day time but at the night time trees takes in oxygen and gives out carbon dioxide which we can't breathe thus there will be less ... breath and sometimes people cause death also. So, we should not sleep under a tree at night time.

Description : What time to sleep at night?

Last Answer : 8 PM UwO?

Description : how do i tell if the little girl next door is playing with me in my sleep she is 10 & stays here when her mom works. i am 14 & sleep naked. i get wet dreams lately. last night it woke me & i went to wash up, & she was in the bathroom washing her hands.?

Last Answer : this is not an answer it is an update to the question. i try'd playing sleep when i went to bed, but stayed awake to see what was going on. she actually came in my room and crawled under ... she was gone. so now i know what was happening. i will deal with it. intelligent suggestions welcome.

Description : Is 8 hours sleep is important or sleeping in night is important?

Last Answer : 8 hour sleep is important